
    • limyblimyb
      Yes historical records and good earnings from tech companies
    • limyblimyb
      Replying to @kldh:ok//@kldh:ok

      How to Invest Your Money When Interest Rates Are Rising

      We believe that your investment goals—rather than what’s going on in the market—should determine how you invest your money. Put another way, we don’t think rising interest rates should necessarily change the way you think about investing your core portfolio—assuming that the asset mix in that core portfolio is aligned well with your time horizon. Most investors probably don’t need to make changes to their portfolios in response to rising interest rates.That being said, some investors may be interested in tilting their portfolios toward stock sectors and styles that may be poised to benefit from rising interest rates. Others may be looking to invest a small bit of money in securities that may help offset the impact of rising interest rates elsewhere in their portfolios. If that sounds like
      How to Invest Your Money When Interest Rates Are Rising
    • limyblimyb
      Replying to @ferwih:ok//@ferwih:nice info
      Cybersecurity - Red Hot Niche of Future Tech The proliferation and widespread adoption of technology (both corporate and personal lives) has also led to a higher number of data breaches in recent years. Cybercrime has been on the rise at a double digit percentage pace and it is not surprising that cybersecurity is well poised to remain as a high-growth industry for many years to come. Besides the conventional industries, it is perhaps time for $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$to venture into cybersecurity, the latest red hot nice in tech, that can yield potentially good returns in the decade to come. Given the rapid pace of growth and development in this industry, it is imperative that one only invests in leaders that have the most lon
      Cybersecurity - Red Hot Niche of Future Tech The proliferation and widespread adoption of technology (both corporate and personal lives) has also led to a higher number of data breaches in recent years. Cybercrime has been on the rise at a double digit percentage pace and it is not surprising that cybersecurity is well poised to remain as a high-growth industry for many years to come. Besides the conventional industries, it is perhaps time for $Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.B)$to venture into cybersecurity, the latest red hot nice in tech, that can yield potentially good returns in the decade to come. Given the rapid pace of growth and development in this industry, it is imperative that one only invests in leaders that have the most lon
    • limyblimyb
      Replying to @ccmk:ok//@ccmk:[smile]


      中國基金報記者 文夕剛完成對五礦稀土整合,“中國神土”又有新動作。10月31日晚,廣東稀土集團旗下唯一上市平臺廣晟有色一則公告披露,其間接控股股東廣東省廣晟控股集團有限公司(廣晟集團)與中國稀土集團有限公司(中國稀土集團)將實現戰略合作。這也是中國稀土集團完成對五礦稀土的資產整合後,又一大動作。業內預計,隨着兩大稀土集團之間聯手,國內稀土資源整合進度將會提速,從而促進稀土定價話語權重塑。值得注意的是,中國稀土(由五礦稀土更名)與廣晟有色爲兩大稀土集團旗下唯一上市平臺。稀土企業整合勢在必行廣晟有色公告顯示,該公司收到間接控股股東廣晟集團通知,廣晟集團與中國稀土集團簽署了《戰略合作框架協議》。根據協議,雙方將在稀土產業、科研、人才等多個領域深入開展交流合作,通過資源整合和產業互補,加快推進央地戰略協同。不過對於合作的具體方案,廣晟有色方面表示尚未最終確定。此前,廣晟有色方面曾表示,稀土資源企業整合是必然趨勢,公司將積極響應國家整合稀土資源,做大做強稀土企業,但暫時尚未接到相關通知。早在2020年初,廣晟集團不再直接持有廣晟有色股份,而是通過廣東稀土集團間接對廣晟有色控股。彼時,廣晟集團將廣晟有色1.29億股股份(佔總股本42.87%)無償劃轉給廣東稀土集團,而廣晟有色也成爲了廣東稀土集團旗下唯一上市平臺。資料顯示,廣晟有色現已形成稀土採選、冶煉分離、深加工及稀土研發的完整產業鏈。作爲廣東省內唯一合法稀土開採主體,廣晟有色近年來一方面挖掘現有礦山,另一方面加速收購省內省外各優質礦產項目,此前便已經擁有平遠仁居稀土礦、大埔五豐稀土礦兩座自有稀土礦,2021年產量分別達到531噸及150噸。而在今年7月10日,廣晟有色公告,控股子公司新豐公司完成左坑稀土礦採礦權全部辦證手續,標誌着公司新增11.14萬噸優質南方離子型稀土儲量資源,增厚了該公司稀土儲量,並有望在今年投產。逐漸形成“一南
    • limyblimyb
      Replying to @Victorng83:ok//@Victorng83:2


    • limyblimyb

      Why Paychex Shares Are Making New All-Time Highs Today

      Paychex Inc is trading higher Wednesday after the company announced better-than-expected fiscal seco
      Why Paychex Shares Are Making New All-Time Highs Today
    • limyblimyb
      US market exit 
    • limyblimyb

      This Unloved Tech Stock Could Make You Rich One Day

      The iBuying business is a race to grow larger, and Opendoor is winning.The company is growing at a rate that is two years ahead of what management projected just a year earlier.The market is bearish on virtually all SPACs, making Opendoor a bargain that could eventually bring huge returns.Real estate iBuying company Opendoor Technologieshas been executing at a high level in the three quarters since coming public via a special purpose acquisition company merger. In a race to disrupt residential
      This Unloved Tech Stock Could Make You Rich One Day
    • limyblimyb
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    • limyblimyb

      S&P 500 ends with slim gain as tech strength offsets cyclical woes

      * Energy sector worst performer, materials weak * Macy's, Kohl's rise on hiking annual guidance * U.
      S&P 500 ends with slim gain as tech strength offsets cyclical woes

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