
    • 阿曼曼阿曼曼
      $Activision Blizzard(ATVI)$really?it is amazing! Should pay attention to Blizzard.

      Activision Blizzard could be paid up to $3 billion if Microsoft buyout deal is terminated

      Activision Blizzard Inc. disclosed Wednesday the termination provisions of the $68.7 billion merger
      Activision Blizzard could be paid up to $3 billion if Microsoft buyout deal is terminated
    • 阿曼曼阿曼曼

      5 things to watch the upcoming earnings season

      This reporting season is expected deliver more strong earnings growth, and cap-off a year which profits grew by 40% a share, but the future looks less certain with the rate of growth tipped to plateau into 2022. The Key Questions for the earnings season: 1. How strong are profits now and looking ahead? According to financial data company FactSet, the market ought to deliver S&P500 earnings growth of 21.7%. That figure would be lower than the 3rd quarter if it materializes, but still above its long-term average, and would take full year earnings growth in 2021 to around 40%. A key issue for market participants will be what corporates say about future profits, with the rate of growth tipped to plateau going into 2022. EPS was only modestly revised higher for theS&P500in the last quar
      5 things to watch the upcoming earnings season
    • 阿曼曼阿曼曼

      Is it time to buy ChineseADRs?

      Yeah, Chinese ADRs went up a lot in this week. But they seem a bounce, just a rebound. Look at $Alibaba(BABA)$, it probably goes to around $145- $150. BUT I dont think it turns over as the following technical pic. If it stand on the purple trending line, it will be a clear signal to turn over.$TENCENT(00700)$ is relatively strong Chinese Stock, but it is still fluctuating in the range, if it breakthrough the orange range, it may be go up again.$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ waiting for Q4 earnings and January delivery numbers. I can't see any thing from technical analyst now. Probably Q1 is an off-season for EV
      Is it time to buy ChineseADRs?
    • 阿曼曼阿曼曼


      作者 | 歲寒知松柏,文章已得到作者原創授權 1987年,已經43歲的任正非,由於從部隊復員轉業工作4年不順利而集資21000元創立了華爲。30年後的今天,沒有上市、沒有戰略投資者,僅憑純內生增長,華爲已經成長爲全球領先的信息與通信技術(ICT)解決方案供應商,通信設備份額排名全球第一,智能手機份額全球第二。 華爲業務遍及170多個國家和地區(注意:沒有美國),服務全世界三分之一以上的人口。員工約18萬名,擁有超過160種國籍,海外員工本地化比例約爲70%。 2018年華爲的營業收入預計將達到7000億人民幣,淨利潤將超過500億元,單年研發支出將超過1000億元,年員工薪酬分紅總收入將超過1500億元,年繳納各種稅款過600億元,擁有各種發明專利近7萬個,且近半的收入和專利來自海外。 華爲是中國當之無愧的國際化科技龍頭企業,財報分析也顯示它是非常優秀甚至偉大的公司,華爲是實業報國的典範,是中國最拿得出手的名片,它理應是國人的驕傲。 以下是華爲2017年度的財報摘要和分析,以及與同行及其它龍頭企業的對比。 一、美國封殺之下業績仍持續又快又好增長 華爲過去5年的收入、營業利潤和經營現金流數據如下圖: 從上圖看,雖然營業利潤的增長率低於營收增長,但盈利質量非常高,因爲真金白銀的經營現金流年化增長高達44%! 經營現金流好的原因之一是現金週期在持續改善,2017年,其應收賬款週轉天數(DSO)爲63天,較2016年的75天減少12天;存貨週轉天數(ITO)爲71天,較2016年的86天減少15天;應付賬款週轉天數(DPO)爲72天,較2016年的82天減少10天。 華爲沒有披露詳細的現金流量表,就算投資活動的現金流出247億全部都是資本支出(也可以與資產負債表裏的長期投資本年增加額覈對),那2017年自由現金流也高達963-247=716億元。這說明其盈利質量非常高,事實上其會計

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