Google Breakup: Benefits for Shareholders or More Risks?

U.S. considers a rare antitrust move: breaking up Google. The move would be Washington’s first push to dismantle a company for illegal monopolization since unsuccessful efforts to break up Microsoft two decades ago. Some views breaking up Google into several separate companies might prove to be a blessing in disguise for Alphabet shareholders. While investors are facing a long period of uncertainty. ------------ How do you view the potential breakup? How will the breakup news affect GOOG stock price?

avatarTiger V

Investment Reflection: GOOG Stock (September 13, 2024)

My additional investment in Alphabet (GOOG) $Alphabet(GOOG)$   stock on September 13, 2024, reflects my confidence in the company's evolving strategy and financial health. Alphabet has long been recognized for its dominance in search, advertising, and cloud services, but the introduction of a quarterly dividend marks a new era, signaling both stability and a commitment to shareholders. Dividend Initiation: A Catalyst for Long-Term Growth Alphabet's recent announcement of a quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share is a major step. While the initial yield is only around 0.5%, it sets a strong foundation for future growth in shareholder returns. This move mirrors other tech giants, such as Apple
Investment Reflection: GOOG Stock (September 13, 2024)
$GOOGL 20241018 160.0 CALL$ the most important things is be patient!
avatarTiger V

Investment Reflection on Additional GOOG Stock Purchase (August 30, 2024)

Background and Current Situation My decision to increase my investment in Alphabet (GOOG) $Alphabet(GOOG)$   on August 30, 2024, comes at a time when the stock has been under pressure. Since early July, Alphabet's stock has seen a decline, primarily due to a combination of broader market weakness and a mixed second-quarter earnings report. Despite the fact that Alphabet’s overall earnings per share (EPS) of $1.89 exceeded expectations, a key revenue driver, YouTube, fell short of its targets. This underperformance contributed to the stock's downward momentum. Moreover, the looming legal challenges have added to investor concerns. In early August, a federal court ruled that Google is a monopolist, raising t
Investment Reflection on Additional GOOG Stock Purchase (August 30, 2024)
avatarTiger V

Investment Reflection: Additional Investment in GOOG Stock on 23 August 2024

My decision to make an additional investment in Google $Alphabet(GOOG)$  stock on 23 August 2024 was anchored in the company's strategic efforts to reshape its cost structure while positioning itself for long-term growth. As Google undertakes significant investments in future technologies, notably in artificial intelligence (AI), it has simultaneously focused on expanding its operating margins. This dual approach—managing current financial performance while aggressively investing in future opportunities—reflects a company that is not just reacting to market trends but proactively setting itself up for sustained growth. Google Cloud continues to be a bright spot in the company’s portfolio, benefiting from ongoin
Investment Reflection: Additional Investment in GOOG Stock on 23 August 2024

Google: Attractive Cloud And AI Opportunity

Summary Google's efforts to durably reengineer its cost base, enabling it to expand operating margins even when it is investing in the future of the business. Google Cloud continues to benefit from cloud migration, and it is seeing market share gains and an increasing contribution from AI. AI will be a key long-term growth driver for Google, and the company is integrating generative AI into most parts of its business. Most of Google Cloud’s top 100 customers are already using its generative AI solution. While it is early days in terms of seeing the returns on investment on AI capital expenditures, management underscored that for Google, the risk of under-investing is dramatically greater than the risk of over-investing. da-kuk While the threat of OpenAI and generative AI has been
Google: Attractive Cloud And AI Opportunity
Here is a brief introduction to Google: Google is one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. It was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Google's original focus was on developing a better search engine algorithm, which led to the creation of their flagship product, the Google Search engine. Today, Google Search is the most widely used search engine globally, handling trillions of searches per year. Over the years, Google has expanded its products and services far beyond just search. Some of Google's most notable offerings include: - Google Chrome - The world's most popular web browser - Android - The dominant mobile operating system, used by billions of devices - YouTube - The largest online video platform -
Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in internet-related services and products. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google has become a global giant, known for its search engine, cloud computing services, software, hardware, and more. Here's a brief overview of Google's key areas: * **Search Engine:** Google's search engine is the most popular in the world, indexing billions of web pages and providing users with relevant search results. * **Cloud Computing:** Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a suite of cloud computing services, including storage, computing, networking, and data analytics, to businesses and organizations. * **Software:** Google develops a wide range of software products, including the Android operating system, Chrome web browser, Gmail
The U.S. government's consideration of breaking up Google represents a significant antitrust move, potentially the first of its kind since the unsuccessful attempt to dismantle Microsoft two decades ago. This is my perspective on how we should position in relation to this potential breakup, considering historical precedents and their impact on share prices. Analysis of Potential Breakup Historical Context Breaking up a major corporation can have varied impacts on shareholder value. To understand the potential outcomes, we examine two historical examples: the successful breakup of AT&T and the unsuccessful breakup of Kodak since h=the case with Microsoft is well known. Successful Breakup: AT&T (1984) The breakup of AT&T in 1984 is often cited as a successful example of corporate
It won't break easily. Relax
It's good to invest with Google 
SEC has always been critical about companies growing "Too Big To Fail". There are many examples of this "breaking up major companies news" going around. Just to name a few, such as Microsoft, Apple, IBM, etc that have been subjected for decades but not been broken up. But, how many are successfully push by SEC for breakup, probably not many, but a handful. Google will also be in the same league. This comment is not to advise buy or sell Google stock, pls make your own investment decision. But my opinion & strategy to buy the dip for short term gain (Breakup News, Google dip to $159+/share). And keep those purchase during Google stock-split for long term investment.
SEC has always been critical about companies growing "Too Big To Fail". There are many examples of this "breaking up major companies news" going around. Just to name a few, such as Microsoft, Apple, IBM, etc that have been subjected for decades but not been broken up. But, how many are successfully push by SEC for breakup, probably not many, but a handful. Google will also be in the same league. This comment is not to advise buy or sell Google stock, pls make your own investment decision. But my opinion & strategy to buy the dip for short term gain (Breakup News, Google dip to $159+/share). And keep those purchase during Google stock-split for long term investment.
Always bullish on Google 
I recall the book, You can be a Stock Market Genius by Joel Greenbatt. Each time when a break up is about to happen, it is a positive for the stock ! Think $Zts which break up from $pfe. $zts has went up so much ! $Jnj and $kvue, same story!  Normally when a stock is about to be break up, the sum of parts valuation normally will be higher than the existing stocks now ! Stay Focus !!
Google $Alphabet(GOOG)$ Breakup: A Double-Edged Sword The potential breakup of Google, a monumental antitrust move by the US, is undoubtedly casting a long shadow over Alphabet Inc. and its shareholders. While the immediate reaction is market volatility, it's crucial to step back and analyze the situation from a longer-term perspective. Undeniably, this legal battle is a marathon, not a sprint. The litigation process could span years, and the final outcome remains uncertain. This prolonged period of ambiguity will undoubtedly create market fluctuations. However, I believe that the current volatility is likely to be short-lived. Historically, spin-offs haven't always been detrimental. In fact, they've proven to unlock value for shareholders in many