HG2207 (Copper - Jul 2022)
Please go to Tiger Trade for futures detailsDownload APP
If you follow me for awhile, you would have seen my posts and videos on YouTube. Do subscribe to my YouTube channel to show your appreciation if you like my content. The YouTube channel link will be in the comment section$Wheat - main 2207(ZWmain)$$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$$Copper - Jul 2022(HG2207)$$XIAOMI-W(01810)$$Alibaba(BABA)$
@Hopehope赋予希望:$Wheat - main 2207(ZWmain)$$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$$Alibaba(BABA)$$NIO Inc.(NIO)$$CME Bitcoin - main 2203(BTCmain)$if  you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you would have been aware when I said get out of wheat futures long when it was 1145 usd. It is now at 972 and may make even further downleg.