
In metamorphosis

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      Finally decided to DCA in $Adobe(ADBE)$  after observing it's trend for awhile. There's a lot of resilience in this stock and above all, majority of us uses adobe product on a daily basis... I know I do. Let's see if this strategy works in the long run. Giving myself 1 year. 
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      Quick thoughts pre 2025 Sometimes doing nothing is better than 'jumping' in and out of the stock market. Being passive may not be that bad after all. Even better if passive and consistently just investing a fixed amount every month. Hmmmm.... maybe I should just do that for 2025 instead of just letting the portfolio be for the last 1 year.... *head full of thoughts
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      $3M(MMM)$ For a moment in time, I thought this stock was such a stable one that I had decided to keep pumping in money into it. Lo and behold, it was not meant to be presently. The 'ouch' had happened, so will just wait and see... paper loss is still painful though...
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      [Smile] [Happy] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]  
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      Horrors of past investments continue to haunt me despite telling myself that it's part and parcel of my investment journey. One lesson that I can never forget till this day was the missed oppprtunity to sell my blackberry shares. I had bought it initially after reading so much into what the company is doing and at one point in time, I had so much conviction in the company. Then the craze (during GameStop run) happened with share price being pumped up till I was at $27k profit. I was contemplating if I should sell immediately. Everyone was encouraging me to sell to actualise the profit made. I was conflicted since my goal was to invest long term and not just take the profit and go. So I held on to the stock and guess what... it subsequently plunged and it is where it is now. So am in the re
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      Looking at the current stock market climate, maybe it's better to just forget about my portfolio, then come back once in a while to be "surprised". Initial plan was to just DCA on some stocks but now, it feels like doing nothing can be a better option until the market stabilises.  It seems hard to sell my winners now though tempted such as $Nvda$ and $Aapl$ Even harder to sell my losers $ZM$ and $BB$, though I had multiple opportunities in the past. Oh well can't look back and regret about those choices I have made...  Another day.. another time.. looking at the portfolio. Till then... 
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      I tried to DCA on some stocks such as $apple$, $salesforce$ and $alphabet$. The human heart and mind are always in conflict when there's a market downturn. I ended up stopping my DCA strategy on the downturn and just do nothing. When market is going up, I felt inclined to invest again but could not press the trade button. I guess it's not easy to dissociate my emotions from investing with a cool head despite investing for the long run with an investment horizon of more than 5 years...oh well...
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      $Alphabet(GOOGL)$buying the dips
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      Palantir Q2: Investors Beware

      SummaryPalantir will be reporting its Q2 results before markets open on Monday.Its revenue is estima
      Palantir Q2: Investors Beware
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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.