
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      ·07-26 14:21
      $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ Companies are spending big on hardware but not getting instant return, so that's hurting those companies now. But AMD should keep selling and doing well. I see use cases out there, and they are expanding fast I think, so it may take time for most companies to get an ROI, but AMD can get instant ROI if they sell a lot. I'm serious I'm not selling my shares at AMD before 203 dollars a share. Fingers crossed...
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      ·07-25 15:15
      $AT&T Inc(T)$ I'm usually against buybacks, but as long as a company does while the stock is cheap I'm ok with it. T is very cheap. as long as they stick to the plan & continue to build out the fiber this stock has a lot of upside. it is not a high flyer stock but it pays decent dividend compared where intrest rate is heading that is lower...issue $20 plus soon
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      ·07-25 11:33
      $Broadcom(AVGO)$ OpenAI x AVGO is huge I can’t stop thinking about the potential behind this deal. OpenAI and $Microsoft(MSFT)$ want to build a 100 billion dollar data center and I can totally see them using Avgo silicon and networking for all that. Avgo already said their customers are approaching them looking to build out million accelerators in a cluster. Not surprised openAI approached them since that’s their exact goal as well.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ Near 30% gains since last month. Broke out of consolidation phase and now bouncing between 23.50-25.50 before the next leg up. Chart looks bullish and nothing to see here on these red days. Let’s go! Patience is the key Mara will sky rocker after earnings great miner among all.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ LONG strategy: RED is temporary. Buy more to average down to hold multi-years. Be patient. Don't sell. MSFT strong fundamental, and business growth well as expected. MSFT is much under-valued. Opportunity to buy. MSFT will rise up sharply. If you want to make REAL money in the market you have to be a risk taker.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ Market seems to fear geopolitical uncertainties. I believe these can be absorbed, but not without measurably elevated volatility. China needs TSM to prosper, now more than ever; but that is me talking, for what it’s worth. Re Trump, his posturing may inspire increased competition for TSM, but at some level that eventuality should be priced into the TSM stock. I have plenty of room in my portfolio to add more semiconductor stocks, once I judge the bottom of the current correction has passed.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ A bad day for the market, but NVDA did not crash as implied by the bears! Tomorrow is likely another green day!Been in this stock since 2017, I don’t understand the Bears spouting all the same nonsense year after year. Buying this stock and holding has been the best financial decision of my life. It has literally allowed me to be able to retire 5 years earlier than originally planned. Filter out the noise and just go long and get richer each quarter.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ PLTR does business with both sides of the aisle. Kamala Harris used PLTR when she was AG of California. The US government is going to continue to use PLTR and they are growing commercial business. The future looks bright. we have a company that is in a great financial position to do many great things. This is probably why there is very little sp change with these down grades.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ Always a good time to buy nvidia if you are holding long term. Buy the big dips like today and hold and you will double triple quadruple your money depending on how long you hold.Fair warning. I have been busy adding to my position. This pull back is nothing more than the mother of all buying opportunities. Take advantage of it or regret it for the rest of your life. 11,000 shares and counting.
    • CyrilDavyCyrilDavy

      AMD Challenges Nvidia's Dominance

      $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ bulls think that Nvidia is invincible, and Jensen has a supernatural form of genius. They think that AMD and Lisa Su are feeble and weak by comparison to Nvidia and Jensen. The only thing that will change the view that Nvidia bulls have, is when AMD starts consistently eating away at Nvidia's market share. Not long ago, $Intel(INTC)$ bulls had the same kind of views, Intel was super powerful and invincible, while AMD was a hopless case destined to fail as it always had done before, but not many of them are still cheerleading for Intel any longer. AMD publicly declared war, when they said
      AMD Challenges Nvidia's Dominance

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