Hen Solo

As a seasoned investor deeply committed to collaboration and community engagement, I bring a wealth

    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      ·04-28 16:58
      Come what May I won't be selling in May.
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      ·04-28 16:49

      Are the Chinese EV stocks due for rebound?

      The Chinese EV industry led by $BYD COMPANY(01211)$ , $XPENG-W(09868)$ , $NIO-SW(09866)$ , $LI AUTO-W(02015)$ and $XIAOMI-W(01810)$ has been weighed by slowing domestic EV demands, not helped by overcapacity as a result of aggressive expansion to secure market shares in the highly competitive Chinese market, as more players jump onto the EV bandwagon, the latest entry being Xiaomi w
      Are the Chinese EV stocks due for rebound?
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      Just watching from the sidelines with interest. Would love to buy the dip. 
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      Out of my league 😊
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      I can’t understand options yet ☹️
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      Sometimes I’m too dippy to buy the dip is like accidentally putting your phone in the fridge instead of the milk—missing out on opportunities while keeping things cool in all the wrong places.
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      My favourite book that I read many years ago which helped me immensely to understand the market. Described as "By far the best book on investing ever written." (Warren Buffett) "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham stands as a cornerstone in the realm of investment literature, offering timeless wisdom & practical advice for navigating the complexities of the stock market. Graham's emphasis on value investing, risk management, & emotional discipline provides a sturdy framework for both seasoned professionals & novice investors alike. Through insightful anecdotes and meticulous analysis, Graham imparts invaluable lessons on the importance of thorough research, long-term perspective, and a margin of safety in investment decisions. With its enduring relevance & enduring
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      Neither sadly, however would SO like to be a long term holder of $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ !!!
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      As a mature professional, I acknowledge that I am not part of Generation Z, and consequently, I approach the use of e-wallets with a certain level of caution. Given the importance of security in financial transactions, I prioritise understanding and mitigating potential risks associated with using e-wallets. Therefore, while I recognise the convenience they offer, I also take proactive measures to ensure the safety of my personal and financial information when utilising such digital payment methods. I have observed thatIt appears that Gen Z has a strong ability to rely on support from their parents when it comes to financial matters. Generation Z appears to have a seamless integration of their smartphones into their daily lives, often keeping them close at hand at all times. Sometimes they
    • Hen SoloHen Solo
      Investing in low liquidity stocks comes with inherent risks that investors should be mindful of. Due to limited trading activity, they can experience sharp price fluctuations, making them more volatile & potentially less liquid for selling when needed. Moreover, the lack of market depth may result in wider bid-ask spreads, leading to higher transaction costs. To navigate these risks, thorough research is imperative. Investors should analyse the company's financial health, growth prospects, industry dynamics, and management team carefully. Additionally, understanding the reasons behind the stock's illiquidity, such as small market capitalization or low investor interest, can provide insight into potential future performance. Overall, while the potential for higher returns may exist, inv


      小虎們,不知道你們有沒有注意到港股 $中國天瑞水泥(01252)$ ,一夜之間暴跌99%,市值一天蒸發超140億港元![Surprised]這直接朝著盤面來了一刀,猶如切蛋糕的局勢,打的人措手不及![Facepalm]昨日,港股中國天瑞水泥報收於0.048港元,尾盤放量閃崩,下跌99.04%,成交量2.81億股,成交額2438.16萬港元,總市值僅剩1.41億港元![Put]那這背後的原因究竟是什麼?有傳聞是平安信託坐莊爆雷了,那我們要如何規避此類風險股呢?[YoYo]中國天瑞水泥暴跌99%天瑞水泥瞬間暴跌成仙股,背後的真實原因是?4月9日,港股市場再現驚心動魄的一幕, $中國天瑞水泥(01252)$ 的股價在極短時間內遭遇了暴跌。令人震驚的是,這場暴跌發生在短短半小時內,股價狂瀉99%,導致市值瞬間蒸發了驚人的134億人民幣。回顧4月9日的股市交易,在15時45分之前,中國天瑞水泥的股價還處於相對平穩的狀態,大致維持在5港元左右。然而,就在那個關鍵時刻,公司的股價突然出現了戲劇性的暴跌。在短短的25分鐘內,股價從4.92港元急劇下跌至0.048港元,這一變化速度之快,令人瞠目結舌。 這場暴跌帶來的後果是災難性的。在不到半個小時的時間裏,天瑞水泥的市值就蒸發了高達145.48億港元,摺合人民幣約為134.33億元。這一巨大的損失使得公司的總市值急劇縮水,僅剩下1.4億港元,摺合人民幣約為1.3億元。根據相關資料顯示,中國天瑞水泥作為一家投資控股公司,在水泥、熟料及石灰石骨料製造與銷售領域佔據重要地位。該公司不僅是全國重點水泥企業集團之一,更以卓越實力位列全國第九。其背後的天瑞集團由河南首富李留法創立,

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