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      Volatility Analysis [Help Instructions]

      1. What are IV, HV, IV Rank, and IV Percentile of the underlying asset IV (Implied Volatility) The Total IV of the option chain is obtained by comprehensively weighting the implied volatility of some options on the option chain. It reflects the overall volatility of the option chain in the next 30 days, and this data also has a reference value for the underlying stock. HV (Historical Volatility) It reflects the actual volatility of the underlying asset in the past 30 days, which is used to measure the degree of deviation of the underlying asset from its average price. IV Rank (Implied Volatility Rank) IV Rank is a relative indicator. Based on the highest and lowest IV values of the underlying asset in the past year, the current IV is calculated. Calculation formula: IV Rank = (Current IV -
      Volatility Analysis [Help Instructions]

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