2023 best gains near 10% or more beyond 😂💰🏦📈🐂💵👩🏫🧑🏫🕵️♀️ I am beyond excited to share my latest discoveries with you. Hold onto your hats, because I've got some thrilling insights to dish out today! Now, listen up, because I've stumbled upon a real gem in the world of options trading. Brace yourself for the longe sell strangle strategy for Google earnings! Picture this: you're looking at a juicy timeframe of just 2 or 3 days, and guess what? You can snag a sweet 10% of the premium on the sell put side. Oh, baby, it doesn't get much better than that! For all you finance enthusiasts out there, you know the importance of diversification and steady income. Well, let me tell you, insurance companies are the bees' knees when it comes to being a cash cow for dividends. Take Manulife and Pr