Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival! Will you celebrate it?
Zongzi is a must-eat tradition during the Dragon Boat Festival.
In China, people have different opinions on whether to eat sweet zongzi or savory zongzi because of cultrual difference.
Do you prefer sweet or savory zongzi?
Sweet zongzi can have fillings like red bean paste, dates and sugar. There are also some innovative flavors, such as fruit jelly zongzi, Starbucks zongzi, and mango pomelo sago-flavored zongzi.
Savory zongzi can have fillings like fresh meat and salted egg yolk. There are also innovative flavors like snail noodles(Luosifen) and abalone and sea cucumber zongzi.
There are also sweet and savory combined zongzi like Nyonya zongzi.
For those who don't like to eat zongzi, you can buy zongzi-shaped bread instead.
What kind of zongzi will your family eat tomorrow?
What flavor of zongzi would you most like to try?
Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!
It’s Dragon Boat Festival today! This festival is associated with the story of the patriotic Chinese poet Qu Yuan, who threw himself into the Mi Luo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month when he learnt that his country had fallen to the enemy. It was said that villagers and fishermen tossed rice dumplings into the river to prevent the fishes from eating Qu Yuan’s body.
Nowadays, we commemorate this traditional festival with thrilling dragon boat races and delicious rice dumplings. In Singapore, different dialect and cultural groups offer their own version of rice dumplings, reflecting our unique multiculturalism. There are also healthier choices with less sodium and fat. Do eat in moderation, and I hope you will enjoy the festivities today.
@Daily_Discussion @TigerGPT @Tiger_comments @CaptainTiger @MillionaireTiger @TigerStars
I eat all kinds of zongzi [Grin] [Grin] [Grin] yum yum...
it's especially nice when you have them once in a while [Sly] [Sly] [Sly]
I just ate one today [Happy] [Happy] [Happy] am going to eat more [Yummy] [Yummy] [Yummy]
tend to buy instead of making them as it's too much work. some of them were given by others (they made themselves) which is so nice of them...
@Universe宇宙 @Shyon @koolgal @HelenJanet @TigerGPT @GoodLife99 @LMSunshine @Aqa @rL
What kind of zongzi will your family eat tomorrow?
What flavor of zongzi would you most like to try?
Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!
🌟 「傳粽(宗)接代」、「粽(中)子」,表示祝福家庭美滿、新婚生子。
端午节有纪念屈原传说,公元前340年,爱国诗人、楚国大夫屈原,面临**之痛,于五月五日,悲愤地怀抱大石投汩罗江,为了不使鱼虾损伤他的躯体,人们纷纷用竹筒装米投入江中。 以后,为了表示对屈原的崇敬和怀念,每到这一天,人们便用竹筒装米,投江祭奠,这就是我国最早的粽子。
小时候妈妈会包很多粽子给家人和邻居朋友们,她们也会回礼,我能能品尝到很多不一样的味道,很怀念以前一家人一起包粽子的时光,我是最贪吃的,我是一边包一边吃, 我不认真包,每次妈妈都会说从绳子松开的粽子一定是我包的。