Sea Limited Earnings: Navigating Q2's Storm, Priced At 10x EBITDA
Luckily for investors, Sea's comparables ease up substantially over the next couple of quarters, so even if its revenue growth rates don't accelerate, its y/y comparables should be attractive enough for Sea to deliver close to 10% y/y revenue growth rates into H2 2023. SA Premium Furthermore, as you can see above, analysts' consensus estimates for Sea had already been markedly lowered, to the point that analysts have already reduced their financial projections for Q4 2023 to 3% y/y revenue growth rates. In other words, Sea's growth hurdles had already been lowered. Profitability Profile Examined SE Q2 2023 Sea's bull case is focused on Sea's ability to turn the corner on its profitability. To this end, the graphic above demonstrates Sea's prog