Is Your Job Helpful For Your Investments?

Investing is a major undertaking that requires money, time, and relevant financial knowledge. Many people who are busy with work may choose mutual funds, while others who are unfamiliar with financial management may choose to save their money in banks.

 πŸ¦βœˆοΈπŸ’ΌTrading Tales: A Journey Through Careers and Investments πŸ’ΌβœˆοΈπŸ¦ Embracing each chapter of my career with open arms and a thirst for knowledge! πŸ’Ό From my early days in banking, where I first dipped my toes into the world of finance, to the exhilarating hustle as a script clerk for two stockbrokers, every role has been a lesson in growth and resilience. ✨ Navigating the skies with two major airlines, across continents, honed my skills in logistics, secretarial and control centre operations, while my tenure as a Senior Customs Officer instilled in me a steadfast commitment to precision and diligence. Thriving in my current role brings me immense joy and fulfillment, as it seamlessly intertwines with my passion for finance and investment. While I can't divulge the specifics, I revel in

🎁Is Your Job Helpful For Your Investments?

Investing is a major undertaking that requires money, time, and relevant financial knowledge. Many people who are busy with work may choose mutual funds, while others who are unfamiliar with financial management may choose to save their money in banks. So why do you choose investing in stock market?For investors who choose to invest in the stock market, continuous learning about fundamentals, macro events, company financial reports, and more is necessary to make money in the market. If losses occur, investors may need to invest even more money, which also requires them to have a well-paying job.Is your job helpful for your investments?What kind of jobs do you guys have that allow you to keep trading?Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins~
🎁Is Your Job Helpful For Your Investments?
I'm Glad that Part of my daily task would be reading charts [Happy], but sacrifice other things too , [Facepalm], hence, strife to use the Positive side to overcome the shortfall area [serious]. But most  important is the Help from the Markets to give face to the trades I partake in...... All to be Profitable ones [Happy] [Happy](My Wishes Every day [Miser] [Miser] [Miser]... some of you might be saying " I daydreaming la [Duh] πŸ™„ ... Well, might be true, but isn't this a Good Motivational Day Dream [Miser] [Miser] [Miser]]
helpful - as when $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ plunge, I need the money from my daily job to buy the dips that keep dipping and at the same time, support my own needs and living [Cry] [Cry]
I think my job is helpful to my investments as some counters are my customers. When they purchase more of our services, it means their company is doing well. [Chuckle][Bless]
Nope. As a result, I m here πŸ˜…
Not helpful. Stagnant job
Yes, my job is all about managing risk. Investing is all about managing the risk as well as controlling the risk.
not very. during blackout I can't trade one of the best sg blue chip stocks cos I work there
Let me rephrase that, I don't need the job, the job needs me 🀣🀣🀣
now everything is tech, so better work in tech. it helps.
I don't have a job. The job has me.