The popular aphorism states the longer your holding period, the more likely returns are to be positive.
BUT a couple of points...
1. A longer holding period does *not* guarantee positive returns (6% is not zero, it's slightly more than 1/20)
2. Smart diversification and risk management should be able to help smoothen the path and help your odds
$.SPX(.SPX)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$
2.This was another key chart in 2024 as it helped define a major support level for crude oil, and identify a clear sentiment range-lock...
Not only that, it will be a critical chart for the months ahead $WTI Crude Oil - main 2502(CLmain)$
3.The US dollar was *locked* in a range last year, and this chart was crucial in framing that range and setting the trigger points and barriers for the DXY