Is it Wise to Buy Stocks at Historical Highs?

Over the past year and a half, the S&P 500 has been rising, currently up nearly 50% from its low at the end of 2022. If you buy at historical highs and the market subsequently falls, your portfolio could suffer significant losses. Although buying at high points seems risky, if you can hold on firmly for the long term, this risk can be mitigated. ------------ Is it really wise to buy at historical highs? Have your bought at historical highs? Did you profit or lose moner?

Jueeien Timmer's Midyear Market Outlook: Room to run

Jurrien Timer is the director of global macro in Fidelity's Global Asset Allocation Division, specializing in global macro strategy and active asset allocation. He joined Fidelity in 1995 as a technical research analyst.Key takeawaysWhile the current bull market is aging, and may be in its seventh inning, I believe it still has some room to run and that investors still have time on their side.So far, this year has closely tracked a historical pattern of strong returns in the fourth year of a presidential cycle.Rising earnings and the Fed's easing bias may also provide support for the market in the face of the headwinds of high inflation and rates.I believe the coming years could bring an end to the current bull super cycle—which might mean a transition from above-average to below-average r
Jueeien Timmer's Midyear Market Outlook: Room to run

Hold Stocks Firmly? One Indicator -VIX- Worth an Analysis!

The U.S. stock market $S&P 500(.SPX)$ $Invesco QQQ(QQQ)$ hit a new high for the 30th time, and the bull market is expected to continue into next year. Do we need to continue to hold stocks firmly? One indicator worth a look>> $Cboe Volatility Index(VIX)$ The $Cboe Volatility Index(VIX)$ index fell below 12 last month—such a trajectory has only occurred a few times since the index was established in 1990.When we see such levels, the market is quiet. But we should not misinterpret this as "calm before the storm." In fact, individual stocks may start to outperform the market from here.To prove this point, I looked at
Hold Stocks Firmly? One Indicator -VIX- Worth an Analysis!

Chinese Stocks H2 2024 Outlook: Thinking against the consensus

The recent rebound in April is an example that Chinese stocks can rebound without a rebound in property. Falling property price has been a boon to discretionary spending.- China’s economy is bottoming with some upticks, not stalling - our proprietary cycle indicator shows. Manufacturing investment has made up for the fall in property investment. China’s advantage in export stems from its labor productivity and costs. It won’t disappear and will trigger trade frictions. Geopolitical risks abound. - Excess savings are coming out of bank accounts seeking yields. When confidence improves, they will likely be allocated back to stocks, instead of WMPs. The best plays in this unique cycle have been industrial commodities, instead of stocks still beset by regulatory reforms in domestic market
Chinese Stocks H2 2024 Outlook: Thinking against the consensus
Holding for long term And you believe in the company future.
Ok let's address all three questions. Is it wise to buy at historical highs? Well if there is a number of tailwinds that lead you to the conclusion that the stock will continue to rally, then yes. But also look at the potential headwinds. At some point you must make the decision to either buy a ticket for the roller coaster and jump on, or just sit at the ticket booth and watch, interviewing people who are on the ride and either regret your decision not to buy a ticket, or rejoice in your decision to stay on the sidelines. Have I brought at historical highs? Yes, most recently $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$. And to date I have no regrets. I brought at $1.08, not many, but now it's over $1.30 in under two weeks or so. Do I regret not buying more? No, whenever
"Should you buy at historical highs?* The answer isn't simple. Consider the opportunity cost: if you don't invest your weekly auto deposit, it's like saving gold coins without earning interest. Unlike some other apps, NZ users lack access to high-yield intermediary funds. Therefore, investing in stocks, even at historical highs, might be a better long-term strategy.
Everyone is a genius in a bull market But wealth is created in a bear market. Bull markets don’t last forever Bear markets don’t last forever Your only job is to prepare for both.
It is never a good time to enter. whether historically high or low. Today is the best time to enter.
Not wise but no choice. lol
Yes if target for mid to long term investment
Investing in stocks at historic highs requires a balanced approach. While historical trends and potential gains offer compelling reasons to invest, the risk of corrections and valuation concerns warrant caution. By carefully assessing your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and conducting thorough research, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Remember, investing is a long-term game, and staying focused on your objectives can help you navigate market fluctuations with confidence.
What would my 45 year old self tell my 25 year old self, with regards to the market: 1. Buy and hold index funds, and add to them every year. 2. Buy and hold a basket of the world's leading companies, add on 20%+ dips. 3. Stop active trading. Do that, and the results will be in the top 5%. Less is more, over the long term.
[Cool] As warren buffet once said "Be fearful when others are greedy" and "Be greedy when others are fearful".There is so much opportunities right now in the market because of our everchanging world. Technology advancement will change our lives and the industry. [USD] Right now, technology stocks are rising more than ever. The Magnificient 7 and other tech stocks are the driving factors for the increase in the US stock market. We are now more bullish than ever towards technology and Artificial intelligence.  [Doubt] Are stocks at a historical high? I disagree because we do not know if we can go higher and no one can predict a market crash. However, if you continue to Dollar Cost Average and stick to fundamentals, it will pay off.  [Helpless] We have yet to see

In an ever-climbing bull market, the only risk is in hesitation

The $S&P 500(.SPX)$ has been rising for the past year and a half and is now up more than 55% from its low at the end of 2022.In addition, in 2024, the index has hit nearly 30 all-time highs, the most recent of which occurred on June 13.However, the stock market cannot continue to rise, and there will be a correction sooner or later. Once you buy at a historical high and experience a market decline, the investor's portfolio may suffer huge losses.The reason sounds simple, but at present, when the $S&P 500(.SPX)$ is near its historical high, whether investors should firmly buy or wait for a correction before buying is not a simple question to answer.Buy or not? Let's find the answer from historical
In an ever-climbing bull market, the only risk is in hesitation
Dear fellow investors, with the EU dropping their rates. USD has raised in forex value. This will be their cushion when US dropped their rates in Nov.  The corporations are manipulating the numbers to push the main indexes to new highs with decrease volume. Looking back to the data of the 2008 dotcom bubble. It is very similar in nature. History always repeats itself.   The geopolitical landscape is apparent in moving against the US under the Biden Administration.The rise of BRICS and gold reengagement by central banks across the globe. This cannot be more clear of the capital direction ahead.  Do trade with care my fellow investors. Do look out for the Nov 2024 US fed rate cut where we will see the tides retreat with great speed and reveal who
never chase after a stock... I always go for historic.lows to buy
I usually DCA. you nv know when u are able to time accurately for historic highs or lows.
Hard truths: 1) You are not smarter than the market 2) The market does not care about your goals or your feelings 3) The market will continually humble you if you do not realize 1 & 2
For some company it is just matter of time it can break the previous highest stock price, but how long and how high ? Do you have the patience and holding power ? I always get in the middle only, i am not that high risk taker. If i see green i sell 😅😅😅
I will wait for pull back then buy. Too high once fall will hit very hard. I cannot take this impact.