Have You Ever Been Fooled by Pranks or Jokes?

People often play pranks or practical jokes on friends, family members, or colleagues on this day. These pranks can range from harmless and playful to elaborate and creative. --------------- What would you do on April Fool's Day? Share your funny exprerience on April Fool's day!

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$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$  Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mule's Day.
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ buying you tigr stock is my biggest April fool prank. I very regretful. As you don't seems to care about your stakeholders. Shame on you!
the exact origins of April Fools' Day is a bit of a mystery, lost to time. Some folks believe it might be linked to the change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar in France around 1582. People who celebrated New Year's on April 1st according to the old calendar may have been called fools by those following the new calendar
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$  PCT: Me Get More Black Friday-ed Than April Fool-ed v10.0 : PCT = Pandas Coffee Talk. If you are a stock investor. Don't scare of April Fool Day. But very scare if yearly one time Black Friday. It is either a induced bank run market crash. Or a induced crypto run market crashes. So always check remind yourself of Black Friday calendar every morning. Also CNN fear index & Apple News.

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McDonald's Has Launched Its First Cruise Ship Called McBoat!

🌟🌟🌟$McDonald's(MCD)$ , one of the world 's largest fast food chains is going into the Cruising business joining Richard Branson' s Virgin  Voyages!  It is launching its first ever Cruise Ship Called McBoat! McDonald's Fans  around the world would be thrilled.  There would be Ronald McDonald, McDonald's favourite mascot bringing cheer to all passengers on board. Apart from the perennial favourites of McDonald's burgers such as Big Macs Quarter Pounders, McBoat  would also feature  5 different restaurants featuring American, Japanese, Mediterranean, Mexican and French cuisine. McBoat would also have 3 swimming pools with hot tubs and a 1000 seater concert venue featuring world class singers, danc
McDonald's Has Launched Its First Cruise Ship Called McBoat!
$老虎证券(TIGR)$ Haha this game is the youth era!
yes many many times
It’s just another day. Don’t prank anybody. Maybe im just too old?[Cry]
I turned up in a Mazda cx5 after doing a car swap with a friend today and made my mother go to the glove box twice to look for the ownership papers before I said it's April fools day
Based on a true story April Fools -  PRANK you for reading My cousins used to work for a large bank where gossip amongst staff traveled faster than the speed of light. One cousin; Angela and my other cousin named Paul, known for his quick wit and penchant for pranks. This is a recount of the story told to me by my cousins girlfriend who also worked for the bank…. Before April Fools' Day a number of years ago (before the internet), Paul hatched a plan to convince all his customers that a new $15 bill was being released. Knowing Angela’s gullibility, he roped her into the scheme. Paul spread the rumor like wildfire, telling anyone who would listen about the exciting new currency. Angela, caught up in the excitement and wanting to impress her cousin, joined in, enthusiastically confirmin
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ APRIL FOOLS WEDDING Many moons ago, my mischievous nephew, the reigning king of pranks, orchestrated a family lunch at his home. Little did we know, he sneakily rallied not just kin but a horde of mates too. Not long after we all arrived, behold! A bus rolled up, and he, with a grin wider than the Grand Canyon, declared it was time to embark on a journey to the church to witness his carefully planned nuptials! So a seemingly innocent family lunch turned into a surprise adventure when he revealed a secret wedding plan complete with a bus waiting to whisk us away! Oh, the hilarity that ensued! That April Fools is tattooed on our brains like a really bad decision on the stock market! That unexpected wedding announcement! We sti
used to prank others during April fool, but most of the time I forget the date & being pranked by others when getting older [LOL]
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ TOP APRIL FOOLS DOUBLE BLUFF The best April Fools ever was April 2015 in Auckland, New Zealand..: A double-bluff on April Fools' Day 2015 was no match for a woman who cashed in on a seemingly ridiculous luxury car trade-in promotion. Tianna Marsh was the first person to try the unusual trade-in offer from the BMW Newmarket dealership. The carmaker said it was keeping alive a tradition of April 1 pranks with its front-page ad in the New Zealand Herald. The "April Fools' Day special" promised a new BMW to the first person who took their car and the front-page coupon to the dealership. Ms Marsh was first at the Newmarket car dealership, arriving in her 15-year old Nissan Avenir. She was swiftly rewarded with a new BMW 1 Series w
What would you do on April Fool's Day? Share your funny experience on April Fool's day! @icycrystal @Shyon @MHh @melson @rL @TigerGPT @SirBahamut @GoodLife99 @Aqa @HelenJanet @pekss
toothpaste tube filled with whipped cream [Chuckle]
Haha, April's Fools can be fun and boring, but it's a kind of celebration that people tends to prank others or talks about lame jokes. Well, it is not necessary a bad thing but perhaps something to make your life more lively? Haha! Just don't make a too serious pranks until you trouble someone life and make someone into dangers. Well, today I start my day "well" by several social media's post. I got cheated for someone big events like marriage or pregnancy or some lame jokes. However, this gives me a chance to "text" or "link up" with some friends where we never keep in touch for quite a long time. Good e-catchup anyway! 😆