Is FIRE Your Goal?

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FIRE, Financial Independence Retire Early, is gaining popularity due to modern society’s pursuit of financial independence and a more autonomous lifestyle.

@koolgal mentioned in her post that

it is important to allocate my limited funds wisely  so that I can achieve my goal of FIRE - Financial Independence Retire Early.

People seek to break free from traditional work patterns and have more time to pursue their interests and passions.

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Is FIRE Your Goal?

How do you achieve it?

What’s your expected return for your investing per year?

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Is FIRE Your Goal?
FIRE, Financial Independence Retire Early, is gaining popularity due to modern society’s pursuit of financial independence and a more autonomous lifestyle.
Disclaimer: Investing carries risk. This is not financial advice. The above content should not be regarded as an offer, recommendation, or solicitation on acquiring or disposing of any financial products, any associated discussions, comments, or posts by author or other users should not be considered as such either. It is solely for general information purpose only, which does not consider your own investment objectives, financial situations or needs. TTM assumes no responsibility or warranty for the accuracy and completeness of the information, investors should do their own research and may seek professional advice before investing.
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  • Success88
    Invest my savings
    I choose a diversified portfolio of share include low-cost index funds ETFs. Invest in T-bills to help me roll money. Invest in gold , insurance for future.
    I regularly check my risk tolerance and investment goal.
    Rebalance my portfolio periodically to maintain my desired asset allocation. @Tiger_comments @Fenger1188 @HelenJanet @SR050321 @MHh Join in .
    • SR050321
      Thanks for sharing 👍🙏
    • Success88
      Thanks for your insight
    • koolgal
      Excellent strategy!  May you achieve your goals soon. 😍😍😍
  • icycrystal

    wouldn't it be nice to attain FIRE at an early age [Grin]

    this would mean you are not dependent on job to survive. you can do things that you like. live your passion and enjoy your hobbies.

    you too can have the choice of working just to connect with working society

    am still a long way to attaining FIRE. (not sure if I would ever get there given the high inflation) but am trying to work towards it.

    am currently finding ways and means to grow my portfolio and yet have to be cautious of the risks involved which is why risk management, patience, a diversified portfolio is important. not forgetting investing in good stable companies is utmost significant as they have proven themselves time and time again that they can and will survive through and through.

    @koolgal @LMSunshine @rL @HelenJanet @TigerGPT @Shyon @Aqa @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙

    Is FIRE Your Goal?

    How do you achieve it?

    Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins?

    • koolgalReplyicycrystal
      Thanks my friend 😍😍😍
    • icycrystalReplykoolgal
      thank you  [Heart] [Heart] [Heart]

      may you have lots of  [USD] [USD] [USD] and be super duper rich  [Smart] [Smart] [Smart]

    • koolgal
      May your achieve your goals soon. 😍😍😍
  • MasterStonker
    It is not a goal, but i have already achieved it. I am already there. how do you achieve it? Well, you need to have many many types of active and passive streams of incomes. Don't be too overly materialistic because being materialistic is infinite. There is no end if you want everything. The richest people in business do it for their passion, not for the money. Money is a Means Not An End.  For expected return, well as long you don't lose anything, you should be thankful for anything above the average interest rates can offer. Keep life simple and don't just keep dreaming about money. Focus on your passions, and the money will come. ☺️😉
    • Michane
      wow ur amazing & well-said! [Applaud]
  • nomadic_m
    *is fire my goal?*

    Financial independence is my goal, but retiring early isn't realistic for me, thanks to my two forever hungry boys! Instead, I'm focused on giving them the best possible chance to achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) in the future. I read that investing just over $2,000 in the year they were born, and letting compound interest work its magic, could grow to a staggering $1 million by the time they reach 65. I'm committed to setting them up for long-term financial success, even if it means sacrificing early retirement for myself.

  • MHh
    FI is my goal but not RE. I think it is important to still remain engaged with society and contribute positively based on my skills.

    Financial independence is definitely my goal so that i know when i work, i can truly work for interest and passion and not be held down by the pay. It gives me the flexibility to change jobs without the financial stress when things are not workking out at the workplace and i do not feel that it is worthwhile or possible to change such as work culture.

    Continuing to work is important for my mental and social wellness. It also provides me with the capital for my investment as well as the occasioanl splurge when i feel like i want to. And, who would say no to more money even if financial independence is achieved?
  • DiAngel
    I think i have achieved FI 9 years ago and was contemplating RE as no doctors were able to determine my illness. I opened up to my boss and he gave me 6months to sort out my illness and not to worry about my job. Till now, i m still in the same company and enjoying my WFH benefits. [Silence][Chuckle][Smile][LOL] looking forward to the golden handshake. [ShakeHands][Allin][USD][Chuckle][Evil]

    1.Save as much as you could.
    2. Once awhile reward yourself.
    3. Invest in stocks, UT, tbills, FD.

    Last year, i had achieved 5.6+% SG dividends. [Bless][Bless][Bless] hope i can achieve 6% SG dividends.
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