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Option Strategies: FDX

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Hmmm … 50 bps over 25 bps expected … trying to figure out if this is good or not longer term for stock market reaction based on the implications of this decision for 50 over 25 rate cut.Wonder if the FED is simply playing catch-up since it has been very conservative in past rate cut decisions when economic data was already showing signs of improvement (inflation, earnings, etc.) considering jobs numbers.Camp still looks mixed with some "experts" saying this is a good thing for the market while others disagree. We shall find out. Let's hear what J Pow has to say and see how the market reacts today and over the coming days. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ 2.Pre-earnings trade idea on:
Option Strategies: FDX

Option Strategies: PLTR

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Unless FOMC and/or MOPEX sends the price back down, it looks like its gonna be a roll on our $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ covered calls. This thing going above the 35 and 36 strikes we sold. Good problem to have. Sold 32 strike puts the other week … gonna let that position expire worthless and then re-sell some more depending on where the price is trading at upon expiration. Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
Option Strategies: PLTR

Recap of Option Strategies: GME, PLTR, ORCL& SNOW

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Recap this week ended Sept. 13.Didn't take a lot of trades this week while on vacation. Primarily closed out or traded already established positions. The combined $2K+ loss is deceiving because taking the realized losses this week actually positioned us better for more profit down the road. - Closed out $GameStop(GME)$ $Oracle(ORCL)$ $Snowflake(SNOW)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ winners in one account for a $7K+ gain- Closed out $GigaCloud
Recap of Option Strategies: GME, PLTR, ORCL& SNOW

Option Strategies: ORCL& GME

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Sold-to-open 5 $GameStop(GME)$ Sept 13 expiration 45 strike naked calls @ 0.13Full transparency ... have a long position that would greatly benefit if it hits 45, but that position is already covered. These calls are naked. Trying to tempt to MMs to pump up GME post-earnings.2.Closing $Oracle(ORCL)$ 160/165 call debit spread for profit. Gonna let the put debit spread expire worthless, or roll the 120p up to 145+ to capture premium on a bet that ORCL holds above that level due to earnings results and reaction.Follow me to learn more about analysis!
Option Strategies: ORCL& GME

Option Strategies: ORCL

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option analysis with you! Hope it can help you!1.Heading out to dinner (last night in Vernazza) ... will journal trade later tonight, but am sharing now before market closes. Took a lotto bet on $Oracle(ORCL)$ for earnings. Bought an Iron Condor - Sept 13 expiration, 125/120 put debit spread & 160/165 call debit spread.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!!
Option Strategies: ORCL

Option Strategies: ORCL

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Tech getting sold off big time last week ... could it really be that easy a trade for $Oracle(ORCL)$ heading into earnings this week on Monday? Looks primed for a drop based on the daily chart set-up (seen this before with ZS and other tech stocks). And the market doesn't seem to care if the earnings numbers beat and guidance is solid or raised. The market is in a sell-program, and stocks have been moving well beyond (sometimes 2-3X) their expected move with $Cboe Volatility Index(VIX)$ elevated.Might take an optionsTrading cheap lotto put bet to see if institutional traders continue to punish tech no matter how solid earnings results
Option Strategies: ORCL

Option Strategies: ZS&TSM

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Rolled the $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ 165p out a few weeks. Keeping the 160p in play to see what happens this week. Also sold $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ naked calls at 175 strike Sept 6 expiration. Currently have the 170p in play. Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
Option Strategies: ZS&TSM

Option Strategies: ZS& GTLB

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Here were the $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ trades in play for earnings. ▫️ 210 short call will expire worthless for profit▫️ 170 long call will be in the red, but got time on the contract for it to come back into profit▫️ 165 & 160 short puts ... will be 👀 closely to see if we need to roll or if the position will close out in profit based on how ZS trades this week (based on today, we're betting we will have to roll it down to a lower strike) ... keep in mind, we exited out at profit when ZS was over 200, so these trades are to buy back in.2.Gonna close this $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ strangle trade out for profit on both sides of the strangle. Or
Option Strategies: ZS& GTLB

Option Strategies: GTLB

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Pre-earnings trade idea on: $GitLab, Inc.(GTLB)$ Earnings date: Tuesday, Sept. 3 after market closeExpected move: ~13%Pre-Earnings Trade Idea:- Sell-to-open a cash-secured put, Sept 6 expiration, 37 strikePoints to Consider:- Expected move places downside to 41 and upside to 54 (subject to change based on next week's price action)- Short put strike target is 2X the expected move- Unfilled gap still lurking at the 37 levelPost-Trade Actions:- The put is cash-secured and the goal is assignment of shares at that price; however, if you are trading naked and don't want shares, then either pick a lower strike to target or be prepared to close for a loss or roll down-and-out if the s
Option Strategies: GTLB

Option Strategies: ZS

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Pre-earnings trade idea on: $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ Earnings date: Tuesday, Sept 3rd after market closeExpected move: 10%Pre-Earnings Trade Idea:- Sell-to-open a cash-secured put, Sept 6 expiration, 160 strike [also got the 165p already in play, so am adding to the position by layering in]- Could turn this trade into a strangle and sell the 270 call strike, but naked calls are very risky, so might want to do a spread on it to hedge/reduce risk exposure- Speaking of spreads, also have a diagonal calendar debit spread in play [170 long strike and 210 short strike ... might roll the short strike to 215, Sept 20 expiration]Points to Consider:- Expected move places downside to 177 and ups
Option Strategies: ZS

Option Strategies: ANF& ASTS

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Closed the $AST SpaceMobile, Inc.(ASTS)$ 25.5p & 55c strangle sold last week. Could have probably let it expire worthless this week, but decided to just take the profit and move the buying power to other trades.2.BTO an Iron Condor on ANF, Aug 30 exp, 135/130 put debit spread & 200/205 call debit spread.3. $Abercrombie & Fitch(ANF)$ expected move and IV is big! Premiums are very juicy. Not sure what optionselling (or options-buying) trade we want to take here for earnings tomorrow morning.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
Option Strategies: ANF& ASTS

Option Strategies: ASTS, COIN, PDD& AMD

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option analysis with you!Not much optionselling for today ... got work to do this morning and then traveling back to CA this afternoon.Did open up a $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ strangle ... sold-to-open the Aug 30 expiration, 80 put & 125 call strikes.Also got an $AST SpaceMobile, Inc.(ASTS)$ strangle already in play for this week - Aug 30 expiration, 25.5 put & 55 call strikes.Sell a few naked and covered calls before market closes .$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ at 170+ strike, $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ at 215+ strike, and $Coinbase Global, Inc.(
Option Strategies: ASTS, COIN, PDD& AMD

Option Strategies: ULTA& NVDA

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Taking an optionselling trade on $ulta beauty(ULTA)$ for earnings this week. Joining Dub-B (aka Warren Buffett) on his bet that ULTA will eventually move back up in price. Trade: Sell-to-open a naked put at the 300 strikeEarnings Date: Thursday, Aug 29 after market closeExpected Move: 7% - Downside target is around 352 - Upside target is around 405300 strike would be more than 2X the expected move to downside.Might strangle the trade. If we do, will sell a naked call at the 450 strike (or higher). Not much volume resistance between 400 and 475, but gonna play the probability that ULTA doesn't have a +20% post-earnings upside move.* Note: This trade is not meant for assignment,
Option Strategies: ULTA& NVDA

Option Strategies: CRM& PDD

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option stratgies with you!1.Pre-earnings trade idea on: $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ Earnings date: Monday, Aug 26 before market openExpected move: ~8% Trade Idea: - Sell-to-open a cash-secured put, Aug 30 expiration, 108 strike- Could turn this trade into a strangle and sell the 200 call strike, but naked calls are very risky, so might want to do a spread on it to hedge just in casePoints to Consider: - Expected move places downside to 128 and upside to 150 (subject to change based on today's closing price) - Short put strike target is 2X+ the expected move, whereas the short call strike target would be a 40+% upside move, which seems probabilistically unlikely since that is such a big move ... however, the is
Option Strategies: CRM& PDD

Option Stratgies: ZS& BILL

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Took a last-minute pre-earnings trade on $BILL HOLDINGS INC(BILL)$ . Skew heavy to the call side and IV very high. Wanted to take advantage of the IV as well as probability of a post-earnings move not being more than 35% to upside (considering current market environment and how tutes are trading tech stocks).▫️ BTO call debit spread - Aug 23 exp - 55/56 strikes▫️ STO naked calls - Aug 23 exp - 70 strike2.If anyone is trading $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ with long calls or short puts, we exited out of our long position. Kept the short puts as we would like to get back in (got the Sept 6 exp 165 strike puts). Earnings is coming up. Will look to add
Option Stratgies: ZS& BILL

Option Strategies: ZM, TGT& TOL

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Pre-earnings trade idea on: $Target(TGT)$ Earnings date: Wednesday, Aug 21 before market open Expected move: ~7% Pre-earnings Trade: Sell-to-open a cash-secured put, Aug 23 expiration, targeting a strike within the 110-120 range ... (could also turn this into a strangle and sell the 170+ naked call strike) Points To Consider: - Big gap at the 110 level, which also happens to coincide with strong volume support and point-of-control (based on the timeframe captured in this daily chart) - 2X the expected move would place downside around the 121-122 level and upside around 165Post-earnings Trade: Buy-to-close the position if TGT stays above put strike. If the underlying breaches th
Option Strategies: ZM, TGT& TOL

Option Stratgies: TSLA& PANW

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Bought an Aug 23 exp 380/385 call debit spread on $Palo Alto Networks(PANW)$ to play it for earnings and see if it fills the gap from a previous earnings dump. Casino gamble on this one.2. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Finally having a week like old times! And the week just started. ✅ Net profit booked today = $22,373.20Had way too many open optionselling positions that were just waiting for the right time to be closed out. Closed out some long swings too. Still got several trades cooking this week. Maybe should have also closed out this TSLA 225p sold a few weeks ago. Will see what happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https:/
Option Stratgies: TSLA& PANW

Option Strategies: PANW& SNOW

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Our pre-earnings optionselling trade idea on $Snowflake(SNOW)$ .Earnings Date: Aug 21 after market close Expected Move: ~11%Points to Consider:- Earnings have been negative the past two announcements, so SNOW might be due for a big move back up if management has improved the concerns of institutional analysts/traders- Volume point-of-control and longer-term resistance around 160 with what looks to be shorter-term resistance around 128 (current level).- Broader market and tech (especially) in bounce-back mode- Lowest point ever was reached last week at 108- 200EMA at 153Trades We Are Taking: - Sell-to-open Aug 23 expiration $150 strike call. We have a long position, so this would
Option Strategies: PANW& SNOW

Option Strategies: GOOGL& TSM

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Okay $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ ... you win ... keep rolling out our covered calls and you keep coming for the strike. Fine ... come for 177.50 and we'll just roll again up to 180+ or just give up and let you take us out of our long position.2.Sold a Sep 20 exp 145/140 put credit spread on $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ . Targeted the gap around 145. Went with a "safer" strike and utilized the 30-45 DTE principle for optionselling.Will roll up the spread if Google make a stronger move to "catch up" to the rest of its tech brothers & sisters.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
Option Strategies: GOOGL& TSM

Option Strategies: ULTA, WMT, TSM& STNE

Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $StoneCo(STNE)$ releases earnings after the closing bell. Expected move is ~7%. Downside level at 12.5 and upside level at 14.5. Already got a position in it with a covered call sold at the $14 strike and Aug 16 expiration. Sold the call at a 0.65 fill. Could get out now for profit on the call, but let's see how earnings goes.2.The saga continues on our $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ trade. Been rolling covered calls up from 165 in order to capture more upside for our long position. Currently sitting in an Aug 23 exp 177.5 strike call position.TSM looks like its hitting resistance at that 172.5 level, which also happens to
Option Strategies: ULTA, WMT, TSM& STNE

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