Jo Tan
Jo Tan
I am only a newbie and must learn from others. Current P/L: Loss $3400 (19 Jun 24)
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Newbie's Blog: Grab and Learning to Manage Cycles

Tech stocks like $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ and $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ have never been higher in the last few months, after previous months of hitting lows. Bank stocks are now at its lowest after highs in Dec. My usual thoughts, like most of the market, is why didn't I invest in them earlier? But when I think back, these stocks were projected to be going down because of competition and the general economy. I wouldn't have guessed that they would rise above the grim forecast of possible recession. I view this as part of a large cycle where prices rise and fall and I feel they will rise in general (as long as they continue to innovate and be profitable). This brings m
Newbie's Blog: Grab and Learning to Manage Cycles
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Newbie's Blog: Electric Vehicles: Not yet at its peak?

Even as Tesla reaches new highs in this few months, I prefer to hold on to it. It is part of the many EV stocks I am slowly accumulating. Why? The numbers of EVs in Singapore was 6500 and currently increasing. The government in Singapore is pushing for this iniative "Power Every Move", as part of the Singapore Green Plan, to replace all ICEs cars (internal combustion engines cars) with EVs by 2040. This effort also includes not only EVs, but charging stations as well, where there is a target to set up 60000 charging points by 2030. They plan to set up these points in every town by 2025. The green iniative does not only stop at cars, but public buses as well, where Singapore has started to trial Electric Buses, aiming to replace 400 of them by 2025. Looking at this green push, I have no dou
Newbie's Blog: Electric Vehicles: Not yet at its peak?
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Newbie's Outlook on Fri 16 Jun 23

Now that the Fed's plan for this month has been announced, what do you think about market volatility? Despite no rate hikes this month, the market is still unnerved by comments by the Fed Chairman that one, rate cuts would not happen within this year and two, there could be further hikes this year. I suppose the market will take a while to digest and think about the message, thereby giving mixed sentiments. Somehow, that signals to me that the market will be flat because of different interpretations. That being said, I am carefully not to buy growth stocks at its peak. Knowing the stock's price supports is important to prevent impulsive buying. This however, may prove difficult. For example, $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ , wh
Newbie's Outlook on Fri 16 Jun 23
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If you have read that you must buy now, it's too late.

I've written an article previously titled "If you are on time, you are late". Looking at the many articles now asking you to buy this because the stock will rise soon, I still hold this firm belief that if the rise was already predicted, there is a high chance you're late to the party and the stock is already reaching peak.This is bad because looking at the market right now, the worst time to buy any stock is near or at it's peak.The next worst form of predictive advertising is "If you buy these 3 stocks now, you will make X amount in X years." What a caveat... If it doesn't rise, the author would probably say it will take a few more years.Thus, believing that no one knows the future, the best person to believe in is yourself. You alone must study a stock and make your own judgement. Sure,
If you have read that you must buy now, it's too late.
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Newbie's Blog: Strategies for the year ahead 2

As this year ends, I am struggling (yes, struggling) to reflect on what to do on the year ahead. I'm a middle class guy (not born with a silver spoon or anything) with a mortgage loan but a stable job (just middle level). Of course, I'm always thinking about investing because like almost everyone, I want to break out of the rat race. Although this is my 3rd article under this topic, I'm constantly thinking about how I can improve my strategy for new year, yet reinforcing some principles so that I have some guidelines to invest by. In my situation, se of the primary things intend to do are: 1. Having a mortgage to pay and a family to feed, prior to investing, it is important for me to allocate a certain amount for savings. I have to take into account the higher cost of living next year, esp
Newbie's Blog: Strategies for the year ahead 2
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Newbies Blog 2022: Just sharing things I've learnt

First off, thank you Tiger for giving us a chance to share our investing review. Creating these topics always helps me share my thoughts with a specific direction. Next, I would like to share my investing strategy for next year. This is literally what I learnt about investing for the whole entire year from 1st Jan. I would like to add as a disclaimer, that I'm currently at a loss. ($3500 as of today) I always put my losses in my profile so everyone can see where I stand (and whether to follow my advice or not, haha). But honestly, if you ask me whether I'm grateful for the mistakes, well, if at the end we learn from our mistakes, it's worth it right? One of the most important things I want to exercise next year is my patience. This is with reference to my entry point. While I know we can't
Newbies Blog 2022: Just sharing things I've learnt
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Learning something new from something old

I was re-reading some of my investment resources again, this time reading Ramit Sethi's I will teach you to be rich. I've been reading and re-reading this book for a while and the thing about investing (for me at least) is that you never really grasp a concept until you've been through a certain phase or applied it yourself.Learning Something NewFor me, I've been through a few months of loss and the chapter I was reading "Chapter 7: Investing isn't only for Rich People" struck a chord in me. It also worried me because this was not in my investment plan.Previously, I learnt that it was important to have an investment plan, with fixed allocations of resources every period (for me, it's monthly). Over the long run, this plan would instill discipline regardless of macro conditions.The par
Learning something new from something old
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$Alphabet(GOOGL)$even as the stock split is coming, it has little or no effect on the price. This isnow the reality of the market as investor fears are greater than any small fluctuations.Indeed, it is similar for $$which recently split. Given inflation, it is inevitable that most companies will have lesser earnings in the upcoming season and investors are spooked.What's worse is that the end is not in sight, given the recent announcement that CPI is more than 9% and inflation is seemingly still rising. However, there is an opposing view that this isn't true and that data is lagging. Well, this means investors will need to continue to wait to see if inflation has peaked. Another
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Grab: An objective look at the way ahead

I'm writing this before the earning report later in 2.5 hours. Given$Grab Holdings(GRAB)$'s initial outlook of:-----------1. Deliveries GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) to be between $2.4 billion to $2.5 billion2. Mobility GMV to be between $0.75 billion to $0.80 billion3. Financial Services Pre-InterCo TPV to be between $3.1 billion to $3.2 billionGrab further expects GMV growth for each of the quarters from Q2 to Q4 2022 to accelerate to 30 – 35% YoY, subject to shifts in the COVID-19 environment.-----------I am more objective now in my outlook towards Grab and am ready to drop the stock if the objectives are not met. If the objectives are met, I will continue to accumulate the stock monthly at 10- 30 lots per month (sorry if this sounds meage
Grab: An objective look at the way ahead
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My experience in buying good stocks but losing money

You know I've held the honour of holding great stocks like $Google (drop of $280 per share), $DBS (drop of $5 per share) and $OCBC ($1 per share). But alas, I've come to learn that even if you pick a good stock, I will still lose money? I've learnt that I've picked these stocks at the wrong time where I bought them at the peak.I've come to learn that although Benjamin Graham says not to time the market and to buy a stock but ignore its price, he also mentions to watch for the cost. I am still learning to understand P/E ratios and to listen/read about the profitability of the company.In my learning journey, I've also come to learn that one must observe the surrounding market conditions. As a naive newbie who bought $DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$ at it's peak, I feel that I should have ant
My experience in buying good stocks but losing money
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Falling Blindly in Love with your Stock

You may know that I've been accumulating $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ and in my earlier articles, I raved about it's potential and how much it would was part of many people's lives. stock. Yet, despite that, I questioned myself on whether I was falling in love with a stock without doing my own studies. While I was convinced that I had an edge over other investors because I used Grab often, it may not mean that it's a good company, with good fundamentals and more importantly earning a profit. I continued to think about it's possible growth and moat. While Grab as a superapp has no competitor, it's individual functions are easily substituted. In addition, it may not be as widely used if it does not offer any more discounts. Humans are fickle and these
Falling Blindly in Love with your Stock
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Grab: What do I expect?

In the coming month, on Aug 25, $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$will do it earnings call. For me, it's a make or break, because I've been holding on to this stock since Mar this year.It's also a milestone I will look at to see whether I should hold on to this stock or sell it. I have been diligently accumulating it in small amounts.Performance Its stock price has been slowly increasing, back from a low of $2.26 (this year) to now of $2.90. The stock has had its fair share of protractors, who rightfully have pointed out that the company has yet to make profit and is still leaking cash.For me, I have literally seen them make changes to their business model in order to deal with the decrease in driver supply. They decreased the waiting time from 5 to
Grab: What do I expect?
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Lessons I learnt as a Newbie

It's been 6 months into my investing journey and I've come to learn 4 lessons which I wish I knew back then. But even now, I still have to remind myself of these instead of buying caught up with the fear of missing out.Lesson 1: Don't just buy.I remember the excitement when I saw all the "popular" stocks like Goog, Tesla and Apple. Coupled with popular sentiment that "Stonks only go up", it was easy to get caught up with all the hype. In fact, even during a downturn now, there is still hype about which stocks will withstand the downtrend. As a famous trader said: "You must know what you are buying and why you are buying it."Lesson 2: Have an investing planI remember just thinking about the stocks going up and not what happens if I lose. Looking back now, during this down turn, I am lucky t
Lessons I learnt as a Newbie
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My view on what will happen next month

So the market is mixed. And surely confused after this rate hike (2 Nov). While Powell mentioned that the rate hikes would continue, he mentioned that the pace could decrease. High but not so fast?  Indeed the market has bittersweet feelings on this. But this is what I think will happen. I feel that what the market has feared has happen, a 75 BPS. In that sense, they are now more assured because what was feared has come to pass. But now, there is a possibility that there may be no rate in Dec, but one in Jan 23, albeit an equal or higher one. In this sense, there may be room for a rally somewhere... Somewhere. However, Dec is traditionally a month where traders take a break, so this may dampen spirits (perhaps one in Nov, before Dec?). But whatever it is, one should continue to be war
My view on what will happen next month
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Learning from Losing so you can Win

Market's continue to be red as traders and investors are keeping their eyes on the Fed's forecast of the inflation rate. Just last week, stocks fell due to sentiments with regards to the red hot job market, a sign which showed inflation may continue after reaching highs of 8.6%. With the latest price data showing inflation was still soaring, everyone is doubtful monetary polices would ease.In these times, the market is worried and the obvious answer seems to be to dump stocks, especially with the looming Recession.What can you do? There are many schools of thought. Some believe the recession is already here and right now is the golden opportunity to pick winning stocks. This would also mean keeping eyes on the long term as stocks are already at its lowest and thus, look
Learning from Losing so you can Win
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Jo's outlook and report card for 26 Jan (Bad...C grade)

I was right about the market yesterday that it would be flat. Was it due to my experience orknowledge? Haha, only a fool would attribute those to him being right. Nope, I was not right because of this. While I don't believe in luck, I know I do not have sufficient experience, much less knowledge given that I've only been investing for a year. But I would like to share that I was not right for the first few hours when the $S&P 500(.SPX)$  fell during the first few hours to $3900 from $4016. Even $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$  fell to a low of $3.50. As much as I wanted to overcome my emotions and average down, I was scared and didn't manag
Jo's outlook and report card for 26 Jan (Bad...C grade)
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Selling too early and buying high

I knew $DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$  was falling yesterday but I was not patient enough to buy it at a lower price. This resulted in a loss of around $200. Previously, DBS has been accumulating in price and move to around $35.70. After that it started to free fall to around $34.60 (as of 25 Nov, 1300hrs). To put some context, I had sold DBS last week and sold it too early, as I expected a dip. I had sold it at $35.09 only to see it go up to $35.70. When I bought it back , investors were  already profit taking and I was foolish enough to buy it while they were doing it and I bought at too high a price. Like what the famous Jesse Livingston used to say, when we make mistakes, we learn! Aiyoh, the l
Selling too early and buying high
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$Alphabet(GOOGL)$very pleased that Google has gone up by 4%. I'm not sure if this is a sign of any recovery but it is testament that you can never predict when prices will rise.
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What if I could go back to a moment in 2022?

If I could travel back to 2022, where would I travel? You know, in all honesty, this seemed at first a very easy question for me to answer. The reason is because I started this year and I started green, meaning stocks were on the rise at the beginning of the year. From Jan, this peaked (I understand that stocks peaked on 3 Jan, most of them anyway) but as I had just started, I didn't have the advantage of knowing the peaks. However, since then, most of my stocks have been in red since recession fears and war started. This is the reason I think about travelling back haunts me. The key question I always ask is this: Given that I gained my stock experience from this journey, would I give it up to go back and perhaps not known loss or learnt from the journey? This question is not easy because
What if I could go back to a moment in 2022?
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$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$ has been on an upward trend lately, fueled by thegood performance of $UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED(U11.SI)$ . It has also raised its interest rates on its Multiplier card as part of competition for funds. It will be announcing its earnings tomorrow (3 Nov) and no doubt, many investors will be waiting in anticipation for the results. However, despite the bullish sentiment, I can't help but notice it's inability to break past $35. That ceiling seems to be weighing down. This could be a result of macro conditions. After all, market is still awaiting the end of the Fed meeting to see and be assured of how much the rate hikes is (basicall

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