
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      Hi Everyone I am back. I learned about SPY index, being lazy I just caught the jist "The index 3 Year Total Return (Annualised is about 9%" So I decided to give it a try on  $SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Value ETF(SPYV)$   I have setup Weekly Auto Invest to purchase $50.00. of SPYV. Going to put in $1,000.00 on this. Once I reached the above amount, I will stop to see if the returns does reach 9%. Hope this work out well.
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      I will not make any choices on this. I will be on a 2 pronge approach. WORK to get my seed money for INVESTMENT. Like most people out there, I am not born with a silver/gold/diamond spoon. So this is one of the way to earn my million. WORK actually helps with our values in life as we work towards the 1million goal. I may be clueless if I have the million(s) [Happy]  , so will still find WORK.
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      $Exxon Mobil(XOM)$   Trading Journal of a Retail Speculator Week 23, Day 6. Dear Journal this is the 23rd  week and it is also the last posting as I have ended my holding XOM. I have just sell my XOM via  Trailing Stop Order. In summary, it took me about 6months for a 10% capital gain, which I think it is quite a decent gain. If I can do it successfully for 5 years, compounding. I can double my fund every 5years. I will be picking another stock to try this again. Do look out for my sharing. Til then, take care and stay safe. All things are possible when we are alive[Miser]  
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      My sentiments is that "I have missed the boat". I will just be a short term trader on this. However, I am still keeping my eye on Intel, as they may be the next boat to leave. This may be a long term for me. I would not want to let the cars over take me for long when I am in Grand Prix.
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      Looking forward to this. Always like to stock up bank shares during this time. Banks are some of the stocks that will pay dividends even if there paper lost are encounter. These silver linings help to tide me through the path of recovery.
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      $Exxon Mobil(XOM)$   Trading Journal of a Retail Speculator Week 22, Day 6. Dear Journal this is the 22nd week of holding on to XOM. I am in the Green now. I am currently on Trailing Stop Order to sell my XOM. Trying to push for MAX return [Cool]  
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      $Exxon Mobil(XOM)$   Trading Journal of a Retail Speculator Week 21, Day 6. Dear Journal this is the 21th week of holding on to XOM. It is reaching my target! I have a challenge to overcome. I don't know what price I should sell XOM now... [Thinking]   I think I will try out the Trailing Stop Order to sell my XOM.
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      $Exxon Mobil(XOM)$   Trading Journal of a Retail Speculator Week 20, Day 5. Dear Journal this is the 20th  week of holding on to XOM. It is reaching my target! To the moon XOM 🌝 !!!
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      The Frenzy will always cause volatility, which is great for retail trader. It is either a make or break situation. We need to perform our own due diligence to harness these volatile event!
    • Pay2WinPay2Win
      $Exxon Mobil(XOM)$   Trading Journal of a Retail Speculator Week 19, Day 5. I am in my 19th week of holding on to XOM. The positive numbers is getting larger! To the moon XOM  🌝 !!! As per initial plan, I am still aiming to sell when hit 20% gain.

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