
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      ·04-17 21:29
      Being an investor, i will not cut losses but DCA as all SG stocks are parked at CDP. If i m a trader, i will not park at CDP. Instead, i will have custodial account.
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      ·04-17 21:24
      Please show more compassionate for those lower income families and provide them more help to overcome the high inflation rate. Those lower income families are always “forgotten” by the government or they have no clue which organisations to turn to for more assistance. They are not that well informed as compared to those highly educated families. The hike in GST impacted the nation but the greatest impact are those lower income and elderly folks. Some elderly folks are staying alone or have mobility issue. PM should not just be overjoyed with his new high salary but he should spread his love to the unfortunate. Let’s sit back and see how he performs to prove his worthwhile. We will know in the next GE. [Bless][Smile]
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      ·04-16 22:20
      Everyone has their fair share of buying at the dip or buying at all time high. To each its own. I was in q for 4 counters last friday but sunday’s trial war of iran attack israel has terrified me that i pull out all my 4Q. This morning i m back in q again. [LOL] my itchy hand cant resist temptation. Trying to buy new counters. As for existing counters, i will wait and watch if lady luck is with me before I DCA.
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      Just buy at your own comfort zone and risk. My reasonable price of entry might not be yours. Each of us have our own intrepretion of charts. Low might go lower - even below than the 52th week low. Will you be able to stomach it? If yes, attack! If no, sit back and enjoy a box of chocolate and wait for next venture. No point crying over spilled milk or missed stocks. Sometimes, the boats do u-turn. But when it does, do u have the guts to do so? [Smile][Chuckle][Sweats][Thinking]


      小虎們大家好呀!上一期期貨寶典,期貨茄哩虎跟大家聊了聊期貨大神盈利之路上的十項任務中的其中五項,小虎們學到了哪些呢?如果還沒有學習的小夥伴,可以點擊下面的傳送門看看哦~~~[Great]【📕期貨寶典】期貨大神嘅十項任務,想要盈利應該咁做?(上)今天,茄哩虎繼續給大家介紹後面的五項任務,大家看看是否學有所獲呢~~~[Onlooker]小心觀察(Monitoring carefully)觀察會一直伴隨着我們交易的各個階段,不論是進場前還是持倉過程中。進場前,我們會觀察整個期貨市場行情走勢,以及我們心儀的期貨品種的一些關鍵信息以及什麼時候該買入。在持倉的過程中,我們也會不斷觀察自己的持倉情況,進場時候的理由很可能與你持倉的時候有着翻天覆地的變化,市場上任何情況都有可能發生,不論是對我們有利還是不利。[Thinking]比如最近火爆的黃金和黃金期貨,在突破2150美元前高前,你觀察得出的結論是什麼呢?是買入還是繼續觀望?當突破2150美元后,你是選擇繼續觀望還是買入看漲?正所謂“一千個讀者就有一千個哈姆雷特”,不同的交易者對於行情的判斷都是不同的。茄哩虎在與朋友們的日常聊天中,經常會聽到他們聊什麼事最佳進場時機。最佳進場時機取決於你這筆交易的成功與否。這個時機的出現非常苛刻,既不能過早也不能太晚,過早進場往往會因為市場的反覆或者因為機會的條件不滿足而被止損出場。如果進場過晚,盈虧比又是非常的不合適,或者是行情已經到了尾聲,容易形成追高。[Onlooker]因此,小心謹慎地觀察對於大家非常重要。當你觀察之後有了結論,你再平心靜氣地問自己:對這個頭寸的感覺怎麼樣?是果斷採取行動還是繼續觀望?[Yummy]落袋為安(Abort/Take profi
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      I heard $iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF(TLT)$ is very volatile. I m a simple girl thus I dont need such volatile stuff to spice up my life. Maybe a vodka shot will do the job [LOL][Happy][Smile][Chuckle]


      小虎們,之前ETF虎和大家提過 $20+年以上美國國債ETF-iShares(TLT)$ 一度大幅上升![Cool]還沒讀過的小虎們可以點擊這個傳送門:【🎁有獎話題】TLT大幅上升,標普500指數面臨下跌風險?事實上去年備受熱捧的TLT如今卻陷入了暴跌的困境,讓誤判了通脹趨勢的投資者損失慘重![Facepalm]這是什麼原因呢?下一步還能看好TLT嗎?小虎們快來和ETF虎看看吧![YoYo]TLT受三月CPI數據影響下跌中通貨膨脹加劇造成TLT暴跌?去年最熱門的債券ETF $20+年以上美國國債ETF-iShares(TLT)$ 正在暴跌,重創了誤判通膨的投資者![Facepalm]與衆多債券基金相似,在美國3月消費者物價指數意外發布後, $20+年以上美國國債ETF-iShares(TLT)$ 在週三跌至2024年以來的新低。該利率敏感型基金當日下跌了1.3%。今年以來,TLT的跌幅已達7.1%,完全抹去了去年2.8%的漲幅。作為2023年最受歡迎的ETF之一,這樣的下跌幅度可謂驚人。去年,由於市場預期美聯儲將戰勝通脹且利率將迅速下降,投資者紛紛增持TLT,總增持金額高達248億美元,使其成為所有固定收益ETF中增持金額最多的。然而,投資者很快便意識到通脹的下降趨勢並非一帆風順。1月、2月及3月的消費者物價上漲速度均超出預期。核心CPI連續三個月較上季度上漲0.4%,年化漲幅接近5%。
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      Not into US stocks until i have fulfilled my 2024 SG dividends KPI. [Happy][Smile][Chuckle] Everyone has their own trading plan. Just do it and not be distracted by the noise or ringing sounds of money [Allin][USD] [Chuckle][LOL]


      小虎們,近期港美股的大盤走勢較為震蕩!有漲有跌的複雜局勢下更需要練就一雙火眼金睛![Cool]有些股票一夜之間爆升,如 $特朗普媒體科技集團(DJT)$上市後一夜爆升逾50%, $小米集團ADR(XIACY)$ 官宣SU7後一夜上漲12%![Call]有些股票一夜之間遭受暴擊,如昨天我們提到的 $中國天瑞水泥(01252)$ ,半個小時之內狂跌了99%![Put]所以這個時候能不能慧眼識金,找出真正值得投資的價值股票就顯得極為重要了,你有哪些寶藏心水股推薦呢?[YoYo]股票價值常常受哪些因素影響?股票受影響的因素可能多種多樣,包括市場情緒的過度悲觀、暫時性的不確定性、週期性企業的特點,以及市場盲點等因素。首先,市場情緒對股票價格有着重要影響。當突發的不利消息傳出,例如某家公司的重大事故或行業內的負面新聞,投資者情緒往往會受到影響,導致股票價格下跌。這種情緒驅動的下跌往往使得股票的實際價值被低估。其次,市場的整體變化也會影響股票的估值。在經濟衰退或其他不確定時期,投資者對於未來的擔憂可能導致大量拋售股票,從而使得股價低於其內在價值。例如,在2008年金融危機期間,許多金融機構因次級房貸危機而陷入困境,引發了全球性的恐慌和拋售潮,導致股票價格大幅下跌。此外,週期性行業的特點也容易導致股票被低估。這些行業的業績表現往往受到經濟週期的波動影響。例如,航空業就是一個典型的週期性行業。在經濟不景氣時,人們減少旅行,航空公司為了吸引乘客可能會降低票價,進而影響其營收和盈利,從而導致股價下跌。另外,季節性業務的企業也面臨着類似的問題
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      Not complaining. Increased in dividends and capital gain. What more could i ask for? Even my income tax this year is so much lower than last year. Thanks to the 5 figures donation I gave to my 3 favourite charity organisations. [Happy][Smile][Chuckle][Heart][love you][Bless]
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      I will never add trading experience in my resume as I didnt want to give the potential empolyer that I am not serious in looking for a permanent job. [Sweats] Anyway, I never even update my LinkedIn profile [Silence][LOL]. Just the basic information. Once I was head hunted but based on the job description, it sounds like my customer. I think my company has a clause where I am not allowed to work for our customer. It needs to lapse a year. Moreover, competitor company is unable to match my current pay and remuneration package. [Chuckle][LOL]
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      Just want to win some coins as no intention of buying Tesla
    • DiAngelDiAngel
      I m a J person.Systematic person with excel spreadsheet.i have setup my excel in a way that with current price, what will be my profit if i will to sell them.the counter will change into red when it is below a certain price.etc etc. [Happy][Smile][Chuckle]

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