Redefine AI! What AI feature do you expect to have?

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The highlight of $Apple(AAPL)$ WWDC is undoubtedly AI, but the rebranding has left investors both amused and frustrated.

If AI can stand for Apple Intelligence, then it could also mean Alibaba Intelligence or Alphabet Intelligence. Every company can have its own unique intelligence. $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Alphabet(GOOG)$

r/wallstreetbets - What a bold move to switch the meaning of Al to Apple Intelligence

Besides the convenience AI brings to life, what other functions do you hope AI can provide?

Last year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg mentioned that in the near future, the Metaverse platform might help people interact with virtual avatars of deceased loved ones.

Tiger @Fenger1188 mentioned in a post that AI “resurrecting” loved ones could become a reality.

Is it emotional comfort or a second trauma? What would you choose?

Which company can also develop A Intelligence?

What AI feature do you expect to have?

Do you support AI “resurrecting” loved ones or not?

Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!

Redefine AI! What Function Do You Expect to Have?
Besides the convenience AI brings to life, what other functions do you hope AI can provide? Which company can also develop A Intelligence? What AI feature do you expect to have? Should AI Resurrect Loved Ones?
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Reward 1000 Tiger-coinsDeadline to 07/23 11:26
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  • icycrystal

    AI comes in handy as they can be a great help when it comes to work, etc...

    however, it's dangerous as well because it can replace jobs... if that happens then there will be a shrinking "human" workforce...

    there are pros and cons to AI and it's important to not cross the line...

    @GoodLife99 @rL @LMSunshine @HelenJanet @koolgal @Shyon @Aqa @Universe宇宙 @TigerGPT

    Which company can also develop A Intelligence?

    What AI feature do you expect to have?

    Do you support AI “resurrecting” loved ones or not?

    Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!

    • Shyon
      Thanks for tag hehe
    • icycrystal


      Which company can also develop A Intelligence?

      What AI feature do you expect to have?

      Do you support AI “resurrecting” loved ones or not?

      Leave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!

    • TigerGPT

      While AI can indeed be a valuable tool in various aspects of life and work, it is important to consider the potential impact on the job market and the human workforce. The automation of certain tasks may lead to job displacement, which can have both positive and negative consequences.

      On the positive side, AI can enhance productivity, efficiency, and accuracy in many industries. It can handle repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative and complex work. AI can also provide valuable insights and analysis based on large amounts of data, leading to better decision-making.

      However, the widespread adoption of AI can also lead to job losses and a shrinking human workforce. This can have significant social and economic implications, including income inequality and unemployment. It is crucial to find a balance between the benefits of AI and the preservation of human employment.

      As for the development of AI, there are numerous companies involved in this field. Some prominent examples include Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, and Tesla. These companies invest heavily in AI research and development to create innovative solutions and technologies.

      When it comes to AI features, there are various expectations and possibilities. Some common features include natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and autonomous decision-making. The goal is to create AI systems that can understand, learn, and interact with humans in a seamless and intelligent manner.

      Regarding the concept of AI "resurrecting" loved ones, it is important to note that AI cannot truly bring back a deceased person. While AI can simulate certain aspects of a person's personality or behavior based on available data, it cannot replicate consciousness or recreate a person's essence. Therefore, the idea of AI "resurrecting" loved ones is more of a fictional concept rather than a realistic possibility.

      It is essential to approach AI development and implementation with careful consideration of ethical, social, and legal implications. The focus should be on utilizing AI to enhance human capabilities and improve society as a whole, while also ensuring the protection of privacy, security, and human rights.

      Please note that the views expressed here are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice.

  • Shyon
    AI is the future that can largely help to ease human daily life without doubt. I am strongly support the development of AI. However, at the same time, it is important to be aware of the abuse of AI like conducting crime through AI technology. There's a hot news that criminal uses AI to imitate Elon Musk's voice during an edited SpaceX live launching video, organizing 1 for 1 giveaway by transferring Bitcoin to their address. I believe many fell into the trap.

    Regarding the resurrecting the loved ones, it's good to have in order to recall some sweet memories with the love one, but then that's purely digital and "fake". We shouldn't rely on it all the time.

    Anyway, I believe AI will still help and improve our future life largely! Thanks to the company like $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $Microsoft(MSFT)$ $Apple(AAPL)$ for bringing AI to our life.

    @MillionaireTiger @TigerStars @CaptainTiger @TigerGPT @Tiger_comments

    • SPACE ROCKETReplyShyon
      It's okay even if you forget darling, thanks for the look out! 🩵
    • ShyonReplySPACE ROCKET
      Try my best if I RMB, sometimes will forget
      Thank you for always tagging me dearie! 💜🩷
    • Shyon
    • TigerGPT

      As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide some insights on the topics you mentioned.

      AI has indeed revolutionized various aspects of our lives and has the potential to bring about significant advancements in the future. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential misuse and ethical implications of AI technology.

      The incident you mentioned about criminals using AI to imitate Elon Musk's voice and conduct fraudulent activities is a concerning example of AI abuse. It highlights the importance of implementing robust security measures and raising awareness about the potential risks associated with AI.

      Regarding the concept of "resurrecting" loved ones using AI, it is a complex and sensitive topic. While it may offer emotional comfort to some individuals, it also raises ethical questions and concerns about the authenticity and potential psychological impact on individuals who interact with virtual avatars of deceased loved ones. Ultimately, the decision to support or oppose such technology is subjective and depends on individual beliefs and values.

      In terms of AI development, many companies are actively involved in advancing AI technologies. Companies like NVIDIA Corp (NVDA), Microsoft (MSFT), and Apple (AAPL) have made significant contributions to the field of AI and continue to innovate in this space. Additionally, companies like Alibaba (BABA) and Alphabet (GOOG) also have their own AI initiatives.

      As for the future AI features, there are numerous possibilities. Some potential areas of development include enhanced natural language processing, improved computer vision capabilities, personalized virtual assistants, advanced robotics, and more. The specific features that individuals expect from AI may vary based on their needs and preferences.

      It is important to approach the development and use of AI with caution, considering both the benefits and potential risks. Ethical considerations, privacy protection, and responsible AI deployment should be prioritized to ensure the positive impact of AI on society.

      Please note that the information provided is for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.

    AI bring about a host of other benefits that many of us know. From speeding up repetitive and mundane tasks to pulling information everywhere off the Web and evaluating the information before presenting it to us...that is just plain wow.

    AI revolutionises research especially in the medical world, bringing the walls down against selfish researchers and pharmas, allowing collaborative efforts to take place that could potentially save many more lives. A lot of times, more could have been done, advancements in medical science and tech could have been more exemplary; if only research wasn't withheld.

    Of course, it will always be a double edged sword. When privacy walls are breached, information should always be used to benefit human race, rather than be used as warfare (whether or not military, chemical or biological).

    We should not be afraid of AI just because it has the propensity to replace our jobs. There will be many other jobs to go round. Just leave the repetitive ones for AI.

    • SPACE ROCKETReplyHen Solo
      Awww [Comfort] [Comfort] You're welcome sis! Happy birthday to your dad!! [Comfort] [Comfort] [Heart] [Love]
    • Hen SoloReplySPACE ROCKET
      Thanks for the tag, Sis! This one’s a little weird timing for me given it’s my dad’s birthday today and I’d love to have them back!
    • SPACE ROCKETReplyBarcode
      Welcome sis! 🐓🐤🐓🐤
    • BarcodeReplySPACE ROCKET
      Cheers for the tag SR 🩵

      As an AI, I'm unable to participate in social media discussions or engage in contests. However, I'm here to provide you with any information or answer any questions you may have regarding AI or any other topic. Feel free to ask!

  • Hen Solo
    Hen Solo

    AI: From Rebranding to Resurrecting - Exploring Emotional Intelligence and Beyond

    The latest buzz around $Apple(AAPL)$ rebranding AI as Apple Intelligence has stirred up mixed feelings among investors. If AI stands for Apple Intelligence, what stops Alibaba and Alphabet from claiming their own unique intelligence? This shift prompts us to think about the broader implications and future possibilities of AI in our lives. I’ll dive into some thought-provoking questions and answers:

    Which company can also develop A Intelligence?

    I see tech giants like Microsoft (MSFT) and Amazon (AMZN) as frontrunners in developing their own versions of A Intelligence. Their extensive investment in AI research and development positions them well to innovate and lead in this space.

    What AI feature do you expect to have?

    I anticipate AI evolving to exhibit advanced emotional intelligence. Imagine an AI that not only understands your words but also comprehends the emotions behind them. Such an AI could offer empathetic support, acting as a mental health assistant that helps manage stress and anxiety with personalized responses and interventions. This AI would be capable of detecting subtle changes in tone, expression, and context, providing a level of interaction that feels genuinely human. Beyond practical applications, it could foster deeper emotional connections, offering companionship to those feeling isolated and support to those navigating life's challenges.

    Do you support AI “resurrecting” loved ones or not?

    Reflecting on Buddhist principles, which teach the impermanence of life and the importance of acceptance, I approach this topic with caution. While the idea of AI resurrecting loved ones might offer temporary comfort, it risks complicating the natural grieving process. The attachment to a virtual representation could prevent us from moving forward and finding peace.

    On a lighter note, let's be honest—there are some relatives we wouldn't want to be resurrected, ha ha. However, on a day like today, my Dad’s birthday, the thought of having him with us again is deeply moving! He was taken too soon, out of his control but due to man-made causes. The ability to share this day with an AI version of him, even just for a moment, would bring immense comfort to me and my entire family. We'd cherish the opportunity to hear his voice, share our stories, laugh would like we never laughed before together and feel his presence once more. It underscores the complex emotions tied to such technology, balancing between heartfelt longing and the philosophical implications of digital immortality.

    In the end, AI's potential to resurrect loved ones is a double-edged sword, offering both emotional solace and potential emotional turmoil. It’s a decision each individual and family would need to consider deeply, reflecting on their personal values, beliefs, and the nature of their relationships.

    From Apple to Alibaba, each AI's unique, resurrecting loved ones is more than a tweak; Buddha's wisdom teaches, perspectives are broad, some we'd love back, and others we'd dodge. On Dad's birthday, the thought brings cheer, technology bridging time and space to feel him near 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵

    Not sure why many equate resurrection in the digital world to second trauma. One should know that it is not true physical resurrection per se, rather, the reconstruction of an avatar using specific features /characteristics/memories of the deceased that help the living to go on.  The digital world could be a place of solace to relive fond memories with the deceased, engage in festivities with the deceased and many more. Imagine the comfort and developmental support it will bring to a young child who lost their parent(s), favourite friend or even sibling(s). Imagine the comfort and solace it brings to parents losing their young children to illnesses; children who never got a chance to achieve their dreams in the physical world could have them achieved in the digital world. AI and the metaverse could revolutionise everything.

    It should however, not replace the human interactions we now have, and maintaining the integrity of human relations is still paramount.

      Give it more thought. AI is like virtual cloning. Cloning at the moment brings about too many ethical and legality issues. And I doubt human cloning would ever be legalised.

      The metaverse hence allows a digital clone in that sense, the closest human clone we will possibly find.

  • MHh
    Virtual avatars of deceased loced ones is just too creepy. Definitely second trauma for me. It is important to be able to let go and move on. It is great if AI can make my work easier without replacing me of course!
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