

Be Extraordinary Is My Motto In Life Because The Best Is Yet To Be!

    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·58 minutes ago
      🌟🌟🌟The latest development of launching a unique basket of  Cryptocurrencies by $Trump Media & Technology(DJT)$  is an exciting one for the Crypto markets .  With a Pro Crypto President , I believe it will do well .  The main draw is the Trump name and his supporters will welcome the ETFs.   This arrangement with is similar to other licensing deals in which companies roll out products using the Trump brand. It is not surprising that $Trump Media & Technology(DJT)$  shares jumped on the news. It is still early days before the new ETFs are launched and also subject to regulatory approva


      小虎們,最近美股小幅上漲,納指已經連漲三天,其中有一隻股票大漲了13%!那就是 $特朗普媒體科技集團(DJT)$ ![Cool]這隻股票大漲的原因主要是特朗普近日宣佈了要和Crypto.com合作發行新的數字貨幣ETF![666]那麼這些數字貨幣ETF背後的運作邏輯是什麼?最近加密貨幣有反彈趨勢,你期待嗎?你會上車嗎?[YoYo]DJT大漲13%1. 市場反應:股價異動與板塊分化3月25日, $特朗普媒體科技集團(DJT)$ 宣佈與加密貨幣交易平臺Crypto.com合作推出混合型ETF後,其股價單日暴漲13%,盤中最高漲幅達14.61%,收於23.94美元。值得注意的是,這一漲勢與加密貨幣板塊整體表現形成鮮明對比—— $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$ 、 $Strategy(MSTR)$ 等主流加密股普遍下跌1%-1.7%,顯示出資金對「特朗普概念」的集中追逐。 此次合作通過旗下金融科技品牌Truth.Fi推出,產品組合包含比特幣(當前價87,790美元)、Cronos(CRO,24小時漲幅28%)等加密貨幣,以及能源、製造業等「美國製造」主題證券。Crypto.com將為ETF提供底層技術架構及託管服務,並計劃通過其覆蓋1.4億用戶的平臺進行全球分銷。BTC受到MSTR大額加倉昨日反彈2. 產品設計:政治敘事與金融工程的融合該ETF的獨特之處在於其「價值觀投資」框架:- 雙重資產池:首次將數字資產(比特幣、以太
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟My Favourite Stock is $NVIDIA(NVDA)$ and by using a leveraged or inverse ETF it is possible to gain short term, depending on which direction the stock is tracking.  I like that the proposed CSOP Leveraged or Inverse ETF do not have withholding tax of 30% like in the US based leveraged or inverse ETF.
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟I believe that CSOP is doing a great job in introducing leveraged and inverse ETFs in Hong Kong.  It is an excellent idea especially for people who are not into options trading.    Leveraged and Inverse ETFs capped the losses as compared to Options Trading when an inexperienced trader can lose more money.
    • koolgalkoolgal
      🌟🌟🌟After raising USD 5.5 billion in upsized stock sale, Xiaomi $XIAOMI-W(01810)$  share price has dropped 6% in the past 5 days.  However it is still up 57% year to-date .  In 2024 Xiaomi has skyrocketed 249%, making it one of the best performing Hong Kong stocks. I am bullish on Xiaomi as I believe that it is making the right move to expand its EV business.  Xiaomi is also doing well in its smart phone business as it is growing its market share globally  and currently one of the most popular brand worldwide. CEO Leijun has done an excellent job in expanding Xiaomi's growth.  Xiaomi is a worthwhile stock to buy and hold long term .


      小虎們,今年以來 $小米集團-W(01810)$ 股價節節高升,上週更是交出了遠超市場預期的Q4業績答卷![Cool]而繼 $小米集團-W(01810)$ 在19日盤中再次創59.45港元歷史新高後,確定了將開啟巨額配股融資![Surprised]消息一出,昨日其股價尾盤大跌5%,今日開盤即大跌5.5%,市場議論紛紛,堅定看多的人認為這不僅是久違的回調上車機會,更是長期利好![Applaud]而看空的人則認為這是市場頂部訊號,更是抽水訊號,對比之前 $比亞迪股份(01211)$ 等配股後的股價震蕩,那麼你是哪一派,你認為這次小米的巨額配股孖展後市是漲還是跌呢?[YoYo]小米今日開盤股價即大跌一、配股背景與市場反應:短期承壓與長期邏輯3月24日, $小米集團-W(01810)$ 傳出擬以先舊後新方式配售8億股,每股定價53.25港元,較前一日收盤價折讓6.6%,預計孖展淨額約425億港元,主要用於業務擴張、研發投資及一般營運。此次配股規模僅次於 $比亞迪股份(01211)$ 近期435億港元的融資,成為港股科技企業標誌性事件。消息公佈後,小米股價應聲下跌,3月25日開盤即低開5.53%,反映出市場對短期股權稀釋的擔憂。然而,這一調整並非孤立事件。今年2月,小米股價曾因SU7 Ultra降價促銷引發估值爭議,儘管銷量超預期,但股價在三天內累計下
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-25 23:24

      Is XLE Energy Sector ETF A Buy?

      🌟🌟🌟Oil prices rose after President Donald Trump announced a 25% US tariffs on any country buying Venezuelan oil.  The news helped Brent spot oil prices break above USD 73/bbl, settling at its highest since late February.  XLE $Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund(XLE)$  is up 1.8% in the past 5 days a d has risen 7.5% year todate.  XLE represents the best and strongest US Energy Giants in just 1 trade within the S&P500 universe. The Top 10 holdings include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Corp, Conoco Phillips, Williams Corporation, EOG Resources, ONEOK Inc, Schlumberger Ltd, Kinder Morgan Inc, Phillips 66, Marathon Petroleum and Baker Hughes.  The Top 10 holdings weightage is 74%.  Total number of hol
      Is XLE Energy Sector ETF A Buy?
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-24 22:29

      Is Tiger Brokers A Buy?

      🌟🌟🌟Tiger Brokers $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ also known as UP Fintech Holdings has just announced an excellent Q4 24 and Full Year 2024 Financial results on March 18.  Its share price jumped to USD 9.94 and it is currently up 8.7% in the past 5 days.  Tiger Brokers have now risen 32% year todate and in 2024, it has skyrocketed 152%! For Q4 24 Total Revenue reached USD 124.1 million, an increase of 22.8% and year over year growth of 77. 3%.  The full year Total Revenue is USD 391.5 million, an impressive increase of 43.7% from 2023. Net Income for the quarter reached USD 28.1 million, a quarter over quarter growth of 58% compared to a net loss of USD 1.8 million in the previous year quarter.  Non GAAP net income was USD 30.
      Is Tiger Brokers A Buy?
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-24 09:33
      🌟🌟🌟Using options strategy in the volatile Hong Kong market is a great way to ride the volatility.  Options Strategies such as buying Put Options, expecting to profit when the market pulls back.  Another option strategy is the Straddle or Wide Straddle Strategy.  This strategy is useful when the markets direction is uncertain.
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-24 09:27
      🌟🌟🌟One of the best ways to invest in Hong Kong stocks is the $TRACKER FUND(02800)$ which represents the best and strongest Chinese companies such as $BABA-W(09988)$ $TENCENT(00700)$ $MEITUAN-W(03690)$ and $XIAOMI-W(01810)$.  The Tracker Fund is low cost and offers a wide diversification into the Hong Kong Stock market. It is less risky that investing in individual Hong Kong stocks.  I believe that the Tracker Fund is undervalued and can only go up exponentially in the future. @Tiger_comments
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-24 09:14
      🌟🌟🌟At the GTC 2025 Conference, Jensen Huang has demonstrated unequivocally that $NVIDIA(NVDA)$ is very much the leader of the AI Revolution with his latest technological products such as the Blackwell Ultra Chip and the new Rubin Chip which will be released in 2026. Quantum Computing is still very much in the early stages of development and will complement AI supercomputers. Jensen Huang is also showing that he is willing to collaborate with the Quantum companies as that will accelerate the development of AI computers. I like Jensen Huang's spirit of cooperation with other companies so that the AI revolution can continue to grow exponentially in the future.   I believe that $NVIDIA(NVDA)$ wil


      Hello各位小虎們,上週英偉達GTC 2025大會在美國聖何塞召開,火熱程度不言而喻,10點纔開始演講,6點就不少人前往會場排隊,聖何塞市區的交通一度形成大面積擁堵!一起來來看看本次大會上,黃仁勳又有哪些觀點呢?[Smile]英偉達也沒逃出DeepSeek魔咒?當地時間3月18日至19日,在發表了全球矚目的演講後,英偉達創始人黃仁勳又開始接受媒體採訪,他採訪中表示自己過去兩天只吃了100卡路里的食物,快低血糖了,在參加了超過十多場的聚會後,老黃也明顯出現疲態。[Drowsy]「人們說我的GTC演講就像是AI界的超級碗,電腦行業的所有人都在這裏了,唯一的區別就是每個人都能在這場超級碗中獲勝,每個人都是贏家!」老黃說道。[Cool]我們先來看看本次的一些新產品:Blackwell Ultra芯片:老黃稱「買得越多,賺得越多」,號稱專為AI推理時代打造,性能比此前提升1.5倍;Vera Rubin芯片:英偉達計劃在2026年底推出的下一代超級芯片,配備88個CPU及288GB高帶寬HBM4內存,內容儲存量Grace的4.2倍,帶寬提高2.4倍。老黃透露在2027年推出Vera Rubin Ultra芯片,之後則是Feynman架構及相應芯片;Dynamo推理框架:這一框架通過「分離式服務」進行模型優化與生成,能夠最大化利用現有資源,與Perplexity達成合作開發事項;DGX個人AI超級電腦:推出Mac Mini大小的DGX Spark,擁有128GB內存,能提供每秒1000萬億次的AI算力;同時還推出了搭載GB300芯片功能更強大的DGX Station。圖源:英偉達在DeepSeek火遍全球后,英偉達股價和市值接連下跌,黃仁勳的個人財富也大幅縮水,最近兩個月,英偉達股價不能說坐過山車,但也是上下震盪,本月一度跌至最低的104.77美元,截至週五收盤,英偉達收跌0.7%至1
    • koolgalkoolgal
      ·03-23 22:06
      $SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 ETF(SPLG)$ tracks the S&P500 Index and represents 500 of US best and strongest companies in just 1 trade!  I have invested in SPLG since 2022 as I like that it is low cost, well diversified and minimises my risk when the markets are volatile. SPLG is the mini version of $SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY)$ .  Both ETFs are managed by State Street Global.  However SPLG has the lowest Expense ratio of just 0.02% compared to all other competing ETFs.    SPLG also pays dividends every 3 months.  This awesome ETF goes ex dividend on March 28 2025, just in time for Easter. SPLG - Maximum Power at Minimum Cost!
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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.