Investor more than a trader. Looking more at fundamentals than technical setups.

      Alienating yourself to the people that buys your cars is not a very good idea. He is losing a big part of his customer base from his political actions. This could be a good time to go short if you are willing to take some risks for big rewards.  But never under estimate what Elon Musk can do either. Just like Trump he can succeed against all odds..... Maybe time to buy an Corvette instead....

      "Few Democrats Willing to Buy a Tesla" After Elon Musk Backs Trump, Investor Warns

      Elon Musk’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump isn’t sitting well with potential Tesla (TSLA) customers.New data from analytics firm CivicScience shows Tesla’s favorability among Democrats h
      "Few Democrats Willing to Buy a Tesla" After Elon Musk Backs Trump, Investor Warns
      This stock can stay illogical longer than I can solvent by the looks of things. At some point it should all come crashing down like the tulip bulb craze back in the old days of Hollandia. I expect 20 before 40 in the next days. So it will likely do the opposite.....😎
      If I don't have to go to work, then I enjoy spending time with friends and being in the outdoors.....
      $Vaccinex Inc.(VCNX)$ and $Merck(MRK)$ partnership has potential.... This stock has been trending on stock screeners for a little while now. The price is very volatile, and speculators could easily Ignite the flames to send this stock rocketing up in price with some good news ...... With a very low turnover of shares. Small market cap, and a interesting drug in trial to slow Alzheimer’s disease this could have the potential of a blockbuster share to own. Pepinemab is so far well tolerated in the small trial of 50 patients, and should reach its one year conclusion of trials in June. Then potential around another 3 months to make a final report on the beginning of September. It has been working w
      April goals will be to keep the auto invest rolling over, and add a little more onto the Vaccinex project. Let's see where it takes us . Biotech is risky, but can be rewarding too if you spread your risk..
      Inflation is a very stubborn beast. Could be well into next year before we see some real respite....

      Inflation Is Heading Higher Again. Is It a "Bump" in the Road Or Something More?

      February's PCE index showed another sharp increase in pricesAn uptick in inflation early this year and remarkably strong economic growth are likely to keep U.S. interest rates high, but probably not f
      Inflation Is Heading Higher Again. Is It a "Bump" in the Road Or Something More?
      Another Month draws to the close. My investment in biotech looks hazy, but cautiously optimistic that next month will be better, since this one were pretty bad. The goal is still to finish in the top 100 , not the the bottom 10 in the trading competition and to win a price or two. Maybe there should be a price for resilience.....
      I have focused most of my hope on Vaccinex. A little biotech company that have a lot of potential if they can succeed in the latest trial of pepinemab. They are working in a partnership with Merck. Next month they will  do a reverse share split unless they can regain a one dollar minimum value per share. Anything could happen here.....
      Another month of the team trading contest has basically gone. We started off being one of the last in the monthly rankings, but it looks like we are going to make it into the top 150 at least . This means we should have a probable chance of making it into the top 100 next month. Also we might be able to get some prices next month. . So watch this space !
      This month we need to focus on tasks to obtain some incentives. If we all contribute just a little bit , we can improve collectively. Happy New Year Team !

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