always look on the brighter side of life
Keeping an open-minded on what have been shared. 
Nio Stock Bulls are in for a Rude Awakening
today's learning point - don't confuse a low share price with a compelling value, and exercise caution of when to buy - the watch and wait strategy‌[微笑] ‌ 
Why Now Is NOT the Time to Buy NIO Stock
Wow....great CNY spirits here! Reading all the positive best wishes and the collaborative mindset to help each other to be hopeful and  Huat together really moves me. Wishing all of you achieving the investment goals set for year of Rabbit in a Big Way with a balance of emotional & rational thoughts. Additionally, wshing all the greatest winners in the Tiger Community remain Huat at the top, and be helpful to continue sharing the tips/strategies that provide guidances to the less experienced or less fortunate ones who hang on there to rise for better gains (even when falling) in the Rabbit year 2023 and beyond. This is a stock that I bought years back that is falling in value and so stagnate
Like the saying, there is no Free Food on the table. Likewise, Tiger coins have to be earned by performing the daily tiger tasks etc., My tip is “How much coins you can earn really depends on how much time, effort you want to spend. Also the expertise/skills needed to perform your daily tiger activities, including writing interesting articles and sharing of relevant investment news/tips etc that ultimately attract “like” to get the most deserved coins.” This sounds like a lot of work, but check it out, the TB event organizers have so far been thoughtful enough to launch many events & rewards that almost everyone can participate. As a newbie, I found the tiger coins rewards can be as simple as signing-in daily to complete daily tasks (the easy level) or participating in a fun activity s
very amazed by the extra guidance and tips sharing on how to score well on the game from the active enthusiative players (the community participants)[Grin] . Honestly, I'm not a game person or a football fan but the spirit caught my attention and  triggered my interests to play the game. just do the simple tasks daily if can and have fun kicking the ball trying to get a perfect score - a simple joy that start the day positive. 
Pineapple Tart is definitely the #1 winner. I am not a fan of pineapple tarts in my early years as I enjoyed savouring Love Letter and Bak Kaw more. But the tarts are the top choice of all CNY goodies be it at home or homes of relatives. It is like a competition going on where each family visited will definitely have someone offered the so-called best pineapple taets in town. It is a must-to-have snack, expected to be home-made or near with a certain standard of taste. Not surprisingly, there is a line-up of 6-8 containers of pineapple tarts being showcased on the most visible spot awaiting to please all the die-hard fans. The tarts have played such an amazing role as it is a topic for a great start to the conversation often focuses on how yummy the pineapple tarts are, where to get t
AT1 to me and so usefulful info
What Are AT1 Bonds, and Why Are They Risky?
Is it good or bad signs, moving forward?
Singapore Price Pressures Top Hong Kong With Quicker Reopening
Feel like Meta is in the range of $320-385, with a mix of my rational and emotional connection with the stock. Rational thinking is based on the readings from the 3 winners' great insights plus also most analysts from various platforms have given Meta an overweight, outperform & etc. positive rating.  Emotion sets in to trust the CEO's foresight, recognizing how he has despite all challenges to make his company great.//@TigerClub:Hi Tigers, welcome to ”What the Tigers Say” [Cool]This is a weekly column planned to share the great opinion from Tigers on ‘What's Your Target Price for Meta After Earnings?’$Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ reports better-than-expected results and issues optimis
@TigerClub:🎁What the Tigers Say | What's Your Target Price for Meta After Earnings?
I like the statement "investing is a long term journey - Don't get panic!" 
3 Growth Stocks That Could Be Huge Winners in the Next Decade and Beyond
Info is helpful for those interested in the EV stocks and have not taken any action yet - like me 
NIO And XPeng: Don't Choose The One Getting Squeezed Out
Good news for those have been waiting 
Singapore Stocks to Watch: Keppel Corp, Sembmarine, A-Smart
Innovative cloud services,  content creation including short videos remain as great growth strategies, moving forward 
2023 Is Coming: 2 Trillion-Dollar Growth Stocks to Buy Before the New Year
A few more attempts to end this game 
Tesla obviously has gained lots of interests - so much talks about it - be it 2022 or 2023!
Tesla Share Price Correction: A Chance to Get Rich?
Real facts that get you stressed[Cry]  
Why Stock-Market Investors Shouldn’t Count on a "Santa Claus" Rally This Year
Monday blue!
Hong Kong Stocks Drop As Chinese Lenders Refrain From Cutting Rates, US Reports Prompt Rethink on Fed Downshift
Like such article that shares business fundamentals, and key takeaway of "price volatility and context that provided reasonable entry opportunity" for these companies, with supporting data on shares' profitability, yieds and future trends/potentials. 
Alibaba Vs. Amazon: Fundamentals Still Matter
Love the personalized 2023 annual report that gives me a snapshot of my investment performance/activities. As it is the first online brokerage I used this year and the only one among other accounts that shows me more promising results of my portfolio, it will be my favorite platform going forward. Truly impressed with such a report that tracked all the trades/activities/events and interactions that I have with community members. [smile]
cdlht's good move - visualizing relaxing at Angsana Maldives [Grin] 
Singapore Stocks to Watch: Keppel, Top Glove, CDLHT, Samudera, KOP, Stamford Tyres

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