
    • 71nk471nk4
      #rookiemistakes Do fellow rookies learn from my mistake now. When crunching your take profit sales and buy backs over estimate your fees by about %0.05 or like me you'll set your margins too small and loose $0.01 rather than gaining your projected small penny profits. Good luck out there
    • 71nk471nk4
      #Easy strategy for fellow rookies 1st do your reaserch before buying or selling.  2nd pick one solid high dividin yield with a slow and steady growth in the living nessesities sector. That will be your safety net to put 1/3 of all high risk high gain profits into. 3rd the adrenaline rush of fast flips find something at a bottom of a crash starting to pick up and set your limit order to How much you hope to gain from a quick one day flip take that 1/3 for your safety net and drop the rest on your next gamble. I'm personally using the above strategy with 3 safety net investments and a cheeky dance on the line between 2 competing tech giants. Good luck out there fellow rookies
    • 71nk471nk4
      $Golden Minerals(AUMN)$ I know everyone is dropping stock because we're waiting on more updates about the NYSE compliance. Remember people "fools panic and loose, a real warrior steps into the ring with calculated resolve". So where is our "calculated resolve"? Those tech giants at war with eachother. Their motherboards need gold, companies like this sell it to their factories. Now do yourself a favor and buy more stocks because it won't matter who wins the war of the EVs companies like this will still supply the raw material to the winners and loosers factories. So it's only going up from here.
    • 71nk471nk4
      $Southern Copper Corp(SCCO)$ As the Battles of the EV giants wages on. Once small commodities like copper and gold become the war dogs supplying all sides with the ammunition of conductive minerals for circuitry and wires.  So with technology turning commodities into living essentials only industrial copper and gold seem to rise these days. Jewelers like myself are already setting aside there tools as gold continues to become harder to sorce as we compete with the tech giants.  Well if you can't beat them join them I say. Pair your copper investment with a few tech companies already buying it out and both investments rise. Remember don't panic if you bet on the wrong tech giant, their competition still paid our trusted war dog for
    • 71nk471nk4
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  ev cars require copper and gold for manufacturing 😉

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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.
