
    • theresetherese
      Replying to @therese: @Edron glad we joined at the same time!!!//@therese:I'm a true blue tiger fan, when I first joined I referred my mother father uncle aunty to sign up😂 Jokes aside, Tiger has revolutionised the way Itrade and made it so accessible for a normal person like me to view and trade the stock market!!! forever thankful 🥰
    • theresetherese
    • theresetherese
      I'm a true blue tiger fan, when I first joined I referred my mother father uncle aunty to sign up😂 Jokes aside, Tiger has revolutionised the way Itrade and made it so accessible for a normal person like me to view and trade the stock market!!! forever thankful 🥰
    • theresetherese
      I'm a true blue tiger fan, when I first joined I referred my mother father uncle aunty to sign up😂 Jokes aside, Tiger has revolutionised the way Itrade and made it so accessible for a normal person like me to view and trade the stock market!!! forever thankful 🥰

      [10th Anniv] How to Prove You're a True Tiger Fan?

      As we celebrate the Tigers' 10th anniversary, we want to hear from our true fans! Over the past decade, we've experienced market highs and lows, growing and learning together. Your support and trust have been our greatest treasures.Now, we're inviting you to show your true Tiger spirit! Prove you're a genuine Tiger fan with one sentence. Share your most memorable moments with Tiger Brokers or post some jokes or memes that only a seasoned Tiger would understand. How to ParticipateShare this post and tag at least one friend, inviting them to join the eventsLeave a comment below with one sentence that proves you're a true Tiger fan, along with your favorite Tiger-related memories, jokes, memes, or giveaways.Event DurationJune 12, 2024 - June 19, 2024PrizesAll Tigers who leave your comments in
      [10th Anniv] How to Prove You're a True Tiger Fan?
    • theresetherese
      I'm hoping Nio will eventually rocket once EV adoption picks up but right now everything is in the rred 😭
    • theresetherese

      Time Travel with Tiger, Join the Memorabilia Adventure Now!!!

      Happy Birthday to TIGER!!! This year, we have prepared a time machine to go on an adventure with you. Come and find surprising gifts as we stroll down memory lane!There are so many wonderful little stories in our Tiger Quest. Collect as many coins as you can in the game, these will be your basic points of this game. Apart from one mini-game mission for SG/AU/NZ, the games will be open every week, and there are endless treasures waiting for you to discover. Points can be redeemed for multiple rewards, and you can win a share of up to USD 200,000 worth of prizes! Want to win extra points? Check out these mini-games, try them, stay with us and be PAWSITIVE!Remember to collect the cards and spell out "T.I.G.E.R" during your journey for a chance to receive the limited edition 8th Anniversary Gi
      Time Travel with Tiger, Join the Memorabilia Adventure Now!!!
    • theresetherese
      When will Alibaba recover 🥲

      Alibaba stock drops as China regulator reportedly suspends partnership

      MW Alibaba stock drops as China regulator reportedly suspends partnership Alibaba Group Holding
      Alibaba stock drops as China regulator reportedly suspends partnership
    • theresetherese
      To hold CRWD or not ?

      After AMC Stock's Surge, Are These 3 Companies Next For Short Squeezes?

      Besides being targeted by above-average short interest, these companies are actually growing.
      After AMC Stock's Surge, Are These 3 Companies Next For Short Squeezes?
    • theresetherese
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?


      老虎7週年給大家發福利了,集齊TIGER五個字母即有機會瓜分百萬獎金,你準備好了嗎? 戳我即可參與活動 如何參與? 用戶可通過完成活動頁面展示的當日任務列表來獲得字母卡,每完成一個任務即可隨機獲得一個字母,用戶集齊“TIGER”五個字母即可參與瓜分百萬股票代金券,每個用戶單日最多可獲得20張字母卡(不包括好友贈予和魔法卡)。 用戶在活動期間邀請累計7名好友完成註冊並開戶(註冊時間和開戶時間均在活動期間),即可獲得一張魔法卡(每人僅可獲得一張魔法卡)。魔法卡可用於兌換TIGER中的任意一個字母。如果用戶的某一字母卡數量爲0,則字母卡爲灰色,用戶可通過點擊灰色的字母卡向好友索要卡片;如果用戶的字母卡數量大於0,則字母卡爲彩色,用戶可通過點擊彩色的字母卡向好友贈送卡片。當用戶集齊TIGER之後將無法再索要卡片或者贈送卡片。  如何獲得獎勵? 用戶可在2021年7月1日至2021年7月2日期間進行開獎,所有集齊TIGER的客戶可點擊活動頁面的“開獎”按鈕,即可查看自己瓜分到的股票代金券獎勵。在開獎時間段內未點擊開獎的用戶將無法獲得獎勵。 獎勵發放: 股票代金券將在開獎後的1個工作日內發放至用戶的獎勵中心,用戶需要在獎勵發放後的20天內前往【Tiger Trade APP > 我的 > 活動獎勵】領取,過期未領取的獎勵將自動失效。 重要提示: 本次7週年活動涉及不同國家和地區,由於各地區的監管要求不同,不同地區的活動獎勵會有所區別。欲知詳情,請點擊下方活動鏈接,登陸您的賬號,並點擊“活動規則“查看詳情。

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