Curly Chai

    • Curly ChaiCurly Chai
      To each his own. Everyone's entitled to own opinions n choices. Whether one chooses to be a bear or a bull or a monkey they live with own  decisions. Whether bull or bear, it's not financial advice. Let's agree to disagree n disagree to agree though his thesis is laughable. Every brand every model has its own market share. No one particular company whether ICE or hybrid or EV can monopolize the whole market. 3 things he said define his thesis n why he's such a not cuddly bear. 1. He's not a fan of tsla or tsla stock. Surely u dun expect him to sing songs of tsla? 2. Tsla does not have plan for a mass market ev. 3. Tsla is a car company. As someone asked. What's he smoking? 
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    • Curly ChaiCurly Chai
      There r only 5 reasons Tesla may fail. 1) Top most is safety. If her FSD consistently causes accidents. 2) losses niche in innovation n creativity i.e. losing to the competition. 3) WWIII or prolonged pandemic or a major catastrophe flattening the giga factories n wiping off billions of investment at the wrath of The Maker. 4) No proper succession post EM. No one lives forever n no man is an island! 5)  Consistent Quality issues, most minor of all reasons. If tsla can avoid above 5 reasons, just future n growth is phenomenal, beyond anyone's imagination! 

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