

    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Still don’t understand NFTs

      'CryptoPunk' NFT sells for $11.8 million at Sotheby's

      Sotheby's announced the work was bought by Israeli entrepreneur Shalom Meckenzie, the largest shareh
      'CryptoPunk' NFT sells for $11.8 million at Sotheby's
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      How’s that even possible… more EVs pls. 

      How oil soaring to $100 a barrel could be bad for this boom-bust sector and the economy

      If demand returns to 100 million barrels a day, 'that feels very ominous to me,' debt pro warns. Oi
      How oil soaring to $100 a barrel could be bad for this boom-bust sector and the economy
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      How’s that even possible… more EVs pls. 

      How oil soaring to $100 a barrel could be bad for this boom-bust sector and the economy

      If demand returns to 100 million barrels a day, 'that feels very ominous to me,' debt pro warns. Oi
      How oil soaring to $100 a barrel could be bad for this boom-bust sector and the economy
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Time to buy so that others can exit. 

      Tesla Q1 2021 Vehicle Production & Deliveries

      PALO ALTO, Calif., April 02, 2021 -- In the first quarter, we produced just over 180,000 vehicles and delivered nearly 185,000 vehicles. We are encouraged by the strong reception of the Model Y in China and are quickly progressing to full production capacity. The new Model S and Model X have also been exceptionally well received, with the new equipment installed and tested in Q1 and we are in the early stages of ramping production.Forward-Looking Statements Statements herein regarding the timin
      Tesla Q1 2021 Vehicle Production & Deliveries
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Hmm what a way to start the month

      US.weekly jobless claims total 719,000, above expected

      (April 1) First-time claims for jobless benefits were higher than expected last week, with 719,000 m
      US.weekly jobless claims total 719,000, above expected
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      What? The car should be worth more than the you know what. It’s an even bigger ecosystem.

      Apple upgraded as UBS sees Apple Car worth $14 per share

      Telling investors to "bite the big Apple" , UBS upgrades the iPhone maker from Neutral to Buy and raises the price targetfrom $115 to $142.Analyst David Vogt cites the stable long-term iPhone demand with higher average selling prices and Apple's potential entry into the automotive market, which Vogt doesn't see reflected in the current valuation.Vogt says that the firm's analysis of the auto market and Apple's self-driving vehicle investments in licenses and lidar patents suggests that "Apple's
      Apple upgraded as UBS sees Apple Car worth $14 per share
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      For budget, AMD. For performance, Intel. Tried both, still think Intel provides the assurity.


    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Buy? When? At what price?

      AMD Stock Has Crashed 20%: Here's Why You Should Buy

      The high-flying chipmaker has been battered on the stock market this year, but it could soon turn around.
      AMD Stock Has Crashed 20%: Here's Why You Should Buy
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Good sharing. Do your own due diligence. Hold on to your wallets.


      前幾天還提醒大家,要警惕拉羣薦股行爲,今天又有人反饋被割韭菜了... 大行情不樂觀,迷茫的投資者們就想更多的與人交流經驗,認爲有人免費薦股和免費講課,有老師帶着操作,而且還能盈利,簡直天上掉餡餅...…這樣的情況你可曾遇到?上當了沒? 首先,幾點聲明大家要知悉: 我司從未授權他人建立私人微信羣(渠道及員工組建羣除外); 任何主動以電話、短信、評論、帖子等方式邀約加好友、進羣,及其他各種所謂宣傳投資、優質股推薦等收費服務均與“老虎證券”品牌無任何關聯; 任何以我司名義或冒充我司工作人員誘騙投資人錢款的不法單位和個人,我司將依法採取法律行動並追究其法律責任。 有任何要求投資人向私人銀行賬戶劃款的情況,極有可能是詐騙行爲! 切勿相信冒充我司員工邀約進羣的虛假宣傳; 簡單來講,我們不鼓勵微信羣,是因爲無法判斷羣的定位,也無法識別羣的目的。所以,我們不給任何微信羣做背書! $老虎證券(TIGR)$ “薦股羣”套路知多少? 你通過各種渠道,誤打誤撞進入到“薦股羣裏”,“薦股大師們”會大肆推薦股票,並宣稱有內幕消息,穩賺不賠!本就充滿風險與誘惑的股票市場,在氛圍烘托下,一個個發財夢誘惑着羣成員打開了“腰包”。 這些所謂的大師真有內幕消息嗎? 推薦的股票真能跟預測的一樣說漲就漲嗎? 所謂的“薦股大師”們玩着差不多的套路,其中不乏坑蒙拐騙的陷阱。虎妞整理了一些網上常見的“薦股羣”坑,希望虎友們不要貪圖小便宜,要引以爲戒。 套路一:借薦股之名收取會員費 首先讓你加微信或者QQ羣,先免費推薦股票,分析股票行情,當偶然有一段時間,他們分析的準確,你就會覺得他們很牛批。這然後,他們開始誘導你交1年的服務費/1個季度的服務費…… 當你交費後,你就是韭菜了,隨便給一隻票你,你就聽他們指揮,偶爾
    • 黑皮牛鸭黑皮牛鸭
      Couldn’t be less expecting right?

      GameStop's earnings whiff--but retail traders faithful even as 'Roaring Kitty' points to $2 million paper loss

      After an initial burst higher, investors in Wall Street's most popular meme stock on Tuesday got sla
      GameStop's earnings whiff--but retail traders faithful even as 'Roaring Kitty' points to $2 million paper loss

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