Selling For Premium

    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-26 13:14

      Option Strategies: TQQQ

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!Am contemplating selling puts and buying calls on $ProShares UltraPro QQQ(TQQQ)$ for a bounce. The sell-off has been drastic. Gotta be getting close to a short-term bottom. Might DCA into a position on both. 🤔Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
      Option Strategies: TQQQ
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium
      ·07-25 13:37

      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ looking good for an optionselling trade. Over 1% down ... looking at selling a put credit spread 1% OTM and then selling a call credit spread to turn it into an Iron Condor trade.2. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ testing that 116-118 support range yet again ... and yet again holding. Kinda want to see what tomorrow brings, but if NVDA continues to hold this support zone strongly, then might be another optionselling put play.Thinking -- July 26 expiration, put strike in the 107-110 range. 🤔3.P/L this week gonna look really bad from rolling positions and taking losses on some positions we just wanted to get out of holding 😢.Fo
      Option Strategies: .SPX& NVDA
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Executed our trade on $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ . Changed it up slightly. ▫️ Bought the 1x1x2 put spread as planned▫️ Bought a July 26 exp 200/205 call debit spread▫️ Sold the Aug 9 exp 205 calls2.We bet wrong on $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ for earnings ... 🤣 !! Oh well ... such is life. Here's what we're gonna do.For the July 26 exp 280/285 call debit spread:▫️ Keep the 280 long call as as worthless hedge▫️ Roll the 285 short call down to the 240-250 range for net credit (assuming there is decent premium still available) to offset some of the lossFor the July 26 exp 227.5/225/195 put ratio spread:▫️ Hold the 227.5/225 put debit spread to see if we
      Option Strategies: TSLA& GOOGL
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with u!1.Our trading recap for the week: ✅ Solid performance on the weekly optionselling trades with a net profit of $12,404.72 📈❌ Got killed on our long-term tech stock holdings and longer-expiration sold puts, so this portfolio is down quite a bit from where it was a week ago 📉◻️ No assignments and rolled just one position to this upcoming week's expiration◻️ Gonna be a big earnings week coming up ... be prepared for more volatility◻️ Follow and stay tuned ... will post optionsTrading ideas in a separate post2.Our optionselling game plan for this week with July 26 expiration.Current trades in play:- $ASML Holding NV(ASML)$ 855 put. Rolled this from 900 strike that was expiring last wee
      Option Strategies: SOFI, VST, NVDA& AMD
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: BRK.B, NVDA& ASML

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.STO $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ July 19 exp 108 strike put ... wouldn't mind picking up some shares at this level. The 118 support level is being tested. Am watching closely for a breakdown of that level today and tomorrow.2. $ASML Holding NV(ASML)$ Ummm … yeah … you think!! Just goes to show that earnings matter, but not that much. What matters more is whatever the market makers movers and shakers feel like doing … and right now they feel like selling off tech even if earnings results and guidance are good.3.Very tempted to sell covered/naked calls on $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$ . That daily chart
      Option Strategies: BRK.B, NVDA& ASML
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX& TSM

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Love it when we can let a $S&P 500(.SPX)$ credit spread trade expire worthless!Sold this July 17 exp 5545/5535 put spread when SPX was trading just over -1% earlier this morning around 5600. 5545 short strike was another 1%(ish) move lower. Statistically lower probability that SPX has a -2% day (it could happen, but the probability is low and there wasn't much market news to justify a reason to push it down that low today).2.Was gonna take a pre-earnings trade on $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ , but might just sit this one out and look for a post-earnings play.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
      Option Strategies: .SPX& TSM
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: ASML, BITO& AMZN

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $$ is in a nice pullback. Sold cash-secured puts in the IRA account to capture premium. Targeting the 175 support level for the put. Will roll up the strike and roll back the expiration date to capture more premium and get out of the trade earlier depending on how price action plays out in the coming days. Also sold covered calls to pad the premium capture. ▫️ Aug 16, 175 put strike▫️ Aug 2, 217.5 call strike2.Let's see ... $ASML Holding NV(ASML)$ with earnings pre-market tomorrow. Expected move is ~6%. 🤔 ... thinking of one of the following (all July 19 expiration):▫️ 880 put (at the 200EMA) & 1300 call strikes,
      Option Strategies: ASML, BITO& AMZN
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: .SPX& UNH

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1. $S&P 500(.SPX)$ July 15 exp 5600/5595 put credit spread ... seems like a safe trade to take for today.2. $UnitedHealth(UNH)$ has earnings before the opening bell tomorrow morning. Wasn't on our radar, but now it is. Expected move is 4.4% with the expected move range in-between 495 and 540. Probs will take a very conservative trade and sell-to-open a put at the past earnings bottom of 435 or 440. Not sure if we want to strangle this trade, but if we do it would be at a call strike of 570 or higher.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!
      Option Strategies: .SPX& UNH
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: DJT, CRM, TSLA, NVDA, SMCI& CLSK

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1We do not like this new interface of Fidelity. Definitely prefer the old way of showing our weekly recap. Anyways ... had a solid week! Most of the gains came from playing $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Zscaler Inc.(ZS)$ this week ... combo of buying and writing options.Gonna continue playing those three (along with $Micron Technology(MU)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ ) and sprinkle in the earnings plays next week ... utilizing strangles, spreads, and naked option strategies.2.Our options selling/buyin
      Option Strategies: DJT, CRM, TSLA, NVDA, SMCI& CLSK
    • Selling For PremiumSelling For Premium

      Option Strategies: MU, TSLA& NVDA

      Hello everyone! Today i want to share some option strategies with you!1.Was certain that $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ would have a profit-taking sell-off, but did not think it would have this drastic of a sell-off in one day. 😮Our covered calls are safe ... gonna roll those down to the 260 or 255 strike. We would have preferred to get taken out this week at 267.5, but looks like the market has other plans for us.2.Was hoping that $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ was gonna hold over 130 and maybe test our call strike. Oh well. This trade can be closed out for profit or should be fine to expire worthless for max profit this week.3.Looks like this $Micron Technology(MU)$ trade can be clos
      Option Strategies: MU, TSLA& NVDA

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