
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Bashers on here are trying their best to please HF bosses who pay the trolls with pennies.  Apes know to Avoid this and stock distractions they pump as well.  AMC/GME Ape Army buying and holding strong. ✊✊
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$From Roensch Capital's YouTube channel:  Yesterday Was the 4th highest day of estimated short interest in the past 6 months.  2 Of the 3 days that were higher were in the past 2 weeks of trading.  Elsewhere reported, 74.5% of yesterday's trades were routed through dark pools.  That's the highest I've seen.   The chart pattern is also similar to times of previous upward movements.  Buy the dips and/or continue to hold strong is the way?
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Some posters on here are wack.  Many hyping other stocks that never amount to anything.  Apes know to avoid these distractions.  Don't fall for paid HF shills.  We holdin strong and long?
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Over an hour ago, Fidelity showed 61% of volume today were buys.  That def has increased now.  Dark Pool manipulation is what we're seeing.   Margin calls will be coming.  Time is ticking HFs.
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Stonk o Tracker shows that over 60% of trades are being routed through dark pools each day. This is one major part of the manipulation we have been dealing with.  But the HFs will need to cover their positions at some point.  They need to pay, without doubt.  The time will come.  Until then, Apes buy what we can and hold what we have.  Holding strong ✊
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Some "Space station" hypes many stocks, and feels the need to post pics of females etc. for attention.  This is the AMC board.  Paid shills try to throw out random stock "picks" to try to get ppl to sell.  The HFs want us to sell.  Day traders don't help.  Do your DD.  For me and millions of others, AMC is the way to the moon, yo.  This and GME.  No distractions.  
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ HFs have positions in stocks across sectors, Including crypto holdings. It looks to me they're liquidating holdings. Why? Because they have to buy back Or pay for so many shares, FTDs, and synthetic/Naked short positions. They will try to shake the tree of any paper handed Apes this week. It's a desparate scare tactic. These HFs already had billions, but their Greed has now put them in what will be the MOASS. Think about the families(losing jobs,etc) they hurt by targeting, then bankrupting companies over the years. Think of the manipulation they have used against individual investors who hoped for a better life for them/their loved ones. This is a fight against their corrupt practices. We have had enou
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Just posted and it Was deleted.  That's manipulation.  
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Down 5% premarket from such a small number of shares?? Yeah right.  We know it's being manipulated.  This week could be the start of what Apes around the world have been waiting for.  Dips happen before the eventual turning of tides.  We don't know when, but.... do research and If you believe the facts, u hold strong.  Dip-buying opps for those keen.  GME and AMC are the best stocks to have and hold now, imo.  The HFs must pay.
    • LashsmithLashsmith
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Looks like some trolls decided to post today.  The desperation of those bashing is obvious.  Apes know how deep the hole HFs keep digging through blatant manipulation.  Ape Army holding strong.✊
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