I don't get the explaination that Russian-Ukraine conflict is the main factor of the component shortage for chip manufacturing. Ukraine produces 50% of neon gas for the chip industry. Even with Ukraine out, China and Russia have huge amount of neon to supply the world. The problem is politic and economic because they will sell it at their conditions and price they want. Welcome to the reality of these bulls*** sanctions.
Not bad at all. And it's just for this quarter. Now the real ennemy is Singapore multi-dependencies to other commodities and the inflation, the latter being quite reasonable (compared to other countries like USA)... for the moment.
Singapore Q2 GDP Rises 4.8% Y/Y, Missing Forecasts
SINGAPORE, July 14 (Reuters) - Singapore's economy grew 4.8% in the second quarter, missing forecast
Another small fish who wanted to play in the shark pool and got crushed because he thought he was smarter than a guy like Warren Buffet.A bit of humility would have been appropriate rather than claiming victory too early.Now who's shouting "Celsius, Celsius"?
Again this non-sense sanctions talking. Everybody saw how "effective" these were, apart from destroying western people's buying powers. It will not stopRussia, but only create a more powerful block of non-aligned countries opposing the USA and their "democratic" system.
Failure to Implement Russian Oil Price Cap Could Jack up Oil Prices -U.S. Official
TOKYO, July 12 (Reuters) - The global price of oil could surge by 40% to around $140 per barrel if a
Meanwhile, the RUB/USD moved from 0.8 4 months ago to 1.6 today.
The Exchange Rate Between the Euro and Dollar Is Nearly the Same for the First Time in 20 Years
New York (CNN Business)-For the first time in 20 years, the exchange rate between theeuro(EUU)and the US dollar is nearly the same -- the two currencies are less than one cent away from parity.The eur
Lots of common sense here. I can only agree, except perhaps for the cash-vs-reinvestment plan part.It makes sense to cash out dividens if you are willing to spend time to trade/retrade but for other investors who seek for long-term investment, a DRIP (Dividend ReInvestment Plan) can be valuable.
4 Investing Strategies to Navigate the Stock Market in 2021
There are ways to stay invested for the long term even if you're nervous about what the market will do in the near future.