Stock-Market Uncertainty Can Trigger Panic Selling. Here's A Better Option
What financial advisers do when markets seem unmanageable. Most people operate better in a predictable, stable environment than a chaotic, uncertain one. When uncertainty reigns, people get anxious. Safe assumptions about where to park your money no longer seem clear. Dislocation on many levels can leave investors frightened and unsure what to do.Financial advisers can be helpful at these times - but they're in a tight spot. They're experts, but they don't know everything.He also urges clients to replace feelings of uncertainty with gratitude. Recognizing what you're thankful for leaves less mental energy to worry about an unknowable future. "It's reframing your thought process," Harris said. "It's replacing uncertainty with a measure of control" that comes from feeling grateful for what you have.Your own self-talk plays a role as well. Faced with uncertainty, you can tell yourself "we're doomed" and "all signs ar