
Be Extraordinary Is My Motto In Life Because The Best Is Yet To Be!

    • koolgalkoolgal

      Is BITQ Bitwise Crypto Industry Innovators ETF A Buy As Bitcoin Soars Above USD 100,000?

      🌟🌟🌟Bitcoin soars past USD 100,000 on Friday as a Bullish crypto industry expects early action by Donald Trump when he is sworn in as the US President on January 20. Bitcoin has surged in price since Donald Trump's victory in November reaching over USD 100,000 in December before sliding down below USD 90,000 earlier this week.  In contrast 2 years ago Bitcoin was trading at about USD 20,000. Donald Trump had once said a few years ago that Bitcoin seems like a scam.  But since then he has embraced crypto currencies with a zeal unmatched by any US President in modern day history.  Donald Trump has promised that he would create a special advisory council tasked with providing guidance on creating clear and straightforward regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies within the
      Is BITQ Bitwise Crypto Industry Innovators ETF A Buy As Bitcoin Soars Above USD 100,000?
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·01-18 14:06

      Is XLF Financial Sector ETF A Great Way To Gain Access to US Bank Stocks?

      🌟🌟🌟This has been a great week for the US markets buoyed by cooler than expected inflation report and Big Banks' excellent Q4 24 earnings.  These results bolstered market confidence, signalling resilience in the financial sector despite macroeconomic uncertainties. $Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLF)$ XLF represents the best and strongest US  Financial Giants especially the Big Banks in just 1 ETF.  In fact XLF ETF is the largest ETF for the US Financial Sector with Assets Under Management of USD 50.16 billion. The Top 10 holdings include Berkshire Hathaway, JPMorgan Chase, Visa Inc, Mastercard Inc, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, American Express, Morgan Stanley, S&P Global and Citigroup. The Top 10 holdings wei
      Is XLF Financial Sector ETF A Great Way To Gain Access to US Bank Stocks?
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·01-17 18:45
      🌟🌟🌟As we wait with great anticipation the arrival of Spring Festival, it is a time to celebrate fresh beginnings and set new goals. It is also a busy time to do a thorough spring cleaning of my home as well as buying Chinese New Year goodies. My Top favourite snack is Pineapple Tarts - the kind that melt in my mouth - sweet pineapple filling with contrasting saltishness from the short crust pastry.  Simply heavenly!🥰🥰🥰 Pineapple Tarts or "Ong Lai" in Hokkien dialect means "Fortune is Coming".   My wish this Lunar New Year is that God of Good Fortune will smile on all my Dear Tiger Friends. 😍😍😍🌈🌈🌈💰💰💰 @TigerEvents
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·01-17 18:09
      🌟🌟🌟Q4 24 earnings season has begun with strong earnings from 6 of US largest banks.  This sets the tone for a great year ahead with a new US President Donald Trump about to take office next week on January 20. Donald Trump is very much pro US business and pro crypto.  There is a lot of expectations of what he will do in 2025 especially in the first 100 days of his office.     Let's be bold and seize new trading opportunities in 2025 to have a Successful year ahead.  @Tiger_comments  @TigerStars  @TigerClub  @CaptainTiger &nb


      小虎們,美國六大行(花旗、摩根大通、高盛、美國銀行、富國銀行、摩根士丹利)均發佈超預期財報![Cool]在12月CPI給市場降溫的背景之下,無疑給Q4美股財報季開了個好頭![666]下週 $奈飛(NFLX)$ , $新東方(EDU)$ , $寶潔(PG)$ 等財報陸續來襲,不知道你關注了哪些下注機會呢?[YoYo]🎉華爾街金融巨頭們盈利創3年新高,前景依然樂觀!截止美東時間1月16日,美國六大行( $花旗(C)$ 、 $摩根大通(JPM)$ 、 $高盛(GS)$ 、 $美國銀行(BAC)$ 、 $富國銀行(WFC)$ 、 $摩根士丹利(MS)$ )均發佈超預期財報。綜合市場分析認為,華爾街巨頭在2024 年第四季實現了創紀錄的利潤和資產成長,這主要得益於2024年第四季度美國股市持續交易活躍、11 月和12月的降息助力銀行成本下降,疊加特朗普即將上任,市場預期金融監管趨鬆,投行業務大增等推動了整體銀行業的收益增加。財報發佈後,多數銀行股價上
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·01-17 14:42
      🌟🌟🌟It has been a great week after the latest CPI report came in cooler than expected.  On top of that, the US Big Banks reported excellent results.  The Bull is back in action and Optimism is in the air. Next week we have the inauguration ceremony to welcome Donald Trump as the next US President on January 20.  Donald Trump's motto is Make America Great Again.  He said that he will reduce taxes and relax regulations.  That is great news for US companies and great news for the US banks too.  May the markets continue to rise!  @Tiger_comments  @TigerStars  @TigerClub  


      小虎們,週三公佈的12月CPI數據符合市場預期,給市場降溫,重燃市場降息預期同時,財報季也開了個好頭![Cool]半導體巨頭 $臺積電(TSM)$ 財報遠超預期,表現出AI需求勢頭正猛烈, $摩根大通(JPM)$ 創史上最高利潤,同時 $花旗(C)$ , $高盛(GS)$ 業績也均超預期![Call]那麼你有上車銀行股與臺積電嗎?你看好他們的後續表現嗎?[YoYo]12月CPI符合市場預期,重燃降息預期熱情!由於美國在週三發布的核心通貨膨脹數據呈現降溫趨勢,12月份的消費者物價指數(CPI)年增率符合預測,達到2.9%;核心CPI的年增率則下滑至3.2%,這是六個月來首次下降,並低於預期和先前數據,其季增率也僅為0.2%,低於預期和前值。此外,美國銀行業公佈的財務報告傳來佳音,進一步提振了市場的信心。這不僅促使美股和債券市場雙雙上漲,還讓香港和內地A股市場昨日早盤也呈現漲勢。美國12月份的通貨膨脹年增率與預期相符,根據聯邦基金期貨的數據顯示,市場對美國聯邦儲備系統(Fed)在今年完全不降息的預期,從週二的26%降低到15%。華爾街的眾多分析師紛紛表示,雖然Fed在本月的利率決策上很可能維持現狀,但12月份的通貨膨脹放緩已經減少了對今年降息預期的悲觀情緒,並至少降低了轉為升息的可能性。雖然最新的CPI數據可能還不足以促使一月進行降息,但它加強了對Fed降息週期“尚未終結”的看法,並抑制了部分有關升息的議論。觀察到美國十年期國債收益率大幅下跌近3%,當前
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·01-17 07:25

      Is SGX A Buy?

      🌟🌟🌟SGX $SGX(S68.SI)$  is Singapore's one and only sole bourse operator.  It operates a platform for the buying and selling of securities such as shares, bonds, derivatives and exchange traded funds. In December SGX reached a 52 week high of SGD 13.09 but in January, it has dropped to SGD 12.09 on Thursday's closing.  Is it a good buy? Let's check out its FY2024 earnings report.  On 8 August 2024, SGX reported FY2024 adjusted net profit of SGD 525.9 million, 4.5% higher from the previous year of SGD 503.2 million.  Adjusted EBITDA was up at SGD 711.6 million compared to SGD 688.6 million in the previous year.  Adjusted earnings per share was 49.2 cents in comparison with 47 cents in the
      Is SGX A Buy?
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟Duan Yongping is a phenomenal Chinese entrepreneur who achieved significant success in the stock market, notably with his early investment in $NetEase(NTES)$  In 2001, Duan Yongping bought 2 million shares of Netease at a price of USD 1 per share.  2 years later,  Netease's share price rose to USD 70 a share, giving Duan Yongping a return of more than 50 times his investment.  He also co founded BBK, an electronics company which later split into 3 Companies which developed independent brands.  These include Vivo, Oppo, One Plus, iQQQ and realme.  Duan Yongping came across a Warren Buffett book on value investment.  The 2 ideas in the book  "buying shares in a compa


      小虎們大家好呀!愛吃辣的小老虎時不時會跟大家聊一聊股神巴菲特的持倉變化以及他對市場的看法,雖然沒有黃金副手芒格的加持,但股神的動向和敏銳程度依舊是風向標的存在。[Happy]美國有股神,我們也有中國版巴菲特,本期商戰風雲人物,一起來看看隱形富豪段永平是如何一步步走向巔峯的~~~[YoYo]34歲成立步步高!40歲就退休?一提到段永平,大家可能就想起“步步高”、“小霸王”的標籤,實際上他不僅是一位極具傳奇色彩的人物,他的經歷也十分勵志。[Surprised]1961年3月,段永平出生於江西南昌。父母是江西水利電力學院的教師,段永平從小就生活在注重教育、家境安穩的家庭中。段永平5歲時,父母被分配到井岡山農村,一家人住在一個山腳下的農村中。段永平9歲的時候,由於需要燒窯和鍊鋼,學校佈置的勞動課作業是上山砍柴,砍柴則需要進入深山老林中。於是段永平經常凌晨4點鐘就起牀,步行10公里去砍柴,由於無法按時趕上吃飯時間,他經常只能帶上乾糧對付幾口。不僅如此,幹農活、養豬等農村生活對他的日後人生起到重要的影響。[Great]“那些日子讓我明白了什麼是堅持和責任。”段永平此後回憶道。[ShakeHands]1977年,段永平參加了國家高考,但由於成績並不理想決定選擇在家苦讀半年,然後繼續參加高考。半年後,他順利考入了浙江大學。在浙大畢業之後,他被分配到了北京電子管廠,日復一日的工作讓他逐漸迷茫,兩年後,因此他決定辭去工作去考研深造。1986年,段永平在中國人民大學經濟學院攻讀數量經濟學研究生,畢業後,他選擇離開了北京。[Eye]他曾表示,無論做什麼,只要足夠努力,就一定能做成,這兩次決定也徹底改變了段永平的命運。[Evil]段永平 圖源:中時新聞網1989年,段永平前往廣州擔任“日華電子”工廠廠長,當時的工廠已經奄奄一息,年虧損超200萬、工人幾乎跑光,就在這樣的情況下,段永平決定拯救這家工廠
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟What an amazing turnaround for the US markets on Wednesday.  All 3 US indexes rose and marked their largest percentage gains since Donald Trump 's victory in the 2024 election in November. This was due to a combination of a cooler than expected core consumer price index for December and a strong start to earnings season from the Big Banks.   The yield on the 10 year Treasury note dropped to 4.65% too.  Even the Hong Kong and Singapore markets recovered too.  I am so happy! 🚀🚀🚀🌛🌛🌛🌈🌈🌈💰💰💰 @Tiger_comments  @TigerStars  @TigerClub  @Ca


      小虎們,昨日CPI數據的公佈無疑給市場吃了一顆定心丸!銀行股業績的強勁也推動了市場的向前![Cool]美國通脹放緩推動降息預期,減緩了刺激,也推動了美股的大漲,昨日標指創兩月最佳,美股七巨頭市值一夜增長4.09萬億,熱門中概股也普遍上漲, $網易(NTES)$ 漲超8%![Call]此外美債收益率經過此前一系列跌宕起伏後,終於觸底反彈,走出陰霾,那麼這波行情你在車上嗎?[YoYo]美股三大指數齊漲美國通脹放緩推動降息預期,與銀行財報業績共同推動美股七巨頭強勁反彈!昨日,美國通脹數據的公佈為市場帶來了新的風向標,推動了降息預期,進而引發了美股市場的強勁反彈。當地時間1月15日,美國勞工部發布的數據顯示,2024年12月的CPI同比漲幅符合預期,這一數據增強了市場對於美聯儲可能在2025年降息的預期。受此影響,美股三大指數高開高走,收盤時均取得顯著漲幅。具體來看,道瓊斯工業指數、納斯達克指數和標普500指數分別上漲了1.65%、2.45%和1.83%,創下了自2024年11月6日以來的最佳單日表現。大型科技股也全線上漲,其中 $特斯拉(TSLA)$ 的漲幅尤為顯著,達到了8.04%,市值一夜漲超1022億美元, $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ , $英偉達(NVDA)$, $谷歌(GOOG)$ 上漲3%,
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟Exciting times are  ahead with the new rules by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to promote IPO listings.  These new rules will revitalise Hong Kong as a preferred IPO venue. China's stimulus package announced in September  has also significantly driven trading activity at HKEX too.  In addition to that, HKEX's connect programs strengthen the integration of Hong  Kong with mainland China's financial markets.  HKEX has a healthy IPO pipeline with 96 active applications as of September 2024.  High profile listings like the Midea Group which raised HKD 35.7 billion, makes it the 2nd largest IPO in the world in 2024 and the largest in Asia.  This momentum is expected to attract more Chinese enterprises to list on the Hong Kong Stock Ex


    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟As a Singaporean, Johor Bahru is a shopping paradise.  Almost everything is much cheaper than Singapore.  The familiar refrain among fellow Singaporeans is "Cheap Cheap" and Singaporeans tend to buy loads of household necessities in Johor Bahru (JB).  I like to go to JB every fortnight and prefer to go on weekdays to avoid the horrendous queue at the Causeway.   I also like to take the short 5 minutes train trip to go across.  It is much faster than driving.  Apart from shopping household items like rice, milk powder, Milo and other essential items, I like to treat myself with massage, and enjoy a Buffett lunch or Dinner which offer phenomenal value compared to Singapore.  Occasionally I would book a Staycation in JB and just chill for a few days.

      Do You Usually Visit Malaysia on Weekends?

      A 2024 international cost-of-living survey revealed that Singapore ranks as the most expensive city in Southeast Asia, while Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia is ranked 9th, and Johor Bahru is 11th.Will you be visiting Johor Bahru on weekend?Singapore has long been known for its higher cost of living compared to Malaysia, as well as its higher salaries. Many Malaysians work in Singapore and return to Malaysia daily to save on living and dining expenses.Many Singaporeans plan two- or three-day trips to Malaysia, leaving in the morning to enjoy local food, shopping, and massages, then returning to Singapore in the evening. The transportation between the two countries is highly convenient, with the drive taking about an hour if traffic is smooth.Is Malaysia really a place where you can save half the m
      Do You Usually Visit Malaysia on Weekends?

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