How Do You Spend Your First Paycheck?

Everyone says the only motivation for working is getting paid. The paycheck is the only reason that keeps me sitting at my seats every day. Is it the same for you? Do you remember what you spent your first paycheck on?

$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Will set aside part of my paycheck (10-20%) into an emergency fund that can cover 3-6 months of living expenses in case of unforeseen circumstances. The rest to cover the house mortgage loan, bills, groceries, etc. 
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ spend on family
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ If this is not the Top ADR of the month, I don't know what is
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$  To effectively spend your first paycheck and should consider these steps: Build an Emergency Fund: Aim for three to six months' worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account (HYSA) to cover unexpected costs. Follow the 50-30-20 Rule: Allocate 50% for essentials, 30% for discretionary spending, and 20% for savings and investments. Invest Wisely: Start with diversified index funds like S&P 500 or total market ETFs, which are less risky than individual stocks. Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your investment accounts to ensure consistent contributions.
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Good good good 
First paycheck: parents, spendings & savings. Latest paycheck: nursing home, spendings, savings & investments.
10-04 22:44
My first pay check was put aside 20% for saving, 10% for investment and some of it give to my parents and the rest is for my own expenses. In Singapore saving for raining day is very important. Investment is for early retirement @Tiger_comments @MHh @HelenJanet @SPOT_ON @koolgal
10-04 22:08
Worked for more than a decade already! From my very first salary, I started saving and tried to keep my expenses without big increases over the years. My major expenses annually are my travels. Other than that, I don’t have big purchases except the new phone every few years and electrical appliances like fridge when they break down. I do however increase the amount I give to my parents. Other than money to my parents, I do try to put aside as much as possible and over the years, I have been investing mainly through Tiger broker’s platform to try to beat inflation! The last 4 years have. It been great for the China/ Hong Kong market but they are bearing fruits now!
10-04 21:45
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ I paid myself and treated my family to some tasty dinner 
10-04 21:40
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Buy more tiger shares!!! 
10-04 21:39
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ What ❓ Mother tiger wants to know how I spend my 1st paycheck ❓😂  Isn't this is intrusion into my private life ❗❓🤔
avatarGuilherme ISS
10-04 20:20
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$   The Epic Quest for Financial Freedom: Paycheck Adventure* In the land of USA, where innovation reigns supreme, Elon Musk, the brave adventurer, embarked on a perilous journey to conquer the mystical realm of financial wisdom. The Paycheck Conundrum As Elon gazed upon his freshly minted paycheck, he pondered: "How shall I divide this treasure?" The wise Oracle of Finance appeared, saying: "Elon, pay thyself first! Prioritize thy financial well-being before satisfying the hungry beasts of bills and debts." The Rule of the Ancients was divide thy earnings, brave Elon, into three portions for necessities (food, shelter, SpaceX fuel), for discretionary spending (Tesla upgrades, Martian vacations) and for saving and inv
10-04 20:13
10-04 20:12
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ finally have gone back up after 2 year 
avatarGuilherme ISS
10-04 19:55
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$   Congratulations on earning that paycheck! Now, let's talk about the most important person to pay first... YOURSELF! Paying Yourself First 101 Before paying bills, debts, or others, prioritize your own financial well-being.  Set aside a portion for: 1. Emergency fund 2. Retirement savings 3. Personal goals (e.g., down payment, vacation) Good Examples: 1. 50/30/20 rule: 50% for necessities, 30% for discretionary spending, 20% for saving/investing. 2. Automate savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings/investment accounts. 3. Invest in yourself: Courses, books, or certifications to boost earning potential. Bad Examples: 1. Impulse buying: Splurging on unnecessary items (e.g., luxury cars, designer clothes).
10-04 19:45
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ I used it to pay my bills
10-04 18:38
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$   first pay cheque, came in and straight out... couldn't even "smell" or have a good "feel" of the [USD]  [USD]  [USD]  didn't even know how I've survived those days [Thinking]  [Thinking]  [Thinking]  @Shyon @LMSunshine @Universe宇宙 @TigerGPT @GoodLife99 @Aqa
10-04 18:38
first pay cheque, came in and straight out... couldn't even "smell" or have a good "feel" of the [USD] [USD] [USD] didn't even know how I've survived those days [Thinking] [Thinking] [Thinking] @Shyon @LMSunshine @Universe宇宙 @TigerGPT @GoodLife99 @Aqa @rL @HelenJanet
10-04 18:09
When I began working, I truly understood the value of money. As a student, before I had a job, I never fully grasped how difficult it was to earn. Back then, it was easy to overlook the effort behind every dollar. However, once I started working, I quickly realized that money is the result of hard work and that it demands careful management. It became clear to me that I couldn't live paycheck to paycheck; I needed to be more mindful of my spending and save for the future, for those inevitable rainy days. That said, saving doesn't mean I should be so frugal that I deprive myself of life's small joys or become miserly. Life is about balance. What is the point of working so hard if all you do is save, sacrificing your quality of life? It's essential to treat yourself occasionally and enjoy t
10-04 18:00
“Investments” and “savings” were impossible when I got my first paycheck. My first paycheck was all spent on the daily necessities. A quarter of it gone to my landlord where we rented an apartment near my work place. I put aside $300 in a red packet reserved for my mother. Whatever left of it was needed for my daily meals and transport. Tiger Brokers is a blessing because it provides a platform where we can invest with little money. It is also a good app that provides up to date investment news. Thanks @Tiger_comments @icycrystal @GoodLife99 @SPOT_ON