FSXEmain (Micro EURO STOXX 50 - main 2506)
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Gold Futures Too Expensive? Learn About Micro Futures

The futures market, especially the gold contract, has been a roller coaster ride lately. In just one day last Thursday, gold fluctuated by nearly $100. Let's take a look at the minimum volatility of $Gold - main 2204(GCmain)$. We can check the contract profile on the Tiger app. The contract unit is 100 troy ounces. The minimum fluctuation unit of the GC contract is 0.1 (USD/oz), equivalent to $10. In other words, when the price goes up or down, you profit or lose at least $10. Let’s take last Thursday’s trend as an example. When GC contract drops from$1976 to$1892, how much would you profit if you short gold? 1976-1892 = 84 84/0.1 * 10 = $8400 On the&n
Gold Futures Too Expensive? Learn About Micro Futures

EUREX:Market Closing Brief of this week

Summary of the Impacts of Releases11 February 2022 – 18 February 2022 Impact of Economic Releases The major economic releases of this week include theCPI MoM, CPI YoY, Unemployment Ratefrom Germany and theUnited States, andGDP QoQ, GDP YoYfigures from the United Kingdom Europe▪ European equities were in limbo this week as markets saw hair-trigger reactions over Russia’s movements in Ukraine’sterritory, with U.S President Joe Biden calling a ‘very high’ probability of invasion ▪Falling supplies from Russia and increasingtensions continue to keep gas priceselevated while energycostscontinued to climb; with the EU most reliant onRussia for its source of natural gas andan invasion could bringaboutsanctions, disrupting energy supplies ▪Heavily exposed to Russian gas, the DAX index fell 3.40% on
EUREX:Market Closing Brief of this week
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