Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of SIGA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGA)
How far off is SIGA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGA) from its intrinsic value? Using the most recent financial data, we'll take a look at whether the stock is fairly priced by taking the expected future cash flows and discounting them to their present value. We will use the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model on this occasion. Believe it or not, it's not too difficult to follow, as you'll see from our example!Remember though, that there are many ways to estimate a company's value, and a DCF is just one method. Anyone interested in learning a bit more about intrinsic value should have a read of theSimply Wall St analysis model.See our latest analysis for SIGA TechnologiesCrunching The NumbersWe're using the 2-stage growth model, which simply means we take in account two stages of company's gro