Lessons I learnt as a Newbie
@Jo Tan:
It's been 6 months into my investing journey and I've come to learn 4 lessons which I wish I knew back then. But even now, I still have to remind myself of these instead of buying caught up with the fear of missing out.Lesson 1: Don't just buy.I remember the excitement when I saw all the "popular" stocks like Goog, Tesla and Apple. Coupled with popular sentiment that "Stonks only go up", it was easy to get caught up with all the hype. In fact, even during a downturn now, there is still hype about which stocks will withstand the downtrend. As a famous trader said: "You must know what you are buying and why you are buying it."Lesson 2: Have an investing planI remember just thinking about the stocks going up and not what happens if I lose. Looking back now, during this down turn, I am lucky t