
    • estielestiel
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      News and my thoughts from the last week (19 Feb 2024) - Amazon, CRE & BYD

      News and my thoughts from the last week (19 Feb 2024) - Amazon, CRE & BYD More than 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck as of September 2023, according to a LendingClub report - CNBC Amazon founder Jeff Bezos sold around 12 million shares of the online retail and cloud services firm for roughly $2 billion - Reuters Shell has this week permanently closed its seven hydrogen refuelling stations for passenger cars in California, citing “supply complications and other external market factors”. - Hydrogen Insight For the full year, commercial real estate prices dropped 10.2%, accelerating their decline after small drops of less than one percent in 2022 and 2021. - Reuters Crimes can also be inflationary. I monitor their promise and their deliverables. I do not have any timeline or ex
      News and my thoughts from the last week (19 Feb 2024) - Amazon, CRE & BYD

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