What Would Happen If You Only Hold Nvidia for the Second Half?

Nvidia is undoubtedly the hottest star stock in the market. Over the past 5 years, Nvidia has risen by 2,967.88%. The anticipated decline after the stock split did not really occur, with the stock pulling back about 10% and then rebounding to $126. Now, whether to take profits and sell or to buy is a very risky choice. If you only hold Nvidia for the second half of the year, opinions are quite divided.

07-07 10:52

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As the saying goes, 'never put all your eggs in one basket'. This adage holds especially true when it comes to investing. While Nvidia is undoubtedly a remarkable company with immense potential and a strong market presence, relying solely on one stock is not advisable. Investing in the stock market inherently involves volatility and risk. Stocks can rise and fall due to various factors including market conditions, company performance and broader economic trends. Therefore, it is prudent to diversify our investment portfolio to spread risk and increase the potential for returns. Despite Nvidia's impressive track record compared to other companies, the stock remains highly priced. This high valuation can be a deterrent for new investors as it limits the potential for significant returns re

If you only hold Nvidia for the second half, what would happen?

If you only hold Nvidia for the second half of the year, what might happen?$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ is undoubtedly the hottest star stock in the market. Over the past 5 years, Nvidia has risen by 2,967.88%.The anticipated decline after the stock split did not really occur, with the stock pulling back about 10% and then rebounding to $126.Now, whether to take profits and sell or to buy is a very risky choice. If you only hold Nvidia for the second half of the year, opinions are quite divided.What do you think?A. Up 20%B. Cover living expensesC. Achieve financial freedomD. Lose 50%E. Go bankruptLeave your comments and also post to win tiger coins!
If you only hold Nvidia for the second half, what would happen?
the thought of holding only $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ in 2024 gives me heart palpitations. here's some possible outcomes: - Growth: Stock price increases with strong earnings and revenue. - Volatility: Price fluctuates due to market factors. - Decline: Stock price drops with increased competition or decreased demand. - Sideways movement: Stable price with minimal growth or decline. Remember, holding a single stock long-term is risky. Diversification can help mitigate risk and lead to more stable returns. Always research and consult a financial advisor.
Erm, I don't think you still can make a significant gain from this stock after the crazy rally. 20% additional gain should not be an issue but do take note when the stock start to have a trend reversal and the AI theme begins to cool down. See what happen to EV now. Everyone has to take the turn and consolidate. Of course it will be a different story if you keep NVIDIA for over few years, over a long investment horizon, you still have high chance to be very profitable. How do you think?
‘Buy’ or ‘Not to buy’ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ now? Fundamentally NVDA share price will go up, at least for 20%. Personally it is most prudent to put aside money essentially to cover living expenses. Then one would be considered having achieve financial freedom. It makes sense to buy some NVDA shares. There are opinions that the stock might loss 50% of its current value due to market volatility or speculations. Quite sure NVIDIA will not go bankrupt anytime in the second half of the year.🍀🍀🍀
I think i'd better be on the safe side and opt for "cover living expenses" first and then hoping that $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ would keep trending up that I would attain "wealth freedom" [Grin] [Grin] [Grin] then I could probably consider retirement [Sly] [Sly] [Sly] @rL @HelenJanet @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @koolgal @LMSunshine
I think i'd better be on the safe side and opt for "cover living expenses" first and then hoping that $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ would keep trending up that I would attain "wealth freedom" [Grin]  [Grin]  [Grin]  then I could probably consider retirement [Sly]  [Sly]  [Sly]  @rL @HelenJanet @GoodLife99 @Universe宇宙 @koolgal
20%, I’m going all in here. I think there’s no real competition for what $NVDA(NVDA)$ do and offer, other than possibly the Tesla chips (according to some of the crypto AI cloud computing services data). In my humble opinion, I believe that NVIDIA will continue to capitalise on every AI opportunity, and are the strongest player (and will be in the future) in their industry by far…


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Is it not better to have a gain (regardless how small) vs a loss no? Anything in positive territory (after less expenses) shld be celebrated!
NVDA is strong & share price is expected to rise unless there’s severe adverse situations. Opting for cover living expenses now is quite prudent even for long run!
up 10% but I don’t hold nvidia. Compared to earning 20%, I’m afraid losing my principal
Depend how much you hold. FIRE
what's the if..what if and what always if only....
B Cover living expense
c for wealth freedom😋