CK Hutchison Holdings LTD

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      • Company Profile

        Company Name
        CK Hutchison Holdings LTD
        Establishment Date
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        Office Location
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        CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd is an investment holding company operating diverse businesses in many countries around the world. The Company operates its business through four segments. Ports and Related Services segment operates ports and terminals in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Americas and Australia. Retail segment operates various health and beauty chains in Europe and Asia. It also operates supermarkets, consumer electronics as well as bottled water and beverage products manufacturing and sale in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Infrastructure segment has diversified investments in energy, transportation, water, waste management, waste-to-energy, household infrastructure and infrastructure related businesses all around the world. Telecommunications segment operates telecommunications services, offering a wide range of telecommunications and digital services in Europe, Asia and Australia.
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        Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.