
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Warren Buffett Turns 94 Today. 5 Life Lessons From the Oracle of Omaha

      Born on Aug. 30, 1930, Warren Buffett's got 94 years' worth of life experience -- and 83 years worth of investment experience, given the "Oracle of Omaha" bought his first stock aged 11, according to biographer Roger Lowenstein.Buffett, one of the world's most accomplished investors, is most known for making hundreds of billions of dollars buying shares in what he believes to be undervalued companies, and holding them for a long time. His investment company Berkshire Hathaway, which he took control over in 1965, became only the ninth company in history to close at a market valuation above $1 trillion on Wednesday.When Buffett bought the stock in the 1960s, it traded at around $8 a share. As of July this year, its Class A shares -- which have never undergone a stock split -- traded at more than $620,000 a piece.Berkshire has made several blunders in recent years -- it ditched its entire stake in General Motors in late 2023 to call time on a disappointing investment, and appeared to have
      Warren Buffett Turns 94 Today. 5 Life Lessons From the Oracle of Omaha
    • BabyowlBabyowl


      剛剛發現兩家生鮮巨頭每日優鮮和叮咚買菜紛紛更新了招股書,我也剛剛準備申購支持一下,想問問大家對於這兩家,你更看好誰? 我先來說說,都知道我座標北京,所以我經常用的肯定是美團買菜和每日優鮮,畢竟叮咚的主戰場在上海嘛。第一次使用每日優鮮還是去年2月份,因爲疫情的原因,很難買到蔬菜水果,於是就給市面上的生鮮app全下載了一遍,然後比較了一下覺得每日優鮮最好用,主要是食材新鮮,送貨快。 說到送貨快,就不得不提到前置倉模式,目前國內生鮮電商賽道主要是3條,1條是以叮咚買菜、每日優鮮、美團買菜等爲代表的前置倉模式,另一條是以盒馬鮮生、大潤發、物美優鮮等爲代表的店倉一體化模式;還有一條是主打社區團購的多多買菜。而叮咚買菜、每日優鮮均屬於前置倉模式,雖然注重了效率,但生鮮電商的前置倉模式,一直是門燒錢的生意,兩家也都沒有整體盈利。 資本的寵兒 燒錢一直是二者爲人詬病的點,不過,由於一場突如起來的疫情,反而重獲了資本的青睞,每日優鮮分別在去年5月、7月、12月,連獲三輪融資。叮咚買菜也在今年年的4月和5月獲得兩輪融資。從融資輪數來看,二者不相上下。 叮咚買菜共計獲得10輪融資,比較知名的投資方包括高榕資本、老虎基金、弘一資本、紅杉資本、CMC資本等。其中,叮咚買菜在遞交IPO前,上月剛剛完成由軟銀願景基金領投的,3.3億美元D+輪融資。結合早前融資,叮咚買菜D輪累計融資金額爲10.3億美元。 每日優鮮同樣受到資本的青睞。自2014年成立以來,先後獲得11輪融資,累計金額超過160億元人民幣(約合25億美元)。比較知名的投資方包括騰訊、老虎基金、光信資本、元璟資本、高盛集團等。 要規模還是要利潤 雖然二者均沒盈利,但是對於方向的選擇卻不相同,目前,叮咚更關注規模效應,融來的錢很快的燒出去,更注重營收增長。每日優鮮則根據每日優鮮則加大了高毛利產品,虧損進一步縮窄。 從每日優鮮招股書數據,其G
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Why I Believe NIO Will Beat Out Tesla

      The fact that Tesla scrapped its Model S Plaid Plus release is just part of it.Super fans of the latest and greatest high-endTesla, Inc. model received some disappointing news a week ago when CEO Elon Musk abruptly canceled the release of its highly anticipated Model S Plaid Plus with a tweet on June 6.Instead, the company has begun delivering a new Model S Plaid that has only a 390-mile range and 1,020 horsepower, though it still sprints to from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just two seconds.The go
      Why I Believe NIO Will Beat Out Tesla
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Why I Believe NIO Will Beat Out Tesla

      The fact that Tesla scrapped its Model S Plaid Plus release is just part of it.Super fans of the latest and greatest high-endTesla, Inc. model received some disappointing news a week ago when CEO Elon Musk abruptly canceled the release of its highly anticipated Model S Plaid Plus with a tweet on June 6.Instead, the company has begun delivering a new Model S Plaid that has only a 390-mile range and 1,020 horsepower, though it still sprints to from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just two seconds.The go
      Why I Believe NIO Will Beat Out Tesla
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Forget Everything You Know: Morgan Stanley Reveals The Only Metric That Determines What The Market Will Do Next

      Traders of a certain age may recall that back in 2013, around the time the Fed's "Taper Tantrum" spa
      Forget Everything You Know: Morgan Stanley Reveals The Only Metric That Determines What The Market Will Do Next
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Futures Steady Ahead Of Powell Testimony

      U.S. stock-index futures were little changed, trading just 1% below their all time high, while globa
      Futures Steady Ahead Of Powell Testimony
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Dow jumps more than 200 points, rebounds from its worst week since October

      (June 21) U.S. stocks climbed on Monday as the market attempted to rebound from the Dow Jones Indust
      Dow jumps more than 200 points, rebounds from its worst week since October
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      What to watch today: Dow set to bounce after its worst weekly loss since October

      BY THE NUMBERS Dow futuresabout 200 points Monday after the 30-stock average posted its worst weekly
      What to watch today: Dow set to bounce after its worst weekly loss since October
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Dow jumps more than 200 points, rebounds from its worst week since October

      (June 21) U.S. stocks climbed on Monday as the market attempted to rebound from the Dow Jones Indust
      Dow jumps more than 200 points, rebounds from its worst week since October
    • BabyowlBabyowl

      Why Nio Is Investing In Chinese Online Used Car Dealer Uxin

      Chinese EV manufacturer NIO Inc, which has astrong competitive positioning in the Chinese EV market,
      Why Nio Is Investing In Chinese Online Used Car Dealer Uxin

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