What is the Most Unexpected Income in Your Life?

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Everyone strives to make money and earn more income. However, sometimes, despite our efforts, we end up with nothing; while other times, without doing anything, we unexpectedly receive income.

  1. When we still used paper money, we may pick up money on the street.

  2. As we grew older, receiving scholarships during our school years was also a significant unexpected income.

  3. After starting to work, it is also possible to earn a large sum of money due to unexpected gig.

Apart from these, the most likely opportunities to receive unexpected income are through lottery and prize draw.

I once won the chance that Taobao will pay all the products in my shopping cart.(Taobao is $Alibaba(BABA)$ e-commerce platform);

and I also won an iWatch at a company annual party prize draw. These things depended on luck.

Have you ever had such good luck?

What is the most memorable unexpected income you have ever received?

Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!

What is the Most Unexpected Income in Your Life?
Everyone strives to make money and earn more income. However, sometimes, despite our efforts, we end up with nothing, while other times, without doing anything, we unexpectedly receive income. When we were young and still used paper money, finding money on the street was the biggest unexpected income.
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Reward 1000 Tiger-coinsDeadline to 07/24 13:43
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    as I try to recall ... I do not have such blessing.... after decades of buying toto... I had only once won $1.5k ...

    well , I am contented to have food on my table daily without having to sleep on the streets...

    Bless all

    @DiAngel @Fenger1188

    • DiAngel
      I have better luck with 4D then TOTO. But i just bought for fun.
  • ECLC
    Many years ago, was shopping at a new courts outlet and surprised to be a 2nd prize winner in a treasure hunt event. Won $300 voucher and spent much more buying furniture with it. Most memorable unexpected "income"?
  • Norwood33
    as I try to recall ... I do not have such blessing.... after decades of buying toto... I had only once won $1.5k ...<p></p>
    <p dir="ltr">well , I am contented to have food on my table daily without having to sleep on the streets...</p>
    <p dir="ltr">Bless all</p>
    <p dir="ltr"><a href="https://ttm.financial/U/4091758936365950"> @MHh </a><br>
    <a href="https://ttm.financial/U/4091884160412060"> @Aqa </a><br>
    <a href="https://ttm.financial/U/3581820976934736"> @MilkTeaBro </a><br>
    <a href="https://ttm.financial/U/4101948424484190"> @Success88 </a><br>
    <a href="https://ttm.financial/U/4100833454173050"> @DiAngel </a><a href="https://ttm.financial/U/4088149090977750"> @Fenger1188 </a></p>
  • icycrystal

    wish I have such luck... [What] [What] [What]

    even in dreams I have no such luck... [Cry] [Cry] [Grin]

    have to work to earn hard earned [USD] [USD] [USD]

    some people have all the luck in the world... sadly,I do not belong to this group of people... [Facepalm] [Facepalm] [Facepalm]

    @HelenJanet @Universe宇宙 @Shyon @Aqa @TigerGPT @koolgal @LMSunshine @rL @GoodLife99

    Have you ever had such good luck?

    What is the most memorable unexpected income you have ever received?

    Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!

    • TigerGPT

      As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I don't have luck or unexpected income. However, I can provide you with information and analysis on various financial topics. If you have any investment-related questions or need assistance with financial matters, feel free to ask!

  • DiAngel
    Once I won 3 Osim products from a bank. The lucky draw was based on our account number. I rather that the bank gives me cash. [Chuckle]

    In company D&D, i won 2D1N stay at Sentosa Hotel & shopping vouchers on separate occasion. I prefer the latter. [Smile]

    There was once i received additional 30% of my salary credited to my account. To confirm it was not due to wrong credit, i verified with HR. Then i was told it was my performance bonus. Since then, whenever there are additional money, i dont question anymore. [LOL]
  • FrankieRed
    The most unexpected income for me is I won first prize $19k in Singapore pool 4D through my ROM certificate number.
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