Vincent LS

    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      ·07-06 07:45
      What kind of rubbish analysis?

      Intel And AMD Are Going For A Bigger Role In The AI Era, But At A Gradual Pace

      Nvidia Corporation undoubtedly had an early lead in the AI chip race, but its rivals are doing their best to challenge its dominance. After more than one failed attempt to discreetly enter the GPU arena, Intel Corporation , the largest producer of PC and server CPUs, might be slow but seems to be playing the long game. Then there’s Advanced Micro Devices who is already promising to challenge Nvidia with its new chips.Intel is also setting itself apart from AMD and Nvidia with competitive pricing. It is also betting bigon becominga leading player in the foundry market by opening chip fabs throughout the U.S., which is a costly moveas Intel does not expectto break even on this front before 2027.But even AMD didn’t provide an impressive earnings report. For the first quarter of 2024, revenue rose only 2% YoY to slightly over $5 billion and while it recorded revenue revenue gains of over 80% in its data center and client segments, client and gaming segments declined 40%.
      Intel And AMD Are Going For A Bigger Role In The AI Era, But At A Gradual Pace
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      A piece of rubbish analysis. 
      Sorry, this post has been deleted
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  Nothing has changed from two weeks ago. Love the market volatility. But one year from now, we will see. Nvidia is sitting in several markets where it is a dominant force and where earnings have not been priced in! And what's the revenue and earnings potential from Blackwell? Do the maths traders! up up up! 
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $Direxion Daily NVDA Bull 2X Shares(NVDU)$  Looking at 200 by Feb 2025! 
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      When you don't have capital , you cannot rely on diversified portfolio to grow, it has to be single stock approach! Choose the best! 
      Sorry, this post has been deleted
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      Nvidia share price is cheap considered the tehnological advancement and demand outstrips supply. new applications are unlocked every time computing power accelerates.

      Here's what could slow Nvidia's momentum

      Nvidia needs to grow by 70% a year to support its stock price. Nvidia's stock is unlikely to produce the return that exuberant investors are expecting.Nvidia shareholders need a reality check. Nvidia's stock price is currently trading on the implicit assumption of faster growth than even the most optimistic Wall Street analyst is projecting. Nvidia's stock is unlikely to produce the return that exuberant investors are expecting.Pointing this out is not a criticism of the company, whose performance has been nothing short of phenomenal. It's a matter of simple math: How fast must Nvidia grow to support its stock price?A helpful analogy is Qualcomm , one of the highest-flying companies of the dot-com era. Its stock rose 26-fold in 1999 alone. Upon focusing only on how much the company's earnings have grown since then, you might conclude that the high stock price at year-end 1999 was justified. Research Affiliates recently pointed out that, since 199
      Here's what could slow Nvidia's momentum
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  I'm not a technical analyst., I'm just an accountant. How much will Nvidia price Blackwell platform which boasts 25x more computing power than Hoppers GPU?  15-20x hike in pricing? Do the maths!
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  Nvidia’s Blackwell GPUs are going bigger rather than denser compared to the previous Hopper chips. Two dies are glued together to form a single GPU. Each of these GPUs is connected with something resembling a spinal backbone, enabling them to function together as if they are one GPU. This approach is ingenious because rack space is less of a constraint for AI accelerators in data centers. Additionally, it allows Nvidia to continue using chips manufactured with the more mature 4NP technology rather than the latest 3nm technology. This results in better output rates and lower costs per unit. Oh, the glue and spinal cord are patented! 😅😅 This is the check-mate moment. And not a surprise, AMD’s Lisa
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$   NVIDIA FY2025Q1 is out. As what accountant does, I go through the same routine, digest the figures and read the earnings call transcript to build the context. My take - The Blackwell platform has not been priced in the share price! Talks of competition from big techs and AMD are irrelevant when technology is going so fast and make internally built AI system irrelevant quickly and more costly than Nvidia in terms of time cost and performance. [ Market growth X market leadership X right valuation X market liquidity ]
    • Vincent LSVincent LS
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$   TSMC has a strong March and April revenue, mainly driven by AI chips. Crunch the numbers and you will be able to predict the revenue for NVIDIA for FY25 Q1 (FEB - APR). It will be a very strong revenue and GP margin, exceeding management guidance.

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