
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      ·07-26 14:39
      $SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ Honestly, no one can appraise how big this AI boom will be. It's just the start, far far from even mid point. Smci, $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ ,are at the very centre of it and have secured an incredible lead in their field. Much more to come Enjoy the upper ride, hold tight on dips. Dip are natural, but highet will these go for sure.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      ·07-26 14:07
      $Apple(AAPL)$ With VisionPro being an extremely niche product with no path to becoming mainstream it puts a lot of focus on iPhone 16 sales at a time when consumers are not seeing much value in upgrading. Everyone is betting Apple Intelligence is going to deliver those iPhone 16 upgrades. I think that is a very bad bet but then bulls say never bet against Apple.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      ·07-25 15:36
      $STMicroelectronics NV(STM)$ STM's second downgrade in a row is really putting a damper on my enthusiasm for the chipmaker. I had high hopes for them to weather the storm better, given their strong client base including Tesla and Apple. But it looks like even the tech giants aren't immune to the broader economic headwinds. that's concerning. I'm going to have to reassess my position in STM. I'm hoping they can find a way to turn things around soon, but in the meantime, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and staying cautious.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      ·07-25 15:16
      $AT&T Inc(T)$ Seems like this management team has finally learned its lesson and the sp is inching up accordingly. I, too, felt burned by Stephenson and his board, but since Stanley has moved up, I will give him credit for having a newer vision of what T should be ( a true telecommunications company) and so far he has done a nice job of sticking to his game plan of reducing debt and increasing cash flow.I am much more hopeful about the future for T than I was a year or two ago.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      ·07-25 11:43
      $3M(MMM)$ Firms like MMM, $IBM(IBM)$ , and $General Electric Co(GEH)$ have been around for well over 100 years. They have successfully remade themselves numerous time over their long lives. That is the reason to own them. My basis in MMM is $15. It is $8 in $Wells Fargo(WFC)$ and $2.50 in GE. MMM has made few mistakes in my lifetime, though this latest one was a big one and was not necessary. Lesson learned.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      $$ Not everyone realizes how disruptive AMZN's DNA is. Thinking big and very long term distinguishes it from most companies, for starters. It is fearless about entering new sectors and is wildly innovative. It isn't the least bit afraid of making mistakes. What I like the most is that it couldn't care less about most "Street" metrics. It worships the god of CFLW, but don't give a hoot about NOI. So glad it wastes no time & $ on Investor Days, roadshows and all the other efforts many companies make to cozy up to bankers and analysts.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ We are Always very bullish on PLTR. But not as completely as I discount the nattering naybobs of negativity on the bear side. Always be adding, always be patient, watch the quarterly stats and keep the faith. Been teasing 30 for a while now. Should pop over sometime this year. GLTA.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ Microsoft is pretty range bound with an upward arc. At $435-37 it seemed like a good time to add shares so we did. So far Microsoft has been 100% good as an investment for capital gains and Dividend Growth rates over time. Seems like a good opportunity to add shares.
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ A stock worth $250, with flat to declining sales, a new product that is the biggest joke amongst automakers since the Pinto, no other new products in 5 years, no other new products in production, a CEO that is selling hopes and dreams completely detached from reality, and who just awarded himself more compensation that the business has made in its entire lifetime, and who then turned around to pledge support to a candidate that wants to crush the industry...and EPS of 45-60 cents...and you are talking about a "meaningful jump"....LOL
    • KittyBrunoKittyBruno
      $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ I feel this is just market rotation from tech (AI) and some media news about social media from our politicians. The company seems to be sound and making money. This could be coming into a good opportunity. Resistance seems to be at $430 Potentially a good time to pick up some shares? I'm selling a $395 put option out 2 weeks. Collecting $400 and hope that I get assigned. 👀💰

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