
    • ShhuiShhui
      Card 1 and 8, card 5 and 7
    • ShhuiShhui
    • ShhuiShhui
      Happy Chinese new year

      [Surprise 2] Welcome the “Dragon” & Send your New Year Blessings!

      In the jubilant Rabbit Year, S&P 500 soared by 20%. What surprises will the soaring Dragon Year bring? As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, Tiger extends our heartfelt wishes for a prosperous and auspicious new year to everyone!As we step into 2024, Tiger has been accompanying everyone for a decade. In the new year, Tiger will remain true to our original aspiration, looking forward to encountering more friends around the world unexpectedly.In 2023, it was a surprising year for global stock markets, with the S&P returning to a bull market.In 2024, Tiger will continue to accompany everyone, witnessing more miracles and challenges together.At the beginning of the new year, share your hopes and wishes for the year ahead! What are your New Year's wishes?📢How to Participate
      [Surprise 2] Welcome the “Dragon” & Send your New Year Blessings!
    • ShhuiShhui
      Wishing all a prosperous, smooth sailing chinese new year. Hope money more more @koolgal
    • ShhuiShhui
      Replying to @Shhui:Happy chinese new year all. @koolgal //@Shhui:Thank u tiger for the cool game 
    • ShhuiShhui
      Thank u tiger for the cool game 

      [Surprise 7] Screenshot of Your Lunar New Year's Fortune

      Hi TigersThis is the seventh day of the ten-day event, so we have prepared a fortune gif. These gifs are personalized fortunes or prophecies that we hope will bring you hope, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.📢How to ParticipateTake a screenshot of the GIF belowSend your screenshot in the comments sectionRepost this post and Tag your friend to take part.🎁Event RewardsAll Tigers who leave a comment below will be given 10 Tiger coinsRepost and Tag your friends to win 10 extra Tiger Coins!Popular Tiger: 5 Tigers with the most popular and discussed comments will win a Tiger gift!(Notes: Screenshots copied and pasted from others will NOT be counted)⏰Event Duration14 February 2024 - 19 February 2024 $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$
      [Surprise 7] Screenshot of Your Lunar New Year's Fortune
    • ShhuiShhui
      Hapoy chinese new year all @koolgal
    • ShhuiShhui
      Thank u tiger for the cool game 

      [Surprise 6] Lunar New Year word search

      Hi TigersDo you have any new wishes or ideas for 2024? We have prepared 2024 words for you, the words you find = your 2024~Join our Lunar New Year word search activity where the first three words you spot will reveal insights into your upcoming year. Will it be a year of prosperity, health, or fame and fortune?Leave the 3 words you found in the comment section. Don't forget to tag your friends and invite them to discover their fortunes as well.📒 How to participate?Please leave a comment with the three words you found, either by circling them in the picture, or by typing them out;Repost this post and tag your friends to join the event⏰ Event Duration13 February 2024- 18 February 2024🎁RewardsAll Tigers who leave a comment in this post will receive 10 Tiger Coins.💰💰💰Popular Tiger: 3 Tigers wi
      [Surprise 6] Lunar New Year word search
    • ShhuiShhui
      I found these 11 words. Be blessed with: Wealth Love Fortune Luck Confidence Family Courage Happy Money Dream Health @koolgal
    • ShhuiShhui
      Thanks tiger for this event. Wishing all a prosperous dragon year 

      [Surprise 2] Welcome the “Dragon” & Send your New Year Blessings!

      In the jubilant Rabbit Year, S&P 500 soared by 20%. What surprises will the soaring Dragon Year bring? As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, Tiger extends our heartfelt wishes for a prosperous and auspicious new year to everyone!As we step into 2024, Tiger has been accompanying everyone for a decade. In the new year, Tiger will remain true to our original aspiration, looking forward to encountering more friends around the world unexpectedly.In 2023, it was a surprising year for global stock markets, with the S&P returning to a bull market.In 2024, Tiger will continue to accompany everyone, witnessing more miracles and challenges together.At the beginning of the new year, share your hopes and wishes for the year ahead! What are your New Year's wishes?📢How to Participate
      [Surprise 2] Welcome the “Dragon” & Send your New Year Blessings!
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