Daydreaming realized by daytrading?

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I just need to turn $105 in $25k so I don’t have to go back to work.

How to make my money increase by 2000 times in stock market?

There are some crazy or real suggestions:


What’s your advice?

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0DTE Options: Gambling or Good Tool?
4 kinds of derivatives expire on Quadruple witching day. This Friday will be the first quad witching day in 2024. Heavy trading volume makes the market highly volatile compared to normal days.  Zero-day expiration (0DTE) options, also known as same-day expiration options, are options contracts that expire on the same day they are traded.   This concept has been expanded: options expiring that week can also be counted as 0DTE. ---------------- Would you choose 0DTE options as Quad witching day is around the corner?
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Deadline to 11/08 06:19


  • icycrystal
    sure... just convert the [USD] [USD] [USD] to rupiah and the likes, you'll be as rich as the charismatic one... [smile] [smile] [smile] come comment and win coins @aunteenat @xXxZealandxXx @DiAngel @HelenJanet @LMSunshine @koolgal @Shyon @Aqa @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @rL @Zarkness
  • Shyon
    2000 times is not impossible, there are many many successful examples where the value and share price of good companies grow by over 100-200 times over the time. 2000 is not impossible, just that the probability is lower and the time frame might need to be longer. You need to have a far and good future insights on the unexploded, undiscovered company. Imagine the value of NVDA and TSLA in the future 20 years. Hmmmm! @koolgal @rL @b1uesky @icycrystal @Universe宇宙 @Aqa @GoodLife99
    well, if everyone dream to strike it rich so easily, then i guess there will be nobody working anymore.. [Tongue] [LOL] @Tiger_comments


  • koolgal

    🌟🌟🌟One of the most prominent examples of High Risk High Reward kind of stock is $VinFast Auto(VFS)$  .  It would a bonanza if an astute trader bought it at the IPO price of USD 22 and sold it at its all time high of USD 93.  However since then the champagne bubble had popped and VinFast has since dropped to USD 8.50.

    The day dream has come to an abrupt ending and investors who bought and held the stock till now have become bagholders. 

    The morale of the story - Don't chase Fast and Furious kind of stocks like VinFast. 


  • koolgal

    🌟🌟🌟It is nice to daydream being a millionaire overnight.  But the reality is investing is not a get rich overnight kind of thing. If it is the world would be filled with millionaire wannabes.

    However it is important to have dreams for the future, a goal that would anchor us and an action plan to achieve that goal.  Success is 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration.

    Warren Buffett did not achieve his billionaire status overnight but through his belief in buying wonderful companies at fair price and holding them long term, he allows the magic of compounding happen.

    Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia did not become a billionaire overnight.  It took him 24 years to build Nvidia from its IPO in 1999 to a Trillion dollar company this year.  Nvidia's share price is up 240% in 1 year because he laid the foundation in the early years.

    So daydream all we can, but it is having that vision, the passion, the drive and the energy to plan and work towards the goal to be successful is what differentiates the winners from the losers.

    @Tiger_comments  @TigerStars  

  • Fenger1188
    • koolgal
      Yes Tiger to the moon! 🚀🚀🚀🌛🌛🌛💰💰💰
    • Fenger1188
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