
    • berlsberls

      Site of Tesla Mexico Factory Near Double Size of Texas Plant, Local Official Says

      MEXICO CITY, March 2 (Reuters) - Tesla Inc's planned factory in Mexico's northern border state of Nu
      Site of Tesla Mexico Factory Near Double Size of Texas Plant, Local Official Says
    • berlsberls
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      老虎早報 | 美通脹頑固大摩發熊市預警!蘋果將採用自研5G晶片

      美發佈耐用品訂單數據,反映經濟仍強勁;聯儲局理事:美通脹難快速回落,或隨時反彈;大摩:美股3月不利因素續增;本港消息: 最快明日起室內外公共交通工具無須戴口罩;郭明錤:蘋果已重啟iPhone SE 4 棄高通改用自研5G芯片;美股三指齊升,道指收72點,報32889點;標指升12點,報3982點;納指升72點或0.63%,報11466點。反映中國概念股表現的金龍指數反彈1.3%。一、熱點要聞美發佈耐用品訂單數據 反映經濟仍強勁美國1月耐用品定單跌4.5%,跌幅大過預期的4%,因波音定單縮減,而商業設備開支仍以5個月最快的速度增加,反映經濟強勁。上月待完成房屋銷售急升8.1%,創2020年8月以來最大升幅,亦遠好過預期升1%。聯儲局理事:美通脹難快速回落 或隨時反彈聯儲局理事傑斐遜強調,外界不應有錯覺,以為美國通脹很快降低至2%局方目標,隨時或會反彈。此外,大摩經濟師Ellen Zentner推遲聯儲局首次減息的預測時間,估計局方明年3月才首次減息,而不是之前預料的今年12月。大摩:美股3月不利因素續增以Michael Wilson為首的摩根士丹利分析師在報告中稱,美股面臨的不利因素將於3月進一步增加,包括公司業績下滑和高估值等。此外,對沖基金Satori Fund創辦人尼爾斯警告,標指年中之前料下試3000點技術支持位。本港消息: 最快明日起室內外公共交通工具無須戴口罩消息指,港府今日宣佈取消口罩令的實施日期,最快明日開始,在室內和室外,以及乘搭公共交通工具,無須強制戴口罩。不過,進入公立醫院,政府診所,安老及殘疾院舍等高危場所,仍然要佩戴口罩。至於私家醫院及私家診所,就由相關負責人決定。據瞭解, 醫管局已準備好應對方案,處理無須戴口罩後,流感個案急升的情況。政府早前刊憲,將口罩令延長14天至3月8日。華研刺激商用物業市場冰封多時的內地樓市再迎回暖信號,過去受嚴格
      老虎早報 | 美通脹頑固大摩發熊市預警!蘋果將採用自研5G晶片
    • berlsberls
      Ok. So who is in

      Time to Turn Bullish on NIO Stock? This 5-Star Analyst Thinks So

      With a loss of 50% year-to-date, NIO shares have been the victim of several negative developments in
      Time to Turn Bullish on NIO Stock? This 5-Star Analyst Thinks So
    • berlsberls

      Higher Education Technology Co Ellucian To Be Acquired By Blackstone And Vista Equity Partners

      Blackstone Group Inc:Higher Education Technology Company Ellucian To Be Acquired By Blackstone And V
      Higher Education Technology Co Ellucian To Be Acquired By Blackstone And Vista Equity Partners
    • berlsberls
      Don't panic sell pple. Chi

      Crypto stocks tumbled again on China's crackdown on bitcoin mining and trading

      Cryptocurrencies have fallen,Bitcoin fell below $38000 per coin, down 6.65% in the day;while Ethereum fell below $2500 per coin, down more than 14%.In a statement from Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and the State Council, authorities said tighter regulation is needed to protect the financial system.The statement, released late Friday in China time, said it is necessary to "crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading behavior, and resolutely prevent the transmission of individual risks to the social fi
      Crypto stocks tumbled again on China's crackdown on bitcoin mining and trading
    • berlsberls
      He is the worst guy ever. Super prata king

      Elon Musk said,To clarify speculation, Tesla has not sold any Bitcoin.

      Elon Musk said,To clarify speculation, Tesla has not sold any Bitcoin.Bitcoin price bounced back to
      Elon Musk said,To clarify speculation, Tesla has not sold any Bitcoin.
    • berlsberls
      Who is buying?Like and comment pls

      Two stocks are waving a bearish red flag, but traders see opportunity to buy on weakness

      A handful of stocks are waving a bearish technical red flag. Take-Two Interactive,BiogenandAmazonare
      Two stocks are waving a bearish red flag, but traders see opportunity to buy on weakness
    • berlsberls
      Sighs when will it shoot up? 
    • berlsberls
      Etsy has been ard for very long and still got its own supporters. I have vested interested in etsy

      Forget Dogecoin -- These Stocks Could Go to the Moon

      The cryptocurrency market has received a ton of attention recently. Since these assets don't produce
      Forget Dogecoin -- These Stocks Could Go to the Moon
    • berlsberls
      Good article and sharing 

      Why Square And Cathie Wood's Ark See Bitcoin Environmental Concerns As Unfounded

      Cathie Wood-led Ark Investment Management and digital payment company Square Inc.(NYSE:SQ) have team
      Why Square And Cathie Wood's Ark See Bitcoin Environmental Concerns As Unfounded

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