• cheerzycheerzy
      ·10-23 23:44
      $JD.com(JD)$ another strong drop, couldn't break the ceiling of .80 so probably we will lose this floor of .60 too, what a shame, really I am losig patience and properly will sell very soon. Just buy the US stocks, 50% profit since holding is just fine already. what a shame, I expected much more ...[Cool][Cool][Cool]
    • twizzytwizzy
      ·10-23 23:42
      $JD.com(JD)$ pump at open then dump? Great news today on how China is supporting the stock market and blue chip tech stocks, $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ is flying but ours is not …[LOL][LOL][LOL]I am longterm on nothing then small amount of JD!!
    • XianLiXianLi
      ·10-23 23:38
      $JD.com(JD)$ bears are so desperate they have to lie to spread their FUD. JD hasn’t finished their buybacks. Could be a run up to ER. Green candle at end of day might be institutional buys or company buyback. Of course the election will likely be a factor one way or another even though US tariffs don’t affect JD much since the US is not their target consumer[Miser][Miser][Miser]
    • glitziiglitzii
      ·10-23 23:34
      $JD.com(JD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ Retail investors owns 44% of Baba’s shares. Guess big boys will have to shake more weak holders to accumulate more? Patience and holding power is the key for investment in Baba.[Lovely][Lovely][Lovely]
    • wigglyzwigglyz
      ·10-23 23:31
      $JD.com(JD)$ I hope $40 is the new bottom. Looking strong. [Miser][Miser][Miser]We will see how the final hour goes though.By many indicators, American tech is valued at where bear markets starts. Their counterparts in China are valued at where history shows bull markets start[Cool][Cool][Cool]
    • OutsiderLEOOutsiderLEO
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ go ahead and fill the gaping holes, just know which way it's eventually going. It's a gift to both BABA buybacks and those who judiciously trimmed at $119. [Happy][Happy][Happy]Bring it down. Don't get caught short now!We will welcome another recovery!!!
    • cheerzycheerzy
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Like I've been saying since BABA was $117 last week <$100 before >$120. BABA has not been over $120 for 4 years and has dove back under $100 nine times after breaking $100 since. Rinse and repeat.[LOL][LOL][LOL]
    • twizzytwizzy
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ I feel bears take over again. I smell fear. That is good. Means we are closer to the end of the correction than we think. I do not dare to call the bottom, but everyone can draw their Fibb and look at RSI. Let's face it, why would market go lower with the stimulus than before it?[Happy][Happy][Happy]
    • XianLiXianLi
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Today mixture of bad energies. Poor performance from China combined with tragic results from ASML (meaning Nvidia and AMD are threatened) tanking Nasdaq. Anyway, Baba should do better in coming 12 months if Trump does not go totally crazy.
    • glitziiglitzii
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Last weekend didn't shoot BABA to the much talked about $150. When do you speculate next? This Friday, next week, the other Friday, the following week, next month, a year? Manipulators at play selling false hopes to unsuspected FOMOers. It's entertaining to glance through the interactions
    • 香港期權教室HKOptionClass香港期權教室HKOptionClass

      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-14

      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-1筆者重陽拜山,發覺上山的人流比往年少,與連假期間港人大量出境不知有無關係。查看入境署的數據,週四五的港人出境人數為48萬和60萬人,比較再上週的21萬與28萬人,一共多出近59萬人,即是額外的離港人數有近一成港人之多,難怪市面有點失色。回程南下的火車上,飄來陣陣看味,仔細看,不少乘客帶著大袋小袋:有切雞燒肉農家菜,再加上原盒水果。搭客門互相分享今天去了哪區哪個商場,有甚麼好食好買的,好不熱鬧,勾起小時親戚回鄉探親的情景,有種時空穿梭之感。返回港股,日波幅仍是十分大,上週一創出23241點的近期新高。而VHSI亦同步最高曾見44.56,反而週二大跌當天回落低見35.14,證明今次市場主要的恐慌不在股市下跌,而是沒有準備下的急升,把很多基金盤長期盤都殺個措手不及。牛熊證在連日急升急跌下,倉位都被趕出千點之外,參考價值變低,可以暫時不理。週五開始有第三季業績公佈,特別是下週一的平安和下週三的港交所,應該都對市場很有參考價值,詳見下表。會議日期 證券簡稱 代號 目的 期間---------- ---------------- ----- ------------------- ---------------------18/10/2024 中國鐵塔 788 業績 截至30/09/24止9個月18/10/2024 紫金礦業 2899 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月21/10/2024 中電控股 2 第三期中期股息21/10/2024 中國平安 2318 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月23/10/2024 中廣核電力 1816 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月23/10/2024 香港交易所 388 業績 截至30/09/24止9個月25/10/2024 中國海外發展 688 業績 2024年第三季25/10
      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-14
    • mizzmomizzmo

      PDD: The Future is Still Promising!

      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ $BILIBILI-W(09626)$ A tug of war between the bears and the bulls. Increased volatility is expected but a few things are certain:1. The Chinese authorities will do whatever it can to support the economy. They have openly announced it and it shall be done. 2. More economic stimulus is forthcoming.3. Fed will continue to lower interest rates to avert a hard landing4. This gems will continue to be profitable and more so with all the economic stimuli.5. Chinese equities have in general bottomed up and the trend is up from here. Weak holders and t
      PDD: The Future is Still Promising!
    • catandbullcatandbull
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ The china stimulus is less than 100 billion dolars but these chines stock added a market cap of 500 billion to 1 trillionsd inthe last two to three months.[Cool][Cool][Cool]All the gamblers that bought the FOMO rally highs are back to “This sucks, scam, China is uninvestible, last time I buy China”…until it’s at new highs again at least and FOMO hits again…I thank you for your money…😂[LOL][LOL]Let’s do this again…😉😁
    • BirdieOBirdieO
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ China is never going to let its Market run like the US, it does not want wild speculation or Bubbles so the move of them Selling into the pop & the Gov not providing ore info was intentional, they are not slaves to the Market like we are [LOL][LOL][Great]So you have to expect 105 & lower to be in the cards as the US will lean on $Alibaba(BABA)$ , its not unexpected or bad but its just the play this week for the Algo's so,.. Be prepared to take advantage of the trade if it comes but just know how we trade here [Grin]
    • feelondfeelond
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ China stimulus is of the little importance for PDD and specially Temu.[Cool][Cool][Cool]They are already global brands and money maker in the USA and Europe as well.According to market research firm Sensor Tower, Temu's number of total active users is growing rapidly, it reached 91% of that of Amazon in August and may surpass $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ by the end of the year. [Happy][Happy][Happy]The strong evidence on it!
    • YumZoayYumZoay
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ It's important to note that Chinese companies are more of a state than a private entity. The state is a powerful entity that can print money. Think about it. [Smart][Smart][Smart]Game goes on! I am still bullish on PDD!!!
    • catandbullcatandbull
      $JD.com(JD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ from peaks to less peaks. Here come the emotional folk and how bad China is meanwhile they missed 40% to 50% in weeks because they are scared. And no they wouldn't have shorted it into today either they'll just talk their nonsense. They window watch, we play ball. [LOL][LOL][LOL] But what was this week's plan? We use rational thought and common sense. Markets go up and down. [Drowsy][Drowsy][Drowsy]This week's plan was waiting for the roll over.We only expected a modest 7% on Commons, options well you know the deal way more than that. Anywho right or right? It's a game. Learn to play and become untouchable. A Rational Thought~
    • BirdieOBirdieO
      $JD.com(JD)$ BREAKING NEWS 🚨🚨CHINA MARKETS EXPLODE up📈I kept saying for past 9 months, Chinese markets are oversoldWhales are accumulating, u all kept ignoring once in a life opportunity I went in heavy, gains are heavy 💰[Lovely][Lovely][Lovely]
    • BirdieOBirdieO
      $JD.com(JD)$ $NIO Inc.(NIO)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ like I was saying "50/50 chance China opening after long holiday may look to lock profits" now there should be some bargain hunters but it was definitely time for the US to lock in some profits before they opened up. As of now they're selling off hard.. will look for a possible bounce play.. might be able to get the prices I originally got them for 🤷‍♂️😝​
    • feelondfeelond
      $JD.com(JD)$ Are you ready? It's time to be first to catch the stock! [Miser][Miser][Miser]And bulls still thought it was going to just magically pump and pump without any correction lol.And i am one of it! Believe the stock lying on the lowest point.
    • XianLiXianLi
      ·10-23 23:38
      $JD.com(JD)$ bears are so desperate they have to lie to spread their FUD. JD hasn’t finished their buybacks. Could be a run up to ER. Green candle at end of day might be institutional buys or company buyback. Of course the election will likely be a factor one way or another even though US tariffs don’t affect JD much since the US is not their target consumer[Miser][Miser][Miser]
    • cheerzycheerzy
      ·10-23 23:44
      $JD.com(JD)$ another strong drop, couldn't break the ceiling of .80 so probably we will lose this floor of .60 too, what a shame, really I am losig patience and properly will sell very soon. Just buy the US stocks, 50% profit since holding is just fine already. what a shame, I expected much more ...[Cool][Cool][Cool]
    • wigglyzwigglyz
      ·10-23 23:31
      $JD.com(JD)$ I hope $40 is the new bottom. Looking strong. [Miser][Miser][Miser]We will see how the final hour goes though.By many indicators, American tech is valued at where bear markets starts. Their counterparts in China are valued at where history shows bull markets start[Cool][Cool][Cool]
    • glitziiglitzii
      ·10-23 23:34
      $JD.com(JD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ Retail investors owns 44% of Baba’s shares. Guess big boys will have to shake more weak holders to accumulate more? Patience and holding power is the key for investment in Baba.[Lovely][Lovely][Lovely]
    • twizzytwizzy
      ·10-23 23:42
      $JD.com(JD)$ pump at open then dump? Great news today on how China is supporting the stock market and blue chip tech stocks, $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ is flying but ours is not …[LOL][LOL][LOL]I am longterm on nothing then small amount of JD!!
    • 香港期權教室HKOptionClass香港期權教室HKOptionClass

      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-14

      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-1筆者重陽拜山,發覺上山的人流比往年少,與連假期間港人大量出境不知有無關係。查看入境署的數據,週四五的港人出境人數為48萬和60萬人,比較再上週的21萬與28萬人,一共多出近59萬人,即是額外的離港人數有近一成港人之多,難怪市面有點失色。回程南下的火車上,飄來陣陣看味,仔細看,不少乘客帶著大袋小袋:有切雞燒肉農家菜,再加上原盒水果。搭客門互相分享今天去了哪區哪個商場,有甚麼好食好買的,好不熱鬧,勾起小時親戚回鄉探親的情景,有種時空穿梭之感。返回港股,日波幅仍是十分大,上週一創出23241點的近期新高。而VHSI亦同步最高曾見44.56,反而週二大跌當天回落低見35.14,證明今次市場主要的恐慌不在股市下跌,而是沒有準備下的急升,把很多基金盤長期盤都殺個措手不及。牛熊證在連日急升急跌下,倉位都被趕出千點之外,參考價值變低,可以暫時不理。週五開始有第三季業績公佈,特別是下週一的平安和下週三的港交所,應該都對市場很有參考價值,詳見下表。會議日期 證券簡稱 代號 目的 期間---------- ---------------- ----- ------------------- ---------------------18/10/2024 中國鐵塔 788 業績 截至30/09/24止9個月18/10/2024 紫金礦業 2899 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月21/10/2024 中電控股 2 第三期中期股息21/10/2024 中國平安 2318 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月23/10/2024 中廣核電力 1816 第三季業績 截至30/09/24止9個月23/10/2024 香港交易所 388 業績 截至30/09/24止9個月25/10/2024 中國海外發展 688 業績 2024年第三季25/10
      重陽火車見聞錄 港股巨浪浪接浪 2024-10-14
    • twizzytwizzy
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ I feel bears take over again. I smell fear. That is good. Means we are closer to the end of the correction than we think. I do not dare to call the bottom, but everyone can draw their Fibb and look at RSI. Let's face it, why would market go lower with the stimulus than before it?[Happy][Happy][Happy]
    • glitziiglitzii
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Last weekend didn't shoot BABA to the much talked about $150. When do you speculate next? This Friday, next week, the other Friday, the following week, next month, a year? Manipulators at play selling false hopes to unsuspected FOMOers. It's entertaining to glance through the interactions
    • OutsiderLEOOutsiderLEO
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ go ahead and fill the gaping holes, just know which way it's eventually going. It's a gift to both BABA buybacks and those who judiciously trimmed at $119. [Happy][Happy][Happy]Bring it down. Don't get caught short now!We will welcome another recovery!!!
    • XianLiXianLi
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Today mixture of bad energies. Poor performance from China combined with tragic results from ASML (meaning Nvidia and AMD are threatened) tanking Nasdaq. Anyway, Baba should do better in coming 12 months if Trump does not go totally crazy.
    • cheerzycheerzy
      $Alibaba(BABA)$ Like I've been saying since BABA was $117 last week <$100 before >$120. BABA has not been over $120 for 4 years and has dove back under $100 nine times after breaking $100 since. Rinse and repeat.[LOL][LOL][LOL]
    • mizzmomizzmo

      PDD: The Future is Still Promising!

      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ $BILIBILI-W(09626)$ A tug of war between the bears and the bulls. Increased volatility is expected but a few things are certain:1. The Chinese authorities will do whatever it can to support the economy. They have openly announced it and it shall be done. 2. More economic stimulus is forthcoming.3. Fed will continue to lower interest rates to avert a hard landing4. This gems will continue to be profitable and more so with all the economic stimuli.5. Chinese equities have in general bottomed up and the trend is up from here. Weak holders and t
      PDD: The Future is Still Promising!
    • BirdieOBirdieO
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ China is never going to let its Market run like the US, it does not want wild speculation or Bubbles so the move of them Selling into the pop & the Gov not providing ore info was intentional, they are not slaves to the Market like we are [LOL][LOL][Great]So you have to expect 105 & lower to be in the cards as the US will lean on $Alibaba(BABA)$ , its not unexpected or bad but its just the play this week for the Algo's so,.. Be prepared to take advantage of the trade if it comes but just know how we trade here [Grin]
    • feelondfeelond
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ China stimulus is of the little importance for PDD and specially Temu.[Cool][Cool][Cool]They are already global brands and money maker in the USA and Europe as well.According to market research firm Sensor Tower, Temu's number of total active users is growing rapidly, it reached 91% of that of Amazon in August and may surpass $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ by the end of the year. [Happy][Happy][Happy]The strong evidence on it!
    • catandbullcatandbull
      $JD.com(JD)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ from peaks to less peaks. Here come the emotional folk and how bad China is meanwhile they missed 40% to 50% in weeks because they are scared. And no they wouldn't have shorted it into today either they'll just talk their nonsense. They window watch, we play ball. [LOL][LOL][LOL] But what was this week's plan? We use rational thought and common sense. Markets go up and down. [Drowsy][Drowsy][Drowsy]This week's plan was waiting for the roll over.We only expected a modest 7% on Commons, options well you know the deal way more than that. Anywho right or right? It's a game. Learn to play and become untouchable. A Rational Thought~
    • tomthetrader1tomthetrader1

      Chinese Asset Welcomes Great Booming!

      Hello everyone!Today i want to share some technical analysis with you!In February I highlighted $Alibaba(BABA)$ $BABA-W(09988)$ and $TENCENT(00700)$ as a part of the "Outside US Equities" trade category, market titans that had declined 70-80%.Nearly 7 months later both Alibaba and Tencent have traded at the trade idea targets, up 60%+. A relatively clean trade. For me, this marked a spot to record some profit. [Happy]Secondary trade targets for Alibaba & Tencent are 175 and 75 respectively. In the same trade category is Coupang which is also nearing its initial trade target.I remain bullish on all three.Follow me to learn more about analysis!!https://x.com/
      Chinese Asset Welcomes Great Booming!
    • catandbullcatandbull
      $PDD Holdings Inc(PDD)$ The china stimulus is less than 100 billion dolars but these chines stock added a market cap of 500 billion to 1 trillionsd inthe last two to three months.[Cool][Cool][Cool]All the gamblers that bought the FOMO rally highs are back to “This sucks, scam, China is uninvestible, last time I buy China”…until it’s at new highs again at least and FOMO hits again…I thank you for your money…😂[LOL][LOL]Let’s do this again…😉😁
    • OutsiderLEOOutsiderLEO
      $JD.com(JD)$ The stock is Overbought on the 1YR Daily and 3YR Weekly, as I have stated, and I trimmed my position on that condition. That said-I still hold/maintain much of my baseline position from $21.5 because the Company is still valued at forward P/E~11, trailing earnings and guidance have been strong, and there is reasonable upside still (IMO) from this valuation. I have a hard time seeing markets value JD at known/historical S&P avg P/E ~ 17 ($70-75), as there is a risk adjusted valuation from China/US tensions - still further upside, though more limited (IMO) for the reasons noted.[Cool][Cool][Cool]
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      $JD.com(JD)$ $Baidu(BIDU)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$ Everyone’s got their opinion on the China rally. One thing I’ll point out is that it’s China that continues to push this rally - China pushes and the US just follows. This rally can go as far as China wants to push it. If the rally continues there are lots of Chinese stocks that push the boundaries of insane valuations. Trading at insane P/S ratios, small percentages of cash on hand, etc. Not hard to find many.
    • BirdieOBirdieO
      $JD.com(JD)$ $I work with many Chinese colleagues together, a small Chinese community here. All of them talk about stocks now, everybody wants to be participating in it. This small community represents well what's going on in China in big.[Happy][Happy][Happy]Many of them are planning to enter the market at 8th of October, because it's a lucky day/number/constellation. Chinese are very superstitious, many times it is an important factor in their decisions, even in financial decisions as well. Let's see it!!![Happy][Happy][Happy]