Tesla Records 85% Surge In California Registrations With Model Y Driving Growth
Tesla Inc TSLA 0.43% electric vehicle registrations soared 85% to 23,556 vehicles in the second quarter in the home state California, compared with a year ago,accordingto research firm Cross-Sell, Reuters reported Thursday.What Happened:Cross-Sell said the electric vehicle maker registered a total of 46,926 vehicles among 23 states where it collected data. More than half of these registrations were for Model Y.Model Y registrations in California alone jumped more than sevenfold to 13,581 vehicle
Can Alibaba Turn Around Its Woes in the Second Half of 2021?
Alibaba has been a sore laggard compared with its large- and mega-cap peers. Can that change in the second half of 2021?Alibaba -Get Report has been a total dog so far this year. Shares were trading well into the fourth quarter of 2020 but then a string of issues pummeled the stock.Regulators disrupted Ant's initial public offering, then dug deeper on Alibaba and dialed up the heat.Investors don’t like regulatory issues as it is but particularly when we’re dealing with Chinese regulators.Howeve
Apple faces many external threats from regulators in the developed world.But I see these as largely priced in, although they remain a threat longer term.Apple is on the cusp of what should be a pre-earnings run and an imminent breakout of a bullish consolidation pattern.I have made it no secret that I’m a big fan of Apple. In fact, I wrote a very bullish piece about six weeks ago, detailing how I thought Apple was in the process of consolidating before a big breakout. In this article, I want to