
Mechanical Engineer

    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
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      週一早間黃金白銀出現大跳水行情,黃金一度跌破1700整數關口,勉強守住年內低點後反彈修正。白銀同樣出現重挫,對去年9-11月的低點平臺進行了測試。 從短期的絕對跌幅來說,是有一些超預期的。但從行情發展本身而言,此前提及過白銀面臨補跌的時間週期風險只是得到了必須的釋放而已。黃金和白銀依然有較大的機會在此完成下跌的最後一棒,隨後進入屬於自己的節奏中。 白銀補跌 時間週期匹配 在7月19日的文章中,曾經和大家預告了白銀未來3-4周(當時算起)面臨補跌的風險,價格可能會再度測試低位。事實的情況也是如此,本週時間週期剛好進入到第九次信號之中。價格和時間都滿足了市場補跌行情的需求。 當然,從目前的短期趨勢來說,假設和猜測白銀已經觸底是有一些左側交易的意思。日線和更短一些的週期都還未給出明確的反轉向上的信號。如果周線可以留下不錯的下影線的話,後續低位盤旋的機會可以考慮構建投機性的多單。中長期的投資者,則不用太多考慮成本些許差異,無槓桿或者低槓桿的模式下,耐心就是賺錢的利器。 黃金行情有變數麼? 黃金短暫跌破1700,又一次提供了短期的投機**易機會,跟跌白銀的力度還是超出了預估範圍。當前1750均價的長期投資頭寸處於小幅浮虧狀態之中,不過考慮到1750-1900+的過山車都已經坐過,應該也不會太擔憂這種短期波動。 從價格來看,年內的黃金低位1680附近的支持情況還是較爲關鍵的。我們正在觀察未來1-2周及8月的收線情況。確認跌破的話將會明顯影響到短期的多頭信心,並且引發止損賣盤的出現。1700下方投機多單需要考慮將上述價格作爲
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      Ok lol

      Alibaba Group Holdings - FY2022 Q1 Earning + Live Conference

      Alibaba Group Holdings started the new fiscal year quarter 1 reporting for FY2022 by delivering a pretty decent resultsRevenue for the quarter is at US$31.8 billion, which represents a 34% increase year on year. This includes the consolidation of Sun Art, which was consolidated into the Group numbers from previous quarter.Without Sun Art, revenue would have grown 22% year on year.Monthly Active Customer (MAU) for the platform ecosystem grew to 1.18 billion globally, which is an increase of over 45 million from the previous year. This is broken down into 912m for China consumers and 265 International consumers outside China. Inside China's 912m active users, 828m is mostly engaged in Taobao and Tmall - a dominant China retail marketplace.Income from operations and EBITDA decreased by 11% an
      Alibaba Group Holdings - FY2022 Q1 Earning + Live Conference
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat


      週一早間黃金白銀出現大跳水行情,黃金一度跌破1700整數關口,勉強守住年內低點後反彈修正。白銀同樣出現重挫,對去年9-11月的低點平臺進行了測試。 從短期的絕對跌幅來說,是有一些超預期的。但從行情發展本身而言,此前提及過白銀面臨補跌的時間週期風險只是得到了必須的釋放而已。黃金和白銀依然有較大的機會在此完成下跌的最後一棒,隨後進入屬於自己的節奏中。 白銀補跌 時間週期匹配 在7月19日的文章中,曾經和大家預告了白銀未來3-4周(當時算起)面臨補跌的風險,價格可能會再度測試低位。事實的情況也是如此,本週時間週期剛好進入到第九次信號之中。價格和時間都滿足了市場補跌行情的需求。 當然,從目前的短期趨勢來說,假設和猜測白銀已經觸底是有一些左側交易的意思。日線和更短一些的週期都還未給出明確的反轉向上的信號。如果周線可以留下不錯的下影線的話,後續低位盤旋的機會可以考慮構建投機性的多單。中長期的投資者,則不用太多考慮成本些許差異,無槓桿或者低槓桿的模式下,耐心就是賺錢的利器。 黃金行情有變數麼? 黃金短暫跌破1700,又一次提供了短期的投機**易機會,跟跌白銀的力度還是超出了預估範圍。當前1750均價的長期投資頭寸處於小幅浮虧狀態之中,不過考慮到1750-1900+的過山車都已經坐過,應該也不會太擔憂這種短期波動。 從價格來看,年內的黃金低位1680附近的支持情況還是較爲關鍵的。我們正在觀察未來1-2周及8月的收線情況。確認跌破的話將會明顯影響到短期的多頭信心,並且引發止損賣盤的出現。1700下方投機多單需要考慮將上述價格作爲
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?


      得益於財報大超預期,$AMD(AMD)$ 一塵崛起,股價六連陽: 據瞭解,面對主要競爭對手英特爾,AMD專注於產品設計與研發,選擇用外包的方式,把代工交給$臺積電(TSM)$ 。 這樣強強聯手的結果,使得AMD的產品優勢逐漸突出,斬獲了更高的市場佔有率。 更令資本市場青睞AMD的原因,還有: 面對AMD的強勢來襲,英特爾卻宣佈將主要精力放在芯片製造領域,似乎有種 “抵擋不了AMD的趕超,乾脆放棄” 的感覺。 於是,在多重因素下,AMD的股價騰飛了! 有投資者認爲,AMD已經從一名跟着隨着逆襲成爲了領跑者,未來的市值極有可能趕超英特爾。 目前,AMD市值1441億美元,距離$英特爾(INTC)$ 2187億美元的市值,仍有50%的上漲空間。 …… 最後,大家聊一聊: 你是否看好AMD? 你認爲AMD的市值能超越英特爾嗎? 精彩留言用戶可獲得888社區積分噢!
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$is a boring stock. We just buy and hodl, and wait for the short squeeze. I may have to wait till the HFs decide to cut their loss and start covering the shorts or when the SEC implements more rules to stop all the illegal manipulation.But I don't care, as long as I'll make big bucks during the squeeze, which can change my life. Investing in other stocks doesn't guarantee profit and also doesn't guarantee huge profit. In AMC, I believe.How about you?
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$is a boring stock. We just buy and hodl, and wait for the short squeeze. I may have to wait till the HFs decide to cut their loss and start covering the shorts or when the SEC implements more rules to stop all the illegal manipulation.But I don't care, as long as I'll make big bucks during the squeeze, which can change my life. Investing in other stocks doesn't guarantee profit and also doesn't guarantee huge profit. In AMC, I believe.How about you?
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      3 Things You May Be Interest Tencent > 10% Shares Drop Today

      This will be a quick post to touch upon the 3 things that are related to gaming industry, particularly Tencent - given that it is currently the talk of the town at the moment.$TENCENT(00700)$In case you have not heard of the news that were circulating this morning, China's state-run Economic Information Journal Daily - stole today's headline by titling the article "Spiritual Opium Grows into Hundreds of Billions of Industries", which likened online games as hazardous especially to young people and seek to regulate them as soon as possible.This sends a spook across investors and spiral down to gaming stocks such as Tencent and Netease which dropped more than 10% this morning.1.) China already imposed gaming curfew for minors in 2018 r
      3 Things You May Be Interest Tencent > 10% Shares Drop Today
    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      Bye bye svergrande


    • ElonMuskratElonMuskrat
      I dont think having an Indian Tesla Factory would be a financially good idea. Firstly have you seen the condition of roads there? Secondly how they drive? It is so crowded. Thirdly the the rich are super rich and the poor are super poor - with the majority of the population on the bottom end of the stick
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